Growth Lab Story 004: The Plane Outbreak


This story is an adaption of pages 240-256 of GLU042 comic titled ‘Rebel’. The gang is on a plane to demonstrate a super soldier serum that has been administered to Roger Benton, but things don’t go as planned on the trip. The characters involved are Commander Luna Masters, General Hannah Stromberg, General Bill Riggs, Olivia Carter, Lieutenant Ultima Montgomery, Roger Benton, Alexander Dunn, Lorraine Sigler and Maxine Baas.


Luna Masters | Hannah Stromberg | Roger Benton | Bill Riggs | Olivia Carter | Lorraine Sigler | Ultima Montgomery | Maxine Baas | Alexander Dunn


Breast Expansion (F), Hourglass Expansion (F), Butt Expansion (F), Giantess (F), Sexual Relations (M/F), Spherical Inflation (F), Body Expansion (F), Lactation (F), Clothes Ripping (M/F), Environment Destruction (F)


All characters are owned by ReadyArt and used with their permission. ReadyArt can be found at (, DeviantArt, and Patreon.


Attention personnel, we have reached our cruising altitude of thirty-six thousand feet, you are now free to move about the cabin, eta to Washington Reagan National is three and a half hours,” the gravelly voice of the pilot echoed through the PA system of the Boeing 747 as the seatbelt lights turned off and the cabin lights illuminated slowly.  The thunderous yet steady hum from the plane engines was soon accompanied by the hustle and bustle as military personnel made way for the bar and the bathroom, not necessarily in that order.  

“Hrrrrrrrrghhh!” Luna grimaced stretching her arms outward, trying to work out the kinks built up from numerous hours hunched over microscopes and calibrating equipment.  Her hands fell downward and burrowed between her protruding bosom and her pillowy thighs in an attempt to unfasten her seatbelt, the last barrier to her freedom of movement.  “I should have insisted on a suborbital transport for this trip, the sooner we get to D.C. the better, not to mention the seats are roomier…” Luna pondered as she sucked in her stomachto get more slack in the seatbelt digging into her supple waist as her hands tried to find purchase on the buckle.  Normally when flying she wore her custom ‘decom’ uniform that allowed both for ease of movement and support/compression of her ample “assets”.  But today she had that suit packed away, and instead was wearing her formal military ceremony uniform.  For Luna, her formal attire was in an ever-evolving state based on the fluctuating size of her bust and at present time her size was particularly encumbering.  Ever since the discovery of her body’s ability to function as a battery for growth energy Luna had founder it harder and harder to not be at the center of one growth epidemic after another.  The effects were readily clear in her fecund bustline protruding outward emphatically from her svelte five-foot eight frame.  Her custom made long-sleeve side-button-down jacket could barely circumnavigate her turgid fifty-eight-inch bustline forcing her to opt for a spare high-collar U.N.S.A. formal jacket modified with gold buttons overlayed on either side of the jacket with strings looping across the chasm of cleavage to hold the jacket together.  *Click* Luna unleashed a sigh of relief as the belt relinquished its firm hug around her waist and she turned to her left to check on her neighbor.  “I wonder why Hannah opted for rear seating this time?” Luna puzzled but quickly brushed it aside concluding that Hannah probably preferred to be anywhere on the plane was better than being stuck in first class with the higher-ups.

Bill & Olivia’s Toast

“A toast, to the creation of our first super soldier!” General Bill Riggs declared jovially, holding up a glass of champagne to Oliva Carter, sitting next to him.

“Yes, and a nice redemption story for Benton don’t you think?  But honestly Bill, wouldn’t a toast be more appropriate after we give the presentation?” Oliva said as she cocked an eyebrow skeptically, reluctantly clinking glasses with the General and sipping contemplatively on her frosty mimosa. 

“Redemption is right word Carter.  After all Benton has cost us millions in cleanup ever since the prom incident.  This breakthrough can allow people to see him in a new light!” Bill grunted grimacing after gulping down his drink aggressively. 

“Slow down cowboy, we’re barely halfway to DC, at this rate we’ll have to drop you off in Chicago!” Olivia smirked sarcastically at Bill as he reclined in his chair, bringing his service cap down over his forehead. 

“Heh, I find a little inebriation goes a long way when handling our co-workers on trips like this,” Bill grunted, a sheepish but content smile stretching across his stubbled face. 

“Oh please, at least you’re not related to any of your co-workers,” Olivia sighed swirling her drink listlessly.

