Growth Lab Story 006: The Beach


Hey all!  Like my previous stories, this takes place in ReadyArt’s Growth Lab Universe.  Specifically, it adapts pages 87-95 and 104-120 of the yet to be released comic “Tryouts” which will be forty-fifth in the fantastic long running series of Growth Lab comics.  In this story we see the characters exploring a new location out in space that may explain the origin of growth energy and involves a fun look into a different side of Luna Masters and Roger Benton.


Hannah Stromberg | Roger Benton | Alexander Dunn | Jean Grey | Ultima Montgomery | Lisa Westing (Top Right In Linked Page) | Emily Banks | Luna Masters


Breast Expansion (F), Butt Expansion (F), Giantess Growth (F), Hourglass Expansion (F), Sexual Relations (M/F), Clothing Destruction (M/F), Oral Sex/Deepthroat (M/F), Foot Growth (M/F), Age Progression (F)*.

*Characters undergoing age progression are and stay 18+


All characters are owned by ReadyArt and used with their permission. ReadyArt can be found at (, DeviantArt, and Patreon.

The Wall

“Attention all Strongbow crew members, the tractor beam has locked onto The Wall, energy transfer is currently underway, all sectors be on alert for energy fluctuations.”

A low rumble emanated from the core of the double-barreled science research craft as the engine drives transitioned from interstellar propulsion to anchor the Strongbow securely roughly ten miles from the impassable expanse of energy referred to as “The Wall.”

The Wall’s existence had been known for some time among the various international research teams and armed forces.  However, knowledge of The Wall’s origin and makeup was sparse and closely guarded. This mission marked one of the first large-scale military efforts to examine The Wall, with the primary goal in this case being the finding and retrieving Commander Luna Masters.

Several month’s prior, Luna Masters had undergone an extensive eight-month decom onboard Cerberus Station following her accidental discovery and retrieval of the stranded Piccadilly crew from a planet in an uncharted sector of space that was accessed accidently through a faulty warp jump. It is speculated that two large energy crystals, large enough to be classified as moons sitting in that sector was the cause for the warp anomaly.  Masters absorbed one of the moon-size energy crystals found in that sector, gaining enough power to teleport herself and both crews back.  After the extended quarantine, Masters was assigned alongside Lieutenant Ultima Montgomery to the U.N.A.F Strongbow science vessel. On the Strongbow’s next mission, it was attacked in an asteroid field by a cloaked ship, destabilizing the shields. Luna discovered, to her surprise, that the Strongbow’s shields were powered by synthesized imitations of the moon-size crystal she had absorbed when in the uncharted sector. To prevent a large-scale energy outbreak, Luna and Ultima ingested the crystals to bring them back to Cerberus Station for quarantine. On the way back both Luna and Ultima succumbed to the effects of the crystals and were expelled from the Strongbow during their subsequent growth and expulsion of the crystals.  However, Luna proceeded to re-absorb both moon crystals and grew to an unprecedented size spanning multiple light-years before going dormant. To safely defuse and shrink Luna, Emily Banks and Roger Benton piloted a shuttle inside Luna’s body to retrieve the two experimental crystals. While inside Emily and Roger were still inside her, Luna woke up. Emily and Benton grew too big to exit Luna’s body in time, so they unloaded their energy into Luna to try to get her to overload.  Luna was able to contain the discharges, leading her to grow even larger, but eventually she became unstable and disintegrated into a black hole, disappearing off the scanners. Emily and Benton narrowly escaped, and Emily successfully returned the two experimental crystals to Hannah Stormberg. Luna’s importance to the energy project in various roles necessitated a search and retrieval mission led by Hannah Stromberg to track down Luna’s energy signature and reconstitute her body.  The search had led them directly to The Wall.

The Strongbow had since been reconfigured and was now the largest of the Piccadilly Class science research vessels at twice the size and mass of the Luxembourg. Its core design resembled two normal cylindrical Piccadilly class science vessels such as the Luxembourg melded together side by side, forming a Venn diagram profile when viewed from the front. This profile was interrupted only by a large command tower shooting upward at the front of the craft from between the two conjoined cylinders. The command tower sloped back down to the core structure where multiple bridges and conduits stretched between the upper halves of the conjoined cylinders.

Anchored in space alongside the Strongbow was the Navy’s Yamato-class space battleship the Europa. The ship had a decidedly more imposing design in contrast to the Strongbow and drew heavily from the design World War II era Japanese super dreadnought battleship Yamato, albeit its size being five times larger.  The Europa’s hull was three quarters the length of the Strongbow and the height equal to the radius of one of the Strongbow’s cylinders. The most immediately recognizable feature of the Europa was an energy cannon with its opening situated in the middle of the ship’s bow with the hull widening slightly at the front to accommodate the rounded diamond-shaped barrel.

The wall of energy positioned in front of the two ships was a constantly shifting and morphing sea of plasma casting bright light in various shades of green outward into the black void of space. The density of the energy field surrounding The Wall and the resulting chromatic aberration made it visually opaque to the human eye. The crew relied on an array of scanners using the latest spectrometry techniques to isolate the numerous frequencies and energy signatures contained inside.

In front of the two ships, a smaller shuttle craft could be seen flying forward closing in on The Wall. The craft was of modest size to house up to a crew of ten, rectangularly shaped with the front viewing window that sloped back into the roof out of which a small hemispherical observation bubble protruded in between the ships two rear vertical stabilizers. General Hannah Stromberg stood on the bridge of the shuttlecraft squinting at the green light of The Wall as the shuttle craft pushed forward, reaching the halfway point between The Wall and the anchored position of the Strongbow and Europa.

“Strongbow, this is Alpha One, continue siphoning the energy. We will notify you once we get a stronger lock on Luna’s signature,” Hannah said with a smile of well-weathered confidence as the shuttle started to buck up and down as energy from The Wall started to stream outward and get pulled into the powerful tractor beam of the Strongbow.

Standing in the center of the shuttle bridge, Hannah turned to look back at Roger Benton, who was sitting down in a chair surrounded by sensors and instruments. He had his characteristically uncomfortable and perplexed look that usually came about whenever he was brought along for a dangerous mission or unusual experiment.

“General, are you sure about this plan? It just seems so…risky.” Benton fidgeted in his seat behind Hannah who continued facing forward, hands on her hips.  Her clear ambivalence and the increasing noise from the numerous instruments and scanners surrounding him did little to ease his worries.

“It’s simple Benton. Your energy signature is entangled with Luna. The closer we get to The Wall, the better chance we can isolate Luna’s energy and beam her back.  Using the Strongbow to siphon out the Wall’s energy will let us get a better lock without getting close to the actual thing and possibly getting sucked inside.” Hannah folded her arms and pivoted slightly flashing her signature “I got this” smile at Benton. “Don’t worry, we have plenty of contingencies on board,” Hannah said as she gestured to the other crew members standing in front of her.

“General, energy shields are already full.” Alexander Dunn reported from the front of the shuttle as a warning alarm sounded off.