“What?! I can’t believe it.  Are you saying your sweet sister Ultima can be a bit of a nuisance?” Bill chuckled, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ha-ha, we get along fine, honestly I don’t see her as much as you’d think, especially now with her lab schedule.  She has plenty of colleagues and admirers such that she barely has time for her older sister,” Olivia remarked staring longingly outside the plane window as the plane passed through thick clouds.  “By the way, have you seen Hannah?  You’d think she would be up here hamming it up with the top brass to move up the ranks with this achievement.”

“She probably just wanted some private time to prep for the presentation.  I saw Masters seated in the back section during boarding, and Stromberg’s probably with her.  Those two are like sisters in a way…” Bill said, stifling a yawn. 

“Well, hopefully Masters can keep the reigns on causing another growth outbreak.  Hannah’s deserves some recognition absent of any theatrics,” Olivia crossed her arms recounting the recent series of growth outbreaks dotting her tumultuous two years working at the Killian Base. 

“A word of advice, Carter, in this business, regardless of talent, nobody is recognized unless the higher-ups want you to be,” Bill said leaning forward in a hushed tone, methodically stroking his beard stubble. 

“What?  Please save the riddles Bill,” Olivia said exasperatingly raising an eyebrow toward him.  

“Look, Stromberg is no less a loose cannon than good ole ‘fast and frisky’ Masters, she just keeps up appearances better.  Case in point, she cut a lot of corners in producing our latest super soldier.” 

“With Benton?  Do you think there will be…issues?” Olivia trailed off nervously.

“I’m counting on it.” Bill’s eyes twinkled from beneath his service cap before he closed them leaned back presumably to take a nap.  However, soon after a figure approached from the side casting a shadow over his resting form. 

“Oohh OOOOLLLIIEEE!!” Ultima’s greeting sang out with such vigor Olivia almost felt bad for Bill as he jerked awake violently, his service cap falling to the floor. 

“Good grief Montgomery!  Leave some energy for when we get to Washington!” Bill grunted, trying to play off his shaken state. 

Sorry General!  I was actually just looking to check on Mr. Benton!  Have you seen him?” Ultima chirped beaming at the groggy Bill before turning to her sister with an anticipatory look, her eyes wide and sparkling. 

“Hey Ultima!  No, I’ve been here since we boarded and haven’t seen him come through, so he’s gotta be back in Business Class on the Second Level…probably just in the lavatory,” Olivia suggested scoping out her sister’s demeanor with a discerning stare.  “I’ve seen that look in her eyes before,” Olivia mused to herself.  

“Honestly Ultima, Benton has a long day ahead once we land and probably needs some rest,” Olivia added gingerly.  Ultima’s smile remained but her eyes narrowed slightly, and Olivia matched the stare if only to play off the icy chill racing down her spine.

“You’re right Ollie, and since I’m the head of the science team on this trip I should make sure Mr. Benton is fully refreshed for his big day!  Don’t worry sis!” Ultima smile widened further as she leaned in towards Olivia allowing one of her NN-cup breasts to rest on Olivia’s shoulder, lingering long enough for Olivia to register the hint to back off.  “Thanks for the tip, Ollie!” Ultima chuckled as she spun and sashayed back up the stairs toward business class, the audible groan of fabric echoing as her curvaceous figure fought against her skintight uniform. 

“*Sigh*…apologies Bill, she gets a little extra when she’s on the hunt …” Olivia muttered massaging her temple irritatingly. 

“More than normal?” Bill asked, already settled back into his earlier reclined position. 

“In a way, yes, you see Ultima was always the princess of the family despite being the oldest.  She’s just so darn cute and charismatic it was like she could have whatever she wanted.  And now…even in the military…she still plays the same games.” Olivia sighed complacently.

“You’re saying she’s never been put in her place?” Bill grunted while fidgeting in a desperate search for the perfect position in his plush seat. 

“Not that I’ve seen, at least recently. Besides, Ultima’s no slouch at getting what she wants.  For instance, back in elementary school I made a stuffed frog to earn a Crochet Badge in Girl Scouts.  Ultima loved it and pestered me so much that eventually I let her borrow it just to get some peace.  When the day came to present the frog, I snuck it out of her room briefly so I could get the credit.  I returned home to find she was having temper tantrum fit to bring down the entire house.  And yes, that was years ago but the point is that she’s eventually going to learn the hard way that not everything will bend to her magical charms.  Especially working under Masters, those two are natural rivals.  Can you imagine if they were to really go at it?” 

“I can imagine…” Bill murmured raising his glass from his reclined position toward Olivia. 

“*Sigh*…you’re probably counting on that too, aren’t you?” Olivia muttered raising an eyebrow at Bill. 

“Hehe…sure…why not?” Bill’s toothy grin disguised a slight cleft forming in his chin.

Benton’s Fears

“Oh, Principal Bentonnnn!” a shrill voice pierced through the air as Benton walked down the corridor toward the gymnasium.  With each step closer he could hear a dull pandemonium growing louder, confused shouts echoing down the hallway.  “Principal Benton!” Yvette yelled as her heels clacked furiously on the linoleum floor. 

“Yes, Yvette what seems to be the problem?” Benton turned to address his student assistant as she looked up at him inquisitively, absentmindedly straightening her hair bun. 

“The problem, Mr. Benton…is that YOU’RE out of control!” Yvette seethed through her teeth at Benton. 

“Excuse me!?  What are you talking about?” Benton exclaimed pensively as Yvette sauntered closer. 

“You’re such a screw-up Mr. Benton!  Why are you even here!?” another voice came from the shadows as a government agent in full decom gear approached, their visor darkened obscuring their face. 

“Pardon you I actually WORK here!” Benton exclaimed spinning around on his heel almost losing his balance, his back bumping against a wall…a very soft wall. 

“Excuse me Benton, I will have to report this misconduct to the school administration,” the words flowed past him like cool ice.

“…Vidya?! But why?  I’ve done nothing wrong…what h-happened to you?” Benton stammered as he turned around to see Vidya Sinjay, no longer the five-foot nine nymph he remembered, but a towering nine-foot-tall Amazonian goddess.  His eyes moving up her toned waist past her globular breasts spilling above and underneath her crossed arms to her glasses resting unceremoniously in her cleavage. 

“YOU did this Benton.  Don’t you have any SELF CONTROL?” Vidya bent over casually releasing her breasts which swung barely above the floor, stretching down as far as Benton was tall. 

“I…I…I didn’t…,” Benton felt his dress shirt began to stick with perspiration, his hand nervously tugging his bow tie as he felt the building begin to shake.  “Ladies, please!  This was not my doing!” Benton backed away from Vidya and Yvette to face the government agent who swiftly put cuffs on his hands before he could react.  “What are you doing?!” Benton tried in vain to pull away from his captor but only got reeled in closer as they slowly started to tower over him, their helmet crashing into the ceiling tiles as they hunched over him. 

“Trust us, this is for your own good, Benton, you wouldn’t understand the details anyway,” the voice cooed in a mocking tone.

“You can’t do this!  It’s not my…my…my…” Benton felt the room closing in on him, his vision blocked by mountainous female bodies as soft flesh pressed in on him, blocking any escape.  A thunderous *Crash* shook the room as the wall next to Benton broke down launching him on his back.  Looking up he saw a face he knew all too well…Luna Masters.  She was huge, her face barely small enough to fit through the demolished wall, so close he could feel her hot breath engulf him like a tornado. 

“Come on Benton!  We never finished our last game!  Of course, you’re going to lose! But it’s not like you got anything better to do! HAhaHHAA,” the force of Luna’s laughter shook Benton’s eardrums like an earthquake, and everything went dark as a humongous hand closed around him.

“GUh!” Benton jerked awake breathing heavily, his heart racing.  Getting his bearings, he felt the cool breeze of the plane’s air vents and the low hum of the engines.  Sighing, he fell back against the plush leather of his plane seat, relieved that the dream had not taken a more titillating turn.  “Better freshen up for the remainder of the flight, life’s exciting enough without these dreams, heh…” Benton mused as he lifted himself out of his airline seat to head to the lavatory.  Despite the abrupt wake from his early flight snooze, Benton felt utterly pristine in ways he was still working to understand.  As he walked down the aisle of the plane it felt like he was floating, his steps taking little to no effort.  It was almost like, if he wanted to, he could support his entire body weight with a single finger.   His mind traveled back to the ramblings of a bubbly lab technician saying that his muscle mass had increased ten-fold, but the fibers were so dense and efficient he hardly weighed any more than his normal buck-eighty form pre-serum.   His height had increased a modest four inches so he could finally stop lying about it on his dating profile, and his muscle mass mirrored the chiseled features of a Greek statue.  His new dress shirt fit snugly around his sculpted upper body and tucked neatly into a pair of beige khakis supported by his usual suspenders which now had to encircle his rather broad shoulders.  Reaching out he delicately gripped the handle to the lavatory bathroom.  Experience had already shown him how easy it was to dislodge doorknobs and hinges in this current state.  It had only been eighteen hours since undergoing the procedure to assimilate the super soldier serum and it was hard to adjust to the attention, especially being checked on constantly by dozens of personnel, who now actually seemed to care about his wellbeing!  But the biggest change was the sense of pride and admiration directed at him, a true one-eighty-degree flip from the disdain, disappointment, and outright annoyance that was often directed to him to at Killian Base.  In addition to all this was the irony that the super soldier serum’s success was linked inherently to Benton’s ‘curse’ as a super growth generator.  Benton smiled recalling an earlier conversation with Hannah about the serum. 