“Got it, I’ll manage the excess.” Jean Grey brought her hands up to her temples, her orange hair levitating slightly as she concentrated, a translucent field of psychic energy melded around the craft.

The shuttle continued flying past to the growing conduit of bright green energy being sucked out of The Wall toward the Strongbow. Inside the shuttle the hum of the energy flowing past outside became louder and louder as more energy filled the conduit. Thin tendrils of energy leaked outside of the tractor beam’s control field, spilling out into space and arcing erratically about near the shuttle.

“Should we be flying this close to the beam?” Benton stammered as his seat rocked with the lurching of the shuttle.

“Yes, this is precisely where we need to be.” Hannah hair bobbed up and down with the shaking of the craft and her smile widened devilishly. “Party’s going to start soon,” she mused.

Mission Objective

KER-BLAM!!!!” a tendril of energy stretched out as if magnetically attracted to shuttle and struck it, crackling like a bolt of lightning. A blinding green flash filled the bridge and then was gone as fast as it appeared, the ship tumbled briefly off orientation before the autopilot brought it back to the proper heading.  Jean Grey’s shield pulsed as it moved to quickly fill in the holes from the encounter.

“Murrrrr, so hot…” Alexander ground his teeth, hands gripping the sides of his seat as his back arched involuntarily. The outline of his penis slowly protruded through his cargo pants.

“My cock…so full,” Benton muttered, eyes closed as his hand clenched the armrest of his seat, his cock curving upward to the sound of rips of seams all around his groin as his underwear and pants succumbed to the members unrelenting desire to escape the fabric confines.

The “contingencies” Hannah had referred to earlier were the human “battery-type” energy absorbers standing in front of her which consisted of Ultima Montgomery, Emily Banks, and Lisa Westing. All three were top-tier batteries rated to absorb up to Level 10 energy surges. Ultima, the tallest of the three, wore her standard energy decom suit consisting of a shiny silver skin-tight body suit with blue metallic armor arranged as a one-piece swimsuit on top to contain and support her monstrous volleyball-sized NN-cup breasts inside a metal brassiere with a circular lens placed over each nipple to filter energy. Armored boots and gloves completed the outfit, matching the blue color of the armor.  She was in her usual cheery and chipper demeanor, cupping and pulling her long straight blonde hair behind her ears to keep it out of her eyes while she waited for things to get interesting.

To Ultima’s right stood Lisa, wearing a more traditional full body spandex suit that included a head wrap that extended up from the shoulders such that only the front of her face was uncovered. Her breasts were of comparable size to Ultima’s and were supported by a heavy-duty front fabric chest piece layered over her suit.

To Ultima’s left stood Emily, who was a few inches shorter, with paler skin and slightly thinner thigh’s than Ultima’s meaty volleyball-toned ones alongside a softer less well-defined abdomen which did well to disguise her physical prowess which was among the best among female officers in the army.  She was wearing her standard Army issued dark navy side button jacket which strained to contain her oversized breasts which were on par with Ultima’s. The rest of her outfit consisted of standard dark navy military slacks and black shoes to match along with a classic army beret from beneath which her shoulder-length orange-brown hair fell to just above her shoulders, forming bangs just above her sparkling magenta-colored eyes.  The nervous smile on her angular face conveyed a feeling of skepticism but stern devotion despite the unknown parameters and possible outcomes of the mission.  She had been through enough escapades by now to know to just enjoy the ride.

“Alright ladies, we’re in phase two.” Hannah folded her arms as she walked up beside Emily and Ultima.

“I think I know what that means.” Emily cocked her hip feeling her pants dig into her thighs, giving a sideways smirk at Hannah.

“We’ll do our best General!” Ultima grinned with a mixture of nervousness and giddy anticipation as her armor pieces began to shift as her pulsing breasts began to exert pressure against the outer shell of her suit.

“So, this is all going according to plan, right?” Jean swiveled around in her chair with her steadily enlarging bust following not far behind her slender waist, the pendulous jugs had mashed their way as far down as her suit could allow and hung just inches above her cushiony thighs which thickened straining against the confines of her high-waisted pants. “Feels like if I open my legs my pants will split open…” Jean grimaced, feeling her chunky thighs squish together, her underwear slipping deeper between her bloated butt cheeks and wedging between her steadily moistening vaginal lips. “Might be worth letting the loins air out anyway,” she mused biting the side of her lip trying to repress her burgeoning arousal.

“No plan…*grunt*…just grow,” Alexander who was sitting next to Jean grunted as his veiny shoulders began to break through the taught seams in the top of his long sleeve shirt. Showcasing a new twenty pounds of muscle gained in the last thirty seconds, Alexander found his movements impeded by his ever-tightening shirt and pants. Struggling to remember his original role in the mission, and quickly concluding that it must have been inconsequential, Alexander called on his reserves of willpower to fight the steady onslaught of growth waves permeating the ship with such density the air felt thick as a hot day in the Nevada desert.

“Raaarrgggh! Noooo!” Alexander groaned raising his arms to massage his aching temples, feeling like a migraine and a hangover was simultaneously giving his brain a bear hug and tickling his hypothalamus like a demonic toddler. His girthy biceps shining with sweat rolling across bulging red veins were covered by limp spaghetti noodle strips of what was his white collared military shirt, which had ripped straight down form the shoulder, leaving the right sleeve to fend for itself in a losing battle against his engorged arms.

“You got this hon! How’s our objective looking General?” Jean swiveled away from Alexander toward Hannah and the others for some affirmation while simultaneously using it as an excuse to conceal her now completely exposed undercarriage and lady parts from the perpetually writhing Alexander behind her. Her breasts had progressed from pendulous teardrops to gelatinous spheres as her outfit resisted her chests attempt to expand in all directions, feeling the heavy sacks increasing pressure on her ribcage as they tested the elasticity of her space suit. “Could use some help distributing the load here!” Jean chirped eyeing the three female battery types behind her with a strained yet professional as her libido erupted within her like a flame getting doused with gasoline.

“Well… the objective is…coming into view,” Hannah’s stern demeanor melted away into a more mischievous one as a toothy smile stretched her face, her cheeks shining crimson in embarrassment at her own anticipation as she looked up to observe Benton in the chair above.  Hannah’s eyes traveled slowly up from his size-twenty-feet bursting out of his leather dress shoes to his rippling calves, then letting her eyes rest on the nearly four feet worth of cock wriggling forward from Benton’s pelvis, the urethra alone swollen as large her own arm, the length of it pulsing as pent-up juice spurted forth, the sound alone triggering a primal response in her. Hannah could barely fight back the urge reach over and coax more love juice from the wriggling python.  But the mission came first, there would time for play later…soon.

“What are you doing just standing their General?  Isn’t there something you should be doing?” Benton grunted glaring triumphantly down with haughty approval at his newly morphed physique. His arms may have been restrained but his erect penis curved proudly upward to the ceiling like a body builder flexing their biceps to declare to all the ladies who was the true alpha in the room. A stunning six pack convulsed rhythmically with each breath uttering from beneath the skillet size pecs whose muscle sinews flowed valiantly out to tree trunk size biceps.