Super Soldier Serum

“Here’s the deal Benton, the super soldier serum feeds off of energy in order to enhance the body.  In our first test subjects, we were unable to find a stable balance, none of them could supply and sustain the required energy potential.  If this is not maintained, the serum mutates to find more energy, causing growth symptoms,” Hannah explained to Benton in a sterile lab room on Killian Base.  “But your trump card, Benton, is your limitless energy potential.  This serum can feed on your excess energy without worry of draining you, so it to work its magic unabated.  Of course, you will be watched around the clock to make sure you are stable, and I would recommend staying away from any known triggers…I’m talking about Luna, Benton. It’s been a full month since you two had a growth escapade and I’d like to keep that streak going,” Hannah muttered, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow skeptically at Benton.  The flashback brought a slight flush to Benton’s cheeks as he stood in the bathroom. 

“Heh…please…I’m not the one who instigates these incidents anyway, Masters is always roping me into some new experiment that ultimately goes wrong,” Benton chuckled as he flushed the toilet, turning to the sink to wash his hands, admiring the definition of the veins in his forearms.  “If I had to guess, Commander Masters is quite fascinated with me, and it’s hard to be rid of a woman when she is tasked with curing you of a constantly mutating virus!” Benton smiled as he remembered a conversation with Alexander Dunn at Killian Airport before the flight. 

“Wow Mister B, are you excited to be traveling to DC?  Sounds like a big break!”  Alexander exclaimed excitedly as he marveled at Benton’s juiced up physique.  “I can’t imagine how Hannah did it, and of course Luna’s being supportive, but you can tell she doesn’t buy this as a real solution,” Alexander muttered in a low tone to Benton looking around to ensure they were alone. 

“I wouldn’t expect Masters to trust it, she’s far too deep in this subject to not understand the risks,” Benton sighed folding his arms as best he could without ripping his tight button-down shirt.  “The truth of the matter is that they simply exploited one of my unique energy traits to get their hack-job of a serum to work.”

“Sounds dangerous, even if you are stable right now who’s to say how long that’ll last?” Alexander pondered scratching his hair beneath his cap.  

“Oh, come on, give me a little credit, I already know how to subvert the serum.  I’m just enjoying the benefits for now,” Benton whispered to Alexander sheepishly.

“No kidding?  Ha!  You’re such a schemer Mister B!  What’s the trick?” Alexander’s eyes lit up with excitement. 

“It’s simple, the serum molds me to this form because I let it feed on my reserve energy.  But I could easily divert my energy to other things.  As you know the growth energy appears to be linked strongly to subconscious psychological inclinations.  If I will it to happen, then there is no stopping me.  Honestly, the one pleasant thing about this growth virus is that, for all the research, what really makes or breaks the outcome is the person.  Throw all the data you want at it, if you don’t understand the person involved, the calculations are useless,” Benton mused pensively, stroking his chin.  

“Wow Mister B, did the serum make you super wise by accident too?” Alexander’s look of awe was just a bit too genuine for Benton. 

Alexander!” Benton smiled playfully socking the agent on the shoulder. 

Ahh!  Take it easy their Mister B!  I haven’t got a serum dose…yet…heh!” Alexander chuckled playfully rubbing his shoulder. 

“The sad thing is, Alexander, I have been kind of an idiot over the last year, letting these government lackies use me as they please.  Just look at this presentation in D.C.  It’s not for me, it’s for them.  They get the promotions and pay raises while I’m probably going to stay a lab rat, waiting for them to test some new cockamamie prototype on me.  They uprooted my life under the pretense that I am “unstable”.  But we both know… Stromberg… Masters… Montgomery… they are just as bad if not worse!  People seem to forget that, well I think they need some reminding,” Benton’s smile stretched viciously across his angular face, his teeth shining like diamonds. 

“Just be careful Mister B.  Mixing it up with those ladies…well…you know how it can turn out.” Alexander replied sheepishly, recalling the last couple of years of growth incidents.

“Ha!  I’m counting on it!” Benton shouted as he hoisted a duffel bag over his shoulder to walk down the jet bridge to the plane entrance.

Romance in the Air

As he finished washing Benton once again gingerly grasped the handle to exit the lavatory but was met with a surprise as someone on the other side pulled the door open the rest of the way.  Benton was preoccupied looking down to check that his fly was zipped.  As he lifted his eyes his field of view was quickly engulfed by an undulating mountain of boob flesh skillfully ensconced in a formal navy military jacket.  The silky golden hair running down on both sides of shoulders and waterfalling off the massive globes was the last piece Benton needed to identify who had approached him.

Oh, Miss Montgomery!  Pardon me!” Benton placed a hand apologetically on his chest as he smiled at Ultima who returned a smile that was fit to outshine the sun. 

“Oh no!  Pardon me!  I was simply checking in to see how you’re doing Mr. Benton, by the way you look great…*OOF*!” Ultima was stopped short as suddenly the plane lurched, hitting an air pocket or two it rose and dipped in quick succession before stabilizing, but that was enough to send Ultima sideways her hand slipping from the lavatory door as she fell toward the cabin floor.  Before Benton mind could understand what was happening, his body reacted, stepping over Ultima with his left foot and kneeling down with his right leg, placing both hands behind her back to slow her descent until she was hanging just a few inches off the floor, supported only by Benton’s rippling arms. The two froze there for a few seconds, Ultima just trying to process what had occurred, and Benton trying to ignore the feeling of two soft mounds pressing against his biceps and chest. 

“Careful there…” Benton chuckled as he raised Ultima back to her feet, pivoting so that she could stand in front of him in the aisle as her pendulous breasts occupied all of the space between both rows of seats. 

“Wow!  So fast!  Thank you, Mr. Benton!  Hahaha..” Ultima giggled pulling her hair back over her ear while holding onto a nearby seat’s headrest trying to regain her composure. 

“Oh, don’t mention it…heh,” Benton tried to shake off the compliment as he gazed down at Ultima, it was a curious experience, being now a few inches taller than her five-foot-ten frame.  Her bust certainly didn’t look any smaller from higher up, if anything it was more prominent, obscuring her torso from Benton’s viewpoint due to her being so close, but her wide hips transcended the curve of her bust as she placed a hand on her waist cocking her hip to the side, her svelte pants audibly stretching over her curvaceous butt and thighs. 

“No!  Seriously, I’ve never experienced anything like that!  You’re like a Captain America!” Ultima cooed, wide-eyed, clasping her hands together excitedly, elbows compressing her breasts forcing her light turquoise dress shirt under the jacket to bulge out at her neckline as the jacket buttons strained to keep everything contained.  Transfixed, Benton mustered all his willpower to keep eye contact with Ultima, lest he make matters worse for her already highly taxed wardrobe. 

“Oh please, Miss Montgomery!” Benton chuckled admiring Ultima’s bright amber eyes.  Her attention toward him was not unusual, the two had shared many friendly chats in passing during their time at Killian, but Ultima’s current demeanor conveyed a desire for possibly something more than just…chatting. 

“Oh, call me Ultima,” she chirped swiveling her body to continue down the aisle.

“Ah, ok…Ultima,” Benton smiled continuing down the aisle with her, admiring her pristine hourglass figure from behind.  If he didn’t know better, he’d say she was giving her walk a bit more “hip sway” then normal but most of all he admired her demeanor, which relayed a truly comforting presence, providing a beautiful contrast to his more fraught interactions with Luna.  “Speaking of which, Masters and Stromberg should still be sitting in the back of the plane.  This turbulence is as good a cover as any to test my hypothesis!” Benton smiled as Ultima squeezed down in the seat next to where he was supposed to be seated. 

“Is it all right if I sit with you?” Ultima inquired although at the time she had already wedged her rear end into the compact airplane seat. 

“Why, of course!  I appreciate the company!” Benton replied carefully lowering himself into the seat next to the aisle.  The seating had already felt cramped when he was by himself, but with Ultima to his immediate right, things were now quite intimate.  His wide shoulders stretched into the aisle and against Ultima and his legs extended under the seat in front of him searching for free space.  As he settled in, he felt a weighty *smoosh* as his right forearm was buried beneath Ultima’s left side-boob spilling over the armrest. 

“Tee-hee!  Sorry Mr. Benton.  I guess we both are a little too big for these seats!” Ultima’s breasts shook as she giggled, and Benton thought he felt her heartbeats echoing through her warm flesh against his forearm.  Suddenly the airplane cabin felt much hotter

I’d better trigger Stromberg and Masters fast, or I may become entangled with Ultima, she might even just decom me with the serum locking up my energy reserves…” Benton pondered intently. 