“Heh, c-c-calm down Benton, we need to get a st-stronger signal, so don’t release it yet! We will maintain our current course! Switching to autopilot” Hannah pressed a button with a trembling finger as the heat waves of energy massaged and caressed and pressed into her body. Turning away from Benton to hide her flushed face, she sucked in deep breaths through her pursed lips, teeth clenched as her body started to morph and contort in response to the energy. “It never gets any easier, or any less fun,” Hannah smiled chuckling to herself as she hunched over the console feeling an inevitable surge of energy building up inside her core, her abdominal muscles contracting involuntarily with shivers racing up and down her spine.

Emily stood a few feet in front of Hannah in between Ultima and Lisa with a perfectly rigid “at attention” posture that had been drilled into her many years ago in training camp. “Chin up, chest out, shoulders back, stomach in…”  It was the ‘chest out’ part that took a little more effort and care now to hoist her two fecund mammaries stretched over years of energy absorption such that her nipples would rest comfortably around her waistline when not held in check by clothing. Her petite European nostrils flared as she sucked in deep breaths, feeling the energy almost magnetically pool into each breast, her skin tightening with heightened sensitivity, her nipples becoming erect and digging annoyingly into her custom military grade nylon spandex bra which fought its battle gallantly, forcing her expanding chest flesh to pool up and over the cups, forcing its way out the sides smushing against her toned arms pressing against her sides.  Thus far, The Wall was living up to its reputation, she had never felt such a large energy source before. Even with the help of two batteries, an empath, the ships state of the art shielding, and her performance enhancing supplements, Emily felt like she was drinking from a fire hose. Her bra straps slipped down on her shoulders as her bloated breasts squeezed upward in between the two cups, the three clasps holding together her dark navy suit groaned as fabric balked under the pressure of the two now globular spheres searching for any weak points in the premium quality of the jacket. “*Grunt*…Can’t be the first one to show…” Emily’s thin eyebrows furrowed in concentration, holding her breath her arms tensed and her gloved hands clenched as she tried to hold back the building energy inside her desiring to be transformed into more mass, more of her. Glancing downward she could see her collar now getting lifted by her ever increasing bustline, a fine display of cleavage reaching up to her neck now with no other avenue of escape in her overtaxed outfit. She felt dizzy, wondering how long she could her breath, her legs shaking to brace against the spacecraft’s constant jolting. “Why do you always have to be such a try-hard, Emily?” she mused as her body grumbled pleaded with her for release, and slowly she gave in, hot bursts of steam escaping through her plump pursed lips until she her ears pricked up to the sound a violent “Rrriiiiip!” behind her.

Emily pivoted her head around to look behind her, partly fearing that her pants had torn but realizing, much to her satisfaction, that the sound had come from Lisa Westing’s skin-tight bodysuit splitting open down the middle of her chest, just barely hanging on with strands of fabric stretching across the cavernous expanse of Lisa’s exercise-ball size breasts jiggling violently, still smooshed together by the side pieces of the suit, the shoulder braces holding the front half of the suit bursting off with a loud snap so that the only parts left intact were the sleeves and the neck wrap around her head.  Lisa reached out as far around the lower half of her breasts as she could reach, clutching the remains of the fabric suit to use it as a makeshift bra, her eyes as big as saucers and her cheeks bulging out as she inhaled deep breaths trying the manage the tsunami of energy churning within her voluptuous body with curves increasing each second.

“OOOoff, so full!” Lisa gasped in surprise watching her outfit disintegrate faster than she could manage.

*Tch* At least I wasn’t the first to burst a seam,” Emily scoffed to herself when suddenly two large *SNAP*s sounded off as two of the clasps on her front jacket torpedoed off into the air with glee, her boobs grumbling in anticipation of escaping the now less structurally sound outer garment.

The green light from the energy conduit streaming from The Wall to the Strongbow bathed the entire cabin in an eerie green hue. The funnel of energy passing by the spacecraft was two miles wide at the halfway point and expanded exponentially as the craft continued ever closer to the event horizon of The Wall. The turbulence from erratic gravity waves sounded off in the craft’s structure as it groaned under the erratic forces.

Hannah brushed away her dark auburn hair feeling beads of sweat and tried to focus on her breathing. ‘’After all,’’ she thought to herself. “I’m the captain of this ship, and the leader of this mission. I’ll be darned if this doesn’t work out after the amount of personnel and capital devoted to it.” Not to mention this was the perfect opportunity to learn more about The Wall and the secrets that it holds.  The ship lurched again, sending Hannah falling forward, reaching out and catching herself on the four-foot-high railing encircling her command platform. “HEEE…Hoooo,” Hannah exhaled lowering her head and closing her eyes to tune out the cacophony of the tossing ship and the crew members in their various stages of growth. So many emotions and feelings were flowing through her body. The pleasure of the growth energy, the pressure of the mission, the awe and wonder at the sheer power and immensity of The Wall, but deep down, she felt a desire that she would not openly share with most. She simply missed Luna and wanted her back. “Luna…*mnf*…I know you’re in there…*urg*…now we just have to get your attention!” Hannah’s face lit up excitedly as she lifted her head again, her brown hair thickening and multiplying, lifting upward as if suspended by gravity giving her the air of an Olympian goddess. Hands on the railing, her back arched gracefully as each of her legs slowly elongated, her knees locked bringing each leg straight and her feet spread apart to accommodate her growing lower body.  Pert butt cheeks strained against the fabric of her green military slacks. Biting her lip, she clenched her glutes uttering an unrestrained moan of pleasure feeling five inches worth of fabric wedged in between her bloated basketball-sized glutes. Her toes curled as they pressed into the tight leather stitching of her military boots until with great satisfaction, she felt the soles separate from the leather stitching, letting her toes wriggle free, the laces digging into the top of her foot until the sole separated completely, and she could firmly plant her bare feet on the metal floor of the ship. The waistband of her pants slid down off its high perch encircling Hannah’s firm, supple pulsing abdomen down until it stopped at her rotund yet perky backside and girthy hips that would give any doorway a run for its money.

“mHmmm…Heh…why don’t you join the party girls?” Hannah released her grip on the rail leaving finger sized grooves in the contorted metal and stood up straight, bringing one leg around and in front of the other with the grace of a ballet dancer and encircling her rippling forearms to cup caress her soft sweater puppies that were about to destroy another of her favorite sports bras. She could feel the broken strands tickling across her spine from the weight of her two basketball-sized mammaries on the over-taxed garment. “Hrrrg!”  Hannah rotated her forearms, forming an ‘X’ shape, then swiftly pulled her arms back and then forward like she was in the gym working the chest fly machine, arching her back as her rotund mammaries stretched out the front of her military jacket, then leaning forward, bringing her arms low and in front of her, her back curving outward and the band of her bra strap finally snapping, releasing her breasts which surged forth ecstatically, falling downward and hanging  down to her crossed knees before *plap*ing against her stomach as Hannah straightened her posture, each tit now voluminous enough to put a five gallon water jug to shame.  Staring down at herself Hannah marveled at her Amazonian physique and how she could not see her legs over her own sacs of chest flesh protruding a foot and half out at base of her nipples. Hannah’s jacket now merely acted as a makeshift bra for her two pendulous milk sacs, and she felt the jackets wouldn’t last much longer either.