“You’re right Ultima, we both are pushing the boundaries of normal here, but it’s kind of fun, isn’t it?” 

MmmHmm!” Ultima nodded empathetically looking up at Benton, sunlight from the plane window glinting off her dimples revealing a rosy blush spreading across them. 

Gotta focus on Stromberg, she’ll be easier to crack then Luna, hopefully…” Benton contemplated as he closed his eyes for a moment to focus on Hannah Stromberg.  “Oh Stromberg, always so confident, so “in charge”, until you realize you’re in over your head…” Benton chuckled, he could see Hannah in his mind’s eye sitting with Luna, her sculpted athletic body hidden under a layer of formal military clothing, but yearning, longing to break free from the fabric constraints.  “Do it, Stromberg, show them what you’re capable of!” Benton grinned as he turned his attention back to Ultima.  “By the way, you’re looking fantastic Ultima,” he smiled as he put on his best grin and smolder on to distract her from the growth waves permeating the cabin. 

Congratulations Hannah

“Well Hannah, you did it,” Luna sighed as she felt the wind from the plane’s AC flowing down through the neckline of her dress shirt down the chasm of her cleavage to cool her voluminous chest twins.  Sitting in the middle seat of the left-side row on the airplane she glanced at Hannah, seated at the window seat to her left, the light from the airplane window glinting off her auburn hair pulled back in her tight maroon headband and falling down to her shoulders.  Hannah’s wide lips curled into a devilish smile as she was known to do when talking with Luna, raising one eyebrow as she playfully nudged Luna’s arm. 

“Oh please, YOU did it!  I only improved upon it,” Hannah grinned crossing her arms innocently, making Luna smile. 

“Well either way, you found a method to stabilize the growth energy,” Luna remarked reaching up to re-fasten the buttons of her dress shirt now that she had finished airing out the ‘twins’.  “And you made a super soldier…though I’m pretty iffy on the volunteer,” Luna said lifting a finger to the air to punctuate the statement, playfully returning Hannah’s mock skeptical look. 

“Hah!  Now, now…you know Benton loves it,” Hannah leaned toward Luna tugging her arm as if to say, “don’t worry so much”. 

“He loves it a little too much if you ask me…” Luna pondered internally, her legs fidgeting as she thought back on her many escapades with him.  “Yep, even Ultima is chasing him,” Luna remarked as she and Hannah both giggled sheepishly. 

“Oh Luna, it’s been too long since we’ve been able to catch up like this!” Hannah sighed fidgeting with her belt which cinched tightly around her toned waist hooking her army jacket uniform into her pants. 

“Yes, we’ve both got our responsibilities now, but it’s good to be able to celebrate an achievement like this together,” Luna replied, her breasts heaving with each breath as the she felt her forehead begin to perspire. 

“Oh yeah, this is going to be BIG Luna!” Hannah grunted as she stretched, arching her back and crossing her hands behind her head.  Luna turned to look at Hannah noticing her silhouette appeared to take up more space than usual, her hips spreading outwards in the seat as her thighs clenched gaining inch over inch in diameter, her pants digging into her crotch.  Hannah’s arched back scooted further and further away from the seat as her butt ripened beneath her squishing up against the back of the seat and slipping under the armrest as her glutes bulged out filling up her pants as they rode up her ankles, stopping at her calves which bulged out like ripe melons ripping the vertical seams apart.  Hannah’s breasts had surged outward at least five inches, pushing her sports bra to the limit, while her army jacket tucked into her pants was pulled upward to maintain its role of encircling her expanding breasts which had expanded from modest C-cups to the size of ripe cantaloupes.  Hannah’s brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed in a steely glare as she continued to stretch, feeling her back contort and elongate as her spinal cord lengthened, her hands now brushing the ceiling above her. 

Big?” Luna asked nervously leaning back as she watched Hannah body gyrate as the buttons in her jacket drew taught on her expanding chest. 

Yes!  The meetingYou know!  When we land in DC!” Hannah exhaled slowly bringing her hands down, beads of sweat glistening under her headband, her deep throaty breaths matching the slow expansion of her bust as her chest begin to pool and bulge out the sides of her jacket. 