“Alright, ladies, we need a lot of energy for this to work. We should be close enough for Benton to resonate with Luna’s signature. Are we ready for phase three Jean?!” Hannah yelled smiling as she bombastically clutched her jacket and ripped it apart, letting her gargantuan globes flop free, their tear drop shape showing she was just getting started, the areolae as large as dinner plates hanging down to her thighs where her pants were beginning to rip in half.

“Yes sir! Just need to…b-build this charge as high as we can…then unload!” Jean yelled over the roar of the ship’s engines fighting the gravity waves, her hand grabbing and ripping open her own over-stretched top free her spherical engorged mammaries, her red-orange hair streaming down between her cavernous cleavage as she turned to report to Hannah.

(A Few Minutes Later)

*hrKk-*crack*…GLomphf…mmm,” Hannah’s mouth opened as far as she could muster, her jaw dislocating as she coaxed one of Benton’s grapefruit sized balls into her salivating mouth, being careful not to let her teeth close to far around the large oral intrusion. Her left hand rested on Benton’s bulging thigh and her right hand palmed his right testicle hefting it playfully reminding her of playing volleyball back in college. “*Ulp*…*Ulp*…*Glrrkrk*,” Hannah’s throat muscles contracted as she sucked in feeling the testicle twitch and tremble against the walls of her mouth and played with pushing it either side of her mouth making her cheeks bulge outward cartoonishly. The testicle itself was fiery hot, and the energy radiating off it made her feel light-headed, but as she looked up at Benton’s wide smiling face, she could tell he was enjoying it too. “*mmm!” Hannah slowly retracted her lips backward circumnavigating the pulsing sphere and released the now saliva covered ball and felt her jaw finally settle back into place. “Aaaahhnnn…,” Hannah’s tongue ran lightly against the underside of Benton’s cock following the bulging urethral gland under the shaft applying periodic pressure forcing pre-cum out of the flared head that sprinkled across her blushing face and evaporating on the erratic waves of her short brown hair.

“As expected, General, your technique is impeccable,” Benton muttered feeling Hannah’s five-foot diameter breasts pulsate as they were compressed in between each of his thighs. Placing a helpful hand on Hannah’s wet, matted hair, he gently guided her to take more of his python-like cock in her mouth, her through stretching and gulping with increasing vigor the more he gave her. Turning his attention from Hannah Benton looked up to see that his height had grown such that he could now see outside the ship through the hemispherical viewing window of the shuttle craft, his shoulders just barely able to fit through the circular cutout. Looking up he could do nothing but marvel at the light show going on around the ship as energy streams crackled and pulsated around the ship which seemed to vibrate in tandem with the frequency of the energy cloud. “We won’t last much longer! Gotta cuuuuum!” Jean Gray yelled out as she thrashed uncontrollably, lying on one of the benches as Alexander lifted her right leg and guided his sizable member into her extremely moist gateway as her energy-engorged breasts slumped down to the floor spewing viscous energy liquid.

Benton felt all his hands clench and muscles contract in unison and the fiery bliss of an orgasm pulse through his body feeling his dick spasm while held tight inside Hannah’s throat. A surge of adrenalin and endorphins flooded his neurons and numbed his sensations to the point that all he could feel was himself, everything else, the ship, Hannah, the energy, seemed to meld into one. The green glow outside the spaceship began to cloud his vision, everything was blurry, his bodily sensations failing him. He was riding the orgasm, but simultaneously it felt like it was riding him, taking him, somewhere.

“Wait! No…this feels like a transporter beam!” Benton suddenly recognized the sensation he was feeling, the numbness, the blinding light, it all matched up. Could it be that all this pure energy was able to transport a being without the aid of any technology? “Where is it taking me?”  Benton pondered as the last of his senses to go was his hearing as the dull whirring hum of the ship faded away to pure white noise. In a flash, Benton’s body disappeared from the ship, and the energy tendrils surrounding the craft evaporated resetting the each of the remaining crew member sizes.

Luna’s Beach

The first sensation Benton felt was a brisk wind lifting his loose strands of black hair falling back against his forehead. Blinking his eyes as his vision slowly cleared, he could hear the low crescendo of water piling up and then the crash of a wave breaking nearby. Inhaling deep through his nostrils the sharp scent of the salty sea made him want to sneeze, but he it passed as he brought himself up to a seated position, feeling his finger sink into the soft earth as he lifted himself. His vision continued to clear, the horizon coming into view, a natural blue sky with cirrus stratus clouds curving across the sky slicing through the rays of sun. It felt like mid-day, and the stiff breeze was a welcome relief from the intense rays of heat beaming down from above. Shaking his head again to clear his foggy mind, Benton brought his hands up to his face and was surprised to find his glasses perfectly perched on his nose. As the feeling returned to his limbs Benton realized, to his surprise, that he was also fully clothed from head to toe. Not only that, but the clothing fit him perfectly. Benton slowly rose to his feet to assess the situation

“Ok, I was naked when I teleported. Maybe while I was out, someone brought clothes for me…No, but how are these clothes…?!” Benton suddenly realized why his outfit felt so strange yet familiar. He knew these clothes well. A long sleeve jacket with reflective tan polyester sleeves and a green and gold checkered pattern running from the back to the front of the wool-lined jacket, representing his alma mater’s school colors. What was even stranger was that jacket was stiff and un-worn, it looked and felt like it did when he first purchased it in his junior year of college to wear to football games. It even had the fresh tear in the cuff of his right sleeve from when it snagged on a chair at an after-game kegger party. Shoving his hands in the pockets of his loose-fitting tan khaki pants he found his normal emergency stash of ball point pens obtained from various club events in the right pocket and felt the beveled crown of his old Casio hybrid watch catch on the fraying strings inside his worn left pocket. These were not just his old college clothes, but those clothes at an exact point in time, precisely early in the fall of his junior year, and reproduced perfectly.

Looking up to survey his surroundings, Benton saw he was standing on the bank of sand dune surrounded on either side by grassy knolls that extended off away from the coast into rolling grassy hills.  “Of all the places to end up…a beach?! Is this inside The Wall?” Benton’s mind swirled with questions as he nervously began walking towards the shore in hopes of finding some landmark to help him get a bearing. As he stepped down off the short sand dune onto the edge of the beach, he caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye of a tuft of black hair fluttering in the wind to his left on the far side of the grassy knoll facing the sea. Walking around the hill he saw the black frizzy hair belonged to a young lady sitting down in the grass, arms folded around her knees, looking at the sea, her back to him. Her shoulder length black hair pulled back by a red headband was curly but straightened enough to flow freely in the stiff ocean breeze. She was young, wearing a conservative wool sweater over a sleeveless tank top with the sweater sleeves pulled up to her elbows and a full-length skirt fastened around her slender waist. As Benton slowly approached, the girl appeared to snap out of her trance staring at the ocean and she turned her head to look back at him.

Luna?!” Benton stopped his approach momentarily as his mind buzzed as he drank in the site of the girl sitting in front in him. She was unmistakably Luna, her large doe eyes, plump full lips and even under the conservative clothing Benton could tell that she had a killer figure. Her hazelnut skin shone in the bright sunlight and her facial features were just slightly tighter and perkier than her normal 33-year-old self-Benton was accustomed to. The girl in front of him was also thinner, and although the Luna Benton knew was certainly not overweight, she was at least 10 to 20 pounds thicker than the svelte figure sitting in front of him currently. Her waist could not have been more than 23 inches around while her hips flared out to a modest thirty inches and her modest C-cup breasts resting freely without the aid of bra in her sweater and tank top completed the trifecta of curves on her well-balanced body.  “It’s Luna, but she definitely looks…younger…” Benton pondered quickly as the two locked eyes, Luna looking inquisitively but expectantly up at Benton as though she in some way had expected someone to come to her. Perched on her cute button nose were two large square thin-rimmed glasses similar in size to Benton’s own. Catching a glimpse of his reflection in Luna’s glasses Benton gasped in surprise that he also looked…younger.  Benton guessed that they probably both looked exactly like they did at around twenty or twenty-one years of age. “Uh…,” Benton stuttered, not sure how exactly to start the conversation. He had so many questions, and the look he was getting from Luna expressed quite clearly that she did not recognize him, but then why was he able to remember her? And why are they both on a beach?!

“Hi,” Luna’s greeting broke the cycle of Benton’s tumultuous thought patterns helping him focus. Her addressal of him was so soft and sweet compared to what he was used to, and it dawned on Benton the importance to remember that the Luna he was speaking was most likely Luna before she joined the military, before she began researching the growth energy, before she commanded her own space research vessel, before all her growth outbreaks and acquiring her trademark titanically enlarged bosom, before everything that he knew about Luna.  For all intents and purposes, he knew very little of the woman sitting in front of him outside of what Luna had told him in passing about her younger days living with her mom in Vegas and working part time at Stokes’ diner.

“Are you here to take me back? I’ve been waiting,” Luna’s words flowed as easily as the wind coursing between the sand dunes. Her tone was soft yet direct, Benton could see the subtle foundations of her future commandeering nature just in that small request. Her face looked as though she was content for now but relieved to have another person to talk to. “I can’t seem to find a way off this beach,” she continued as she rocked forward onto her feet to stand up slowly and face Benton. 

“You’re Luna, right?” Benton replied trying to stay calm, pulling a hand from of one of his pockets and gesturing toward Luna who flashed a brief smile before nodding.

“Yes. Do I know you?”  Luna’s brows crinkled together as she looked at Benton inquisitively, eyes unabashedly perusing him.

“Yes…you might say that we know each other…” Benton grimaced deciding to dodge the rabbit-hole of questions that would inevitably ensue and pushed ahead confidently. “My name is Roger.  Do you know how you got here?”  Luna’s perplexed face answered his question even before she responded.

“No, I just know I got here before you,” Luna looked again out into the ocean, hands clasped in front of her, skirt fluttering in the brisk wind.

“Ok, but have you been here long?” Benton continued his inquiry as Luna swayed side to side listlessly moving her hands surf the gusts of winds wrapping around the hill.

“No, just about ten minutes or so?” Luna turned again towards Benton, and he tried to mask his surprise at the answer.

Ten minutes? She doesn’t realize that she’s been in here for months?” Benton pondered to himself in surprise. It was not unheard of for growth energy to cause lapses in memory, especially when the subject goes dormant. “Or maybe we experience time differently in this place?” Benton snapped out of his musing as he noticed Luna start to slowly walk down the grassy hill to the sandy beach and sped up his pace to follow suit. The two walked at a leisurely pace parallel to the waves rolling up against the sandy shore. As he glanced off into the distance Benton noticed for the first time that the beach was covered in footprints and wondered if these footprints were just part of the scenery or if they had been made by Luna wandering up and down the beach constantly. Sporadic rudimentary sandcastles popped up every now and then as they walked, some having been partially washed away by the tide which appeared to now be slowly retreating.

“Is anyone else here?” Benton asked as the two walked, Benton with one hand in his pocket and Luna with her arms folded. “The key question is where the heck are we? Is all this just the inside of The Wall?” Benton pondered. That was the most reasonable explanation, but it also led to more questions.

“I haven’t seen anyone,” Luna responded softly before remembering her original unanswered request to Benton. “So, you are here to take me back?” she asked again in a slightly more concerned manner. Benton blushed and did his best to sound confident and like he knew what he was doing.

“Yes I am. You see I was brought here on board the Strongbow,” Benton replied sympathetically.

“Strongbow?” Luna gave Benton a perplexed look, her nose crinkling as she adjusted her glasses on her face.

“Oh yes, sorry, it’s a spaceship,” Benton replied apologetically, and was surprised as Luna stopped in her tracks and turned to face him, her eyes wide in amazement.

“Whoa! Seriously!? That’s so cool! I want to captain a spaceship one day!” Luna exclaimed turning and leaning in toward Benton, eye’s burning with excitement. Benton did his best to not stare at Luna’s breasts jiggling in her sweater from the abrupt pivot.

“Ah, heh… I have no doubt you will,” Benton smiled back, taken aback but also admiring the awe and wonder Luna had for something that was rather ordinary and mundane for him in his current daily life.

“So, how do we get back to the ship?” Luna replied and Benton cleared his throat to buy time in thinking of a response. 

So many questions! But I guess she is a scientist,” Benton took a deep breath before responding. “It’s being worked on; we just need to be patient.”

Luna turned away quietly and walked closer to the shore where two beach towels were spread out on the sparkling sand. Reaching down Luna grabbed the back of her skirt before sitting down on the towel, the rippling waves stopping just a few feet from her sitting place. Benton walked over to join her relishing the feeling of sand between his fingers as he sat down. The half of him that wasn’t worrying about how to regroup with the Strongbow wanted sorely to strip down and jump in the ocean.  It had been years since he’d been to a beach, and he had forgotten how peaceful it was. 

“Ahhhhh,” Benton sighed soaking in the fantastic view of the blue sky and clouds that extended off into the horizon. He had not felt this at peace in a long time.

“Yes, I love the view…I guess I always liked the beach,” Luna said, her arms wrapped around her knees pulled up to her chest.

“Yeah?” Benton replied and the two sat in silence for a few moments just listening to the waves break on the sand in front of them.

So, I found Luna, but she’s younger, and has some sort of amnesia. Plus, I don’t how to get back. Think Benton think!” Benton ruminated. “I made it here with my memories intact, maybe Luna’s memories are just being suppressed. I should try to jar her memory a little.”