“Uh, are you ok?” Luna inquired nervously but Hannah seemed to already be off in her own world.  “Is she really growing?” Luna’s thoughts begin to diverge in ten different directions as she tried to trace back their steps to find the cause for this, and there was only one thing that made sense

“Big…BiiiigBIG Meeting…” Hannah muttered to herself, biting her lip with clenched fists pressing into her toned tree trunk size thighs, looking out the window of the airplane, her jacket beginning to reach its limit with containing her now watermelon sized breasts.

Hannah’s Desires

“Hannah, you seem distracted,” Bill Riggs took a long sip from his stout beer as the two sat at Zeke’s Bar on the outskirts of Las Vegas. 

“I’m fine Bill,” Hannah said with a look on her face that told a very different story as she somberly gulped down a glass of pale ale, wincing and lamenting the fact that she had not eaten before joining Bill for happy hour. 

“Look, I get it, I know you like going on missions.  If you’re feeling burnt out, why not just start a new project?”  Bill rested his glass next to his hat, signaling the bartender for a refill. 

“I have several projects I’m currently overseeing…” Hannah said exasperatingly before Bill cut her off.

“I mean YOUR personal project.  Something that when people see it, they say, WOW, General Stromberg really knocked it out of the park on this one!” Bill smirked sliding a modest tip to the bartender for his last drink. 

“Heh, you’re not wrong Bill, you know what they say.  Go big or go home…,” she muttered staring longingly at her foggy reflection in the mirror sitting across from them. 

“What was that?” Bill cocked an ear as his glass rumbled, the aftershocks from a passenger jet passing over the bar to land in Las Vegas. 

“I said…go…big…heh…big…biiig…,” Hannah watched as her reflection in the mirror slowly grew in bust size first one, then two cup sizes, the pillowy flesh spilling out the front of her jacket and resting on the bar table in front of her.  The bigger she got, the blurrier the reflection became as Hannah’s thoughts melded with the present and she remembered her current situation sitting in the seat of the airplane.  Her body was fighting a winning battle against her clothes as her breasts, legs and butt continued to surge larger in volume at a steady pace.  “Heh, no real point in fighting it anyway…” Hannah’s thoughts trailed off as she gave in to her bodies thunderous demand and desire, to grow.

Plane Outbreak

“Me!  ME BIG!” Hannah yelled so strong and forcefully she made Luna jump in surprise as the first button simultaneously rocketed away from Hannah’s expanding mammaries arcing off into the seats in front of them.  “BIG!! BIG!” The crazy fervor in Hannah’s voice was matched in audacity only by the wicked smile stretching across her face, her eyes wide in excitement as she willed, shouted herself onward like a marathon runner encouraging themself to finish a race.  Reaching down Hannah grabbed both armrests of the seat as her head shook back and forth, her headband falling off as buttons rained down onto the floor as her outer jacket split apart letting her breasts *plop* down onto her bulging thighs supported only by her button-down shirt and an already snapped sports bra.  The chair groaned as Hannah thrashed from side to side, her thighs becoming too wide to fit comfortably in the seat.  “Space…Neeeed, SPACE,” Hannah moaned, spreading her legs open, cracking apart an armrest with viscous strength, the motion splitting her pants from the front down the middle exposing her nether regions.  “Gonna grow BIG!  G-G-Growwww!” Hannah howled as her shins pressed into the chair in front of her, and her butt grew big enough to fill the whole seat, pushing her out and upward till her head hit the ceiling of the cabin, her breasts bursting out of the button-down and spilling to either side of her leg, leaking a bright viscous fluid.  “GRAH!” with a mighty thrash, Hannah pushed, and the sound of twisting metal filled the cabin as her breasts pushed forward the seats in front of her, their bases tearing from the metal bracing in the plane as her legs extended into the adjacent rows, her right breast now resting and pulsating in the seat where Luna had just been. 

Shit, it’s the super soldier serum,” Luna’s brow furrowed as she watched Hannah moan as she tried to grab a nipple with one hand to milk some relief while the other slipped down to her crotch to find relief there as well.  “Not Good, she’s leaking energy, at this rate the whole plane will be infected, need to stop this,” Luna’s thoughts began to race as she felt a familiar strain on the front of her bosom as the ropes holding both sides of her jacket together began to dig into her flesh, stretched tight by her growing breasts.  Her dress shirt was already stretched to its max, having been untucked from her trousers with the buttons holding on for dear life, her heavy-duty bra peeking through the fourth and fifth buttons as her breasts rumbled letting her know that time was short before she’d be in Hannah’s predicament. 

“LUNA!  Luna BIG!” Hannah’s maniacal cackles followed Luna as she carefully made her way down the aisle toward the door to the next passenger section, crossing her arms underneath to lift her engorged breasts to keep them from smacking the passenger headrests as she went.