“Hey Luna. Do you remember what you were doing before you got here?” Benton turned to Luna, silently remarking on how elegant she looked sitting on the beach. Her posture was perfect, and she had the regal air in how she carried herself that would make any etiquette teacher beam with pride. It was hard for Benton to grasp why Luna was so charming to him now, when in normal life they had always been at odds.

“Well, before I got here, I was in class,” Luna responded succinctly looking over to Benton who could easily tell that if she was worried about anything now, it was schoolwork, and not interdimensional energy clouds.

“Oh, you’re in school?” Benton replied inquisitively. Although he wouldn’t admit it, Benton had a natural inclination to only talk about himself in most situations.  Now he was actively forcing himself to do the exact opposite.

“Of course! I must study if I want to get into the space program. My mom is working two jobs to help pay tuition, so I have to study hard.” Luna said firmly, more so to herself then to Benton. In her voice Benton could hear the underlying determination and fiery nature that had fueled her ascent as a scientist.

So pure, and so much to prove, but it’ll never be enough, will it Luna?” Benton pondered calmly. He wondered if the peaceful scenery was making him uncharacteristically thoughtful before deciding to forget it and continue with the conversation.

“Well, that’s great of her! My parents were never so supportive of my choices.” Benton cringed inwardly.  Despite his best efforts, he could still not resist turning the conversation back on himself.

“Maybe you made bad choices.” Luna’s terse reply caught Benton off guard and the word’s cut deep.

Here I am judging Luna’s choices and motivations when I know I’m no better,” Benton fumed silently.  He was partially at fault for his circuitous road through college and she saw right through it and wasn’t afraid to tell him to his face. It was these exact same types of personal indictments that Luna would constantly sling at Benton in their frequent interactions. The worst part about them was that most of them were accurate.

Good Grief! Even young she can’t resist taking a shot!” Benton felt his ears go hot with embarrassment. “Why can’t she ever be even remotely sympathetic? And now I’M the one coming to rescue Her…No…stay focused!

Benton drew a deep breath before answering flatly, “Fair point,” as he swallowed his pride in the hopes of being able to turn the conversation back to Luna. “So, what are you studying?” he said stretching his legs out on the beach towel as Luna did the same, laying on her side to face him.

“Well, taking a lot of computer courses. Heuristic AI development, advanced cognitive machine programming…”  Luna rattled off course after course and Benton realized that any ONE of those would constitute a difficult semester, not to mention all of them at once.

“Wow!” Benton exclaimed but Luna continued emphatically, almost giddily.

“That’s not all! I also have to study chemical engineering, physics, and aerospace engineering,” she continued excitedly, counting off each subject on her fingers. Benton had no idea what the semester credit limit was for Luna’s university, but he had a feeling she might be breaking it.

“This is good, if I can get her talking about science it might jog her memory,” Benton pondered to himself. “Wow, all of those and aerospace engineering? Sounds intense!” Benton said emphatically.

“You’re telling me, it’s literally rocket science!” Luna commented chuckling as she turned to lay on her back, stretching her arms above her head to pull her hair out from behind her neck.

Oh boy,” Benton instinctively tensed up as he was known to do when hearing the trigger phrase, it never failed to set him off, and he doubted the effects would be any different now that he was inside a place he suspected was made of pure energy.

“GUH!” Benton felt as though pins and needles pricked all over his skin as his body temperature skyrocketed, his legs kicking involuntarily digging through the beach towel into the sand.

“Are you okay, Roger?” Luna asked dreamily when suddenly she felt herself begin to perspire, heavily.

Pulling a hand from underneath her hair to her forehead she was surprised to feel it moist with droplets of perspiration. Blinking her eyes, she put out her hand up to pear at the sun through the scattered clouds trying to understand why her body suddenly felt like a cookie in a toaster oven. The tank top underneath her sweater clung to her now sweat-coated back as she squirmed trying to get comfortable, trying to make sense of the sudden changes within her.

“Hey, did it just get warmer?” Luna turned to Benton who was laying on his back, arms up reaching backwards, teeth grit with a strained and concerned look on his face. “*Ung*…. feel weird…,” Luna mumbled to herself, taking in her body senses which were reaching uncharted levels of intensity and depth. Time seemed to slow down, a tingling sensation coated her extremities, and she instinctively clenched her thighs together as her vaginal juices began to soak through her underwear.

“Murrrrr!” Benton grunted in response, not daring to look at Luna and instead pulling all his willpower to suppress the inevitable surge in testosterone and libido welling up inside trying to turn him into a horny force of nature. Looking up in the sky he saw a circling dove and tried to focus on it, breathing deeply through his nostrils as his body tensed and jerked involuntarily on the pliable sand.

“Roger! My foot!” Luna gasped emphatically looking down as she felt her toes begin to press into the rounded front of her tan lace-up boots.

“No! Not this!” Benton grunted oblivious to Luna’s concern as he was dealing with the same problem, his feet forming sporadic bulges in his shoes as they expanded outward.

“What are you talking about?”  Luna replied before zeroing back in on the changes in her lower extremities. Her shoe was now too small for her and becoming smaller, the sides pressing in on her foot like a cinched corset, the laces bowing upward against the strain of the arch in her foot. The pressure reached a fever point as Luna struggled to understand the situation, feeling her feet almost go numb as the constriction blocked flow of blood to and from her feet until suddenly a *POP* sounded off as the sole of her boot started to separate from the lining around the ankle. Looking down Luna gasped in awe at her right foot growing in tandem with Benton, her size eight boots and Benton’s size ten and half sneakers both slowly relenting to their body’s unrelenting expansion. She breathed a relieved sigh as she felt cool air rush inside the shoe as more breaches formed in the lining, first over the arch of her toes as vamp separated from the toes of the boot and the laces snapped one after the other as her toes burst out the front of the boot and her heel out the back.

“Oh wow…! We’re…growing!” Luna’s mind slowly comprehended the reality presented to her as her well-manicured feet, now at least twice as wide and long burst forth from the leather confines of what had been up till that point her favorite pair of boots.

“Stop…. Gotta… stop” Benton mumbled, opening one eye to see with disappointment his own toes wriggling out and over the sole of his demolished tennis shoes.

Got to manage this.” Benton thought to himself as he looked down at his and Luna’s pair of oversized feet that had grown disproportionate to the rest of their body, looking like the only that could fit them now would be clown shoes.

“What’s happening to us? Do you know?” Luna’s pleads finally registered with Benton as he tried to formulate his next move.

Not ideal, but maybe this will trigger her memory.” Benton mused as he felt his cock harden in his pants, poking out through the top of his underwear.

“We just need to calm down! Relax and let it pass.” Benton’s tried to sound firm and unwavering to show some form of control which was he was slowly losing, but Luna was already preoccupied with the onslaught of changes racking her increasingly less svelte and petite body.

“MURRRR!!! *GROAN*!” Luna groaned and shuddered as the energy distributed itself throughout her body. The changes were so fast she couldn’t process them fast enough let alone the sensations as her clothes clenches ever tighter around her.  “Can’t …can’t focus…clothes are so…tight,” Luna grimaced pursing her full lips and holding her arms to her sides in concentration under the growing pressure of her outer garments fighting against her. The sleaves on her button-up sweater slid up from her wrists to her elbows as her arms and torso elongated, the sleeves growing skin-tight as her arms became too thick to be contained, the outlines of her toned muscles form showing through the fabric. Her modest C-cup breasts gradually grew larger on top of her chest, the flesh pooling on the sides and pushing out against her tank top, her sweater riding further up her torso as it tried to contain the expanding gelatinous cakes of flesh quaking beneath until like magma oozing from the earth the sweater buttons began to separate allowing the tank top covering her breasts to poke through the ever-widening chasm.  It was weird, she felt herself growing, feet sliding forward across the sand, her body covering more and more surface area, but she didn’t feel any heavier, in fact she felt…stronger. 

“I…remember…this…hold…need to hold it in….” Luna muttered to herself. It was slowly dawning on her that she had done this before. Somehow, she knew that it was her job to hold the energy, to contain it. “But why?” Luna pondered briefly before her bodies aching arousal made her thoughts go cloudy. Throwing her arms back above her head as her legs twisted together lasciviously Luna sucked in a deep, long breath, with enough force to make a vacuum cleaner jealous as the first button on her sweater erupted off as her rumbling, quaking bust surged upward and outward underneath pulling her tank top up so that it now could only cover the upper half of her breasts.  Both breasts were now so large they sloped off over the sides of her chest, resting on the towel underneath her. Volumetrically they looked large enough to store three gallons of fluid each, and the taught skin made them seem to defy gravity with how perky and taut they were, rising so high as to almost shield the sun and ocean completely from her field of view.  Luna’s eyes widened in shock and awe as she took in the increasingly large expanse of herself. “My…boobs! What the hell is happening to my boobs?” Luna’s voice cracked as she felt despair over her lack of control and not knowing how far these changes will go. Her hands clenched involuntarily above her head, afraid to touch her breasts lest it incite even more growth. Her supple belly, now exposed from the tank top and sweater riding up, was constricted by her skirt still hanging on for dear life around her widening hips, forming a slight muffin top as her now wider torso was constrained by the size six skirt. The skirt barely reached her knees now, and her thighs were now three times as wide and were beginning to run out of room in the stretchy opening of the skirt. The top three buttons of her sweater rocketed off and she stared down at the mountainous chasm of cleavage she now possessed, her breasts now pooling above and below her tank top, so it acted more as a glorified strapless tube bra. “…Help…please… help me Roger,” Luna pleaded as she turned her head to look at the only friend she could turn to currently. Her eyes widened in shock upon realizing that Benton was in no more control than she was.

“Ha! Sorry Luna! I tried to hold it in.” Benton still on his back turned to Luna with a sheepish and crazed grin, his body still relatively proportioned in terms of muscle mass although his overall height had increased in tandem with Luna. His cock, however, had clearly had a growth spurt, now thick and engorged, at least two feet long and three feet in diameter, suspended up in the air at least a foot off his pelvis, having caught ahold off and ripped apart the front of his shirt during the violent growth spurt.

“Nuuurrr!!!” Luna writhed in frustration as her tits hit another growth spurt, finally splitting her tank top, the remains of the tube top encircling underneath her arms and resting on top of her cleavage. She could feel her toes digging now into the wet sand just recently touched by the ocean waves and realized she must be at least three times her normal height by now, not to mention her breasts protruding another six or seven feet out from her body and reaching down to her knees. “Not this!” Luna groaned turned away from Benton partly in shame and partly to get from underneath her car-sized boobs which flopped with a dull *PLOP* on the sand, one perched perfectly on top of the other making a colossal boob sandwich. If any passerby was walking up to Luna, they would have seen a pair with gigantic tits with Luna’s eyes barely peaking over the top and her legs from the knee down peeking out the bottom.  “I…remember…being…huge,” Luna whispered quietly, and Benton zeroed in as he noticed subtly Luna’s stature appear to change.

Her lips and cheeks became slightly fuller, and her body became noticeable thicker, her muscles no longer visible as her arms smoothed out, and her thighs becoming increasingly ripe, thickening to nearly triple the circumference of her well-defined calves. Her bodacious thighs transitioned beautifully to the cleft of her butt which was outlined in the skin-tight skirt, protruding at least a foot from the base of her arched back, the round cheeks tensing and quivering salaciously. Benton’s eyes widened as he noticed Luna’s hair begin to grow longer, the strands thickening and straightening out to become long wavy locks and bangs that he had come to recognize.

Is it…working?” Benton pondered briefly before another growth spasm interrupted his musing.

“YES! I was huge! Huge body, huge tits!” Luna suddenly cackled with glee, tossing her hair back into the sand, now excitedly marveling her curves with newfound appreciation.

“I was bigger than everything! Me! I did it! I LOVED it! I’m the BIGGEST, always ME!” Luna continued emphatically, marveling at her gargantuan tits and shapely legs covered in the torn remains of her skirt and pieces of boot.

I guess she’s back to normal then…” Benton thought to himself as his chest and chiseled abdominals bulged out and his rigid cock continued to fight against the last strands his shirt, his jacket beginning to rip at the shoulders. “GRARRRRR!” Benton grunted as chin formed a protruding cleft and his biceps increased in circumference, each one as thick around as Luna’s curvaceous thighs.

“How you doing over there Benton?” Luna’s voice now dripped with the familiar air of superiority and haughty confidence that Benton was intimately familiar with. Benton briefly seethed at how quickly Luna had transitioned back to normal, without so much as a “thank you.”  However, he also knew deep down that their relationship had progressed to a point where certain things simply didn’t need to be mentioned, they were simply understood. 

She’s not even surprised that I’m here” Benton pondered in-between muscle spasms. “And we both know how this will end.”

“That’s right, Benton! We’re getting out the same we got in. You up to it?” Luna said looking back over her shoulder at the gyrating hulked out form of Benton, sneaking her left arm underneath her two sandwiched breasts and using her right hands to pat her rotund behind enticingly.

“Murrr!” Benton groaned in response, finding it difficult to roll over to his left side in the pliable sand to get closer to Luna.

“Take your time. I know you get performance anxiety,” Luna said with a sly smile casting a side-eye back at Benton.  Bu suddenly she felt a strange pressure in between her thighs. “Huh?” Luna’s eye’s opened wide as she looked down to inspect the intrusion.

“Not at all. I’m ready to go.” Benton grumbled dryly. With one smooth thrust, Benton slid his engorged penis in between Luna’s soft meaty thighs, the top side of the member getting drenched in her vaginal juices as it slipped up past her belly and in between her two magnificent breasts like a hot dog squeezed tight between two buns until it surfaced from between the two mountains of tit flesh coming to a rest just shy of her clavicle, the tip of the cock nearly equal in size to her head.

“MUFFF! *Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*,” Luna wasted no time in craning her neck downward to wrap her lips as wide as she could and engulf the head of Benton’s cock, ravenously sucking out the pre-cum and applying pressure all over with her tongue. Bringing her right hand up Luna grabbed the side of her right breasts and pressed down, squeezing her two breasts together around Benton’s phallus to feeling the veiny member and throb and pulse between her two incredibly sensitive chesticles, while also doing the same with her thighs feeling Benton’s swollen balls twitch feverishly against the back of her legs. She could feel Benton’s cock growing as she sucked her cheeks in letting her full lips slide up and down the length of Benton’s member which slowly grew pushing further and further until it hit the back of her throat which opened wide to guide the member further in.

“Let me get inside.” Benton grunted placing a hand on Luna’s right butt cheek and lifting it to reveal her moist sex begging to be penetrated. Sliding his left arm under Luna Benton squeezed her left breast and pulled back his pelvis to dislodge his member from Luna’s tight throat with a wet *POP* and then lifting her right leg to slowly guide his cock inside her waiting entrance, feeling the heat from her loins massage his tip as he pushed past her lips and inside watching her back arch and legs kick in response, toes curling reflexively. 

“MMMmm! Yes…” Luna moaned with her eyes now closed, placing her left hand over Benton’s squeezing her titanic left tit and linking her right arm around his while sliding herself backward until she felt her plump rump press against Benton’s pelvis, the soft cheeks flattening against Benton’s chiseled abs as she ground against him, feeling her pussy lips kiss the top of his quivering balls.  Twisting her torso around as Benton pulled back, they reached a hearty rhythm as Benton’s ten foot worth of cock dislodged from Luna before getting rammed back inside of Luna, each impact making her mind explode in ecstasy. Slowly the two’s rocking back and forth reached a fever pitch, before Benton eased off, letting Luna take a few sultry breaths her cheeks tensing up squeezing the life out of his cock still halfway inside her.

“I’m about there Luna. How are you doing?” Benton gasped ferociously at Luna who had turned her neck back towards him to answer him, but also because the view in front of her was blocked by over ten-foot-tall breasts resting on each other, her eyes half shut in in her throes of pleasure.

“Close! Sooo close,” Luna panted, her breath forming mist in the air, her leg twitching as incoming cold ocean waves doused her feet.

“A few more deep strokes then?” Benton replied punctuating his statement but thrusting his cock back into Luna up to hilt, making her eyes shoot wide open, as she felt her body tip over the edge, an earth-shattering orgasm ricocheting from the core of her stomach searing through her body which tensed up all over, her legs shaking, her mouth open as she incoherently shouted out into the sky.

“CUH-CUMMINNG!!!” Luna’s voice seemed to reach out into the very fabric of space and time, echoing back from every direction.

“CUMMING!!!” Benton roared as he reached the peak of his pleasure wave and emptied his load into Luna’s tight quivering pussy. As the pair stayed locked together, the environment surrounding them, the ocean, the sandy beach, the sweaty towels beneath them, and their destroyed clothed, all evaporated, getting sucked into the sun above which began to glow an eerie green which grew brighter and larger until it engulfed everything, with Luna and Benton left suspended in space. A high frequency hum pulsed, and Benton and Luna disappeared as well, their particles getting dissociated.

“Here we go!” Luna yelled ecstatically as the two become pure energy beam that streaked away.

Epilogue: Reunion

Outside of The Wall, the Strongbow and Europa were still docked in space. Radio crackled as the bridge of the Strongbow received a transmission from Hannah’s shuttle which had now turned around and was heading back to the fleet.

“Attention all personnel, Commander Masters has been secured.  Terminate the energy transfer and leave the tractor beam on standby,” Hannah’s voice crackled over the intercom system. The high frequency hum of the Strongbow’s storage systems died down as the stream of energy flowing from The Wall to the ship gradually grew thinner and thinner and then disappeared completely leaving The Wall largely unchanged.

(A Few Minutes Later)

Hannah’s shuttlecraft docked successfully inside the Strongbow’s hanger and waited for pressure to equalize and for residual energy to be absorbed by the Strongbow’s storage system.  Inside a hall of the Strongbow the door connecting to the shuttlecraft beeped three times and then stopped as both doors opened simultaneously to let the crew from the shuttle back onto the ship.  Stepping off the ship somewhat cautiously was Hannah Stromberg, followed by Luna Masters, Emily Banks, and Ultima Montgomery.   All four ladies were naked, except for Luna who was just wearing her glasses, and they were quite different from how they had last been seen.  All four ladies now had bodies equivalent to their twenty-year-old selves.  Even though mentally they were still the same person the energy reset after Luna and Benton were expelled from The Wall appeared to have reset the entire crew back a few years to the same age.  Luna, Emily and Ultima’s tits had shrunk down from their ‘normal’ NN cup sizes to more modest C-cup and a perky B-cup in Emily’s case.  Luna’s black hair had returned to a curly, wavy shoulder length bob style while Hannah’s brown hair had transitioned from its normal pixie cut style to becoming fully straightened flowing all the way down to her slender toned waist.  Ultima had a short bob cut that barely fell past her chin parted straight down the middle and Emily’s hair was a striking undercut pixie hairstyle with the right side of her head shaved down to barely a centimeter with the rest of her combed across to fall on her left side down to her shoulder with a few bangs falling across her forehead.

“Well Luna, great to have you back, and I’m all for nostalgia, but this is taking it a little far,” Hannah commented, running her hand gingerly through her long hair as the four ladies walked into the conference room to debrief.

“Masters, you are on my shit list until you get this fixed,” Emily grumbled blowing at one of her errant bangs falling over her left eye.

“Look, it’s probably not permanent. My guess is the Wall used the time signature of my memories and imprinted it on you all when we unloaded, changing your bodies but not your minds.” Luna said, her lips pursed in frustration at the prospect of having to clean up another mess as soon as she returned to reality.

“If you do manage to reverse us, can I keep the six pack? I forgot how toned I was in college, thank you volleyball!” Ultima chuckled to herself as Emily shot her a perturbed look as the screen opposite them in the room flickered on and General Bill Rigg’s face filled up the screen.

“Welcome back Commander, or should I call you private now?” Bill’s voice dripped with sarcasm.

“Shut it Bill…and will you please wipe that grin off your face and get us some clothes!” Luna bellowed at the monitor as the ladies behind her twisted uncomfortably in their birthday suits, the cold circulating air going places it couldn’t normally reach.

Back onboard the shuttle Benton and Alexander lay naked on their backs looking at the hanger ceiling through the observation dome of the shuttle.

“Mr. B, did they forget us in here?” Alexander asked sleepily as he looked at Jean Grey still sleeping on the floor behind them.

“Yes, I think they did,” Benton muttered exasperatingly, wondering if his glasses were nearby, or if he’d get recognition for his role in the mission this time around.

“You think the Commander is still gonna be pissed at you?” Alexander yawned stretching to get the kinks out of his legs.

“Most likely…” Benton muttered as his thoughts turned inward briefly. Was he happy to have Luna back?  For all her uncanny experiments and time spent berating him?  “No, but at least she keeps things interesting,” he thought as he sat up to go collect his tattered clothes laying on the shuttle. “And if The Wall can do all of this, who knows what else is possible?”