The source has to be Benton, either on purpose or by accident he’s the cause, but also the solution.  If I can just figure out a way to decom him…” Luna’s mind raced as she heard a cacophony of grunts and groans emanating from the passengers as she passed by, the sound of fabric rubbing together as her thighs filled up the remaining width in the area.  She had to squeeze past each row with a hurried “Pardon me!” until the plane lurched, sending her sideways against an empty seat, her right breast smooshing into it and sending fireworks through her brain from the pressure on her nipple.  “Urgghhk…so much energy in here…can’t absorb too much…gotta get to Benton,” Luna bit her lip as she regained her balance, noticing two tassels had now snapped and a button on her dress shirt had given way, her bosom searching for freedom from every possible exit in her taxed outfit.  *RRIIPPP* Luna’s breath caught as she felt a cool breeze flowing past her exposed buttocks as the seat of her pants split open, her panties having already travelled so far up her crack she may as well have not been wearing any.  “No time…gotta offload some energy…and need to get to Benton… focus Luna,” she thought to herself as she closed her eye, hearing a loud *Snap* and feeling the subsequent relief of pressure from her back as her bra sacrificed to the unrelenting load of her bust.  Her body was shaking uncontrollably, her stomach muscles contracting as she leaned forward, doubled over feeling her pants split completely in half as her knees bent feeling a massive surge of pressure.  “Can’t controlSo much…so… powerful…!” Luna’s thoughts became a blur, but her goal remained clear, her eyes opened unleashing a fiery glow as her body rapidly absorbed adjacent energy in the cabin, her hair levitating slowly.  *WHHiiiiZAAM* in a bright flash Luna felt the cabin distort around her and her senses go dull, until with a dull *BANG*, they came back, and she was standing in the premium economy section of the plane.  Just two rows in front she could recognize Ultima’s smooth brushed back golden hair and the outline of Benton’s oversize square glasses extending out past his now well-defined cheek bones.  “That was…teleportation…without a transport system?” Luna marveled at how efficient it had been, albeit over a short distance, and although her size had not reset, she had at least not grown any further.

As she stepped up closer to the happily conversing pair, she felt herself go light-headed as a thick wave a of energy passed through her.  “*ufff*…Ultima seems to be doing a decent job staving off Benton’s excess in this area, but somehow more energy is still finding its way to people remotely…got to isolate him,” Luna’s hand grasped firmly onto Benton’s seat as she bent over, trying to not bring more attention to herself than necessary, feeling the weight of her breasts as they sagged down to her knees. 

“-so that’s why I always make sure to taste test food now when I cook!” Luna could hear Ultima and Benton conversing nonchalantly still unaware of her presence.

Always having fun, not a care in the world as usual,” Luna thought as she audibly cleared her throat *aHEM* interrupting the duo’s banter. 

“Luna!?!” Ultima’s voice dripped with surprise and annoyance as she leaned forward surprised to see her commander, and in tattered clothes no less. 

“Say, do you mind if I steal Benton for a moment?” Luna asked in a tone clearly saying she was not really asking. 

“Hmph!” Ultima grunted looking away from Luna who swiftly grabbed Benton’s arm to pull him towards the mess room located a few rows back in the cabin, the last few tassels keeping her jacket tied together snapping quickly as her bust undulated with each hurried step.  Following behind Luna, Benton could not help but chuckle to himself at the commander’s obviously overwhelmed outfit.

No time to change clothes eh Luna?  You’re barely holding on; I must have done quite a number on Hannah…I wonder what her play is now?” Benton could already feel his clothes tightening in anticipation, or maybe it was the reaction to Luna’s excess growth energy.  “She should know we can’t be together during a growth outbreak, she’s clearly desperate, let’s see what she’s really about…” Benton mused as his eyes dropped to Luna’s pants which still clung on to her, skintight from the thigh down but completely destroyed around her crotch. 

I knew we shouldn’t have given this buffoon the serum.  If he won’t cooperate then I’ll have to call for an emergency landing while there’s still time,” Luna pondered as she swung open the door to the mess room, ushering Benton inside.  

Private Chat

The area would have been relatively spacious for two normal-sized people, with a bar area for preparing drinks and a bench for stewardesses to sit on the opposite side, but the already swollen Benton and Luna just barely managed to squeeze onto the bench, both encroaching readily on each other’s personal space.  

“What’s going on Miss-…um…Commander Masters?” Benton quickly corrected himself as he folded his arms sternly, his biceps slowly gaining girth, his pectorals bulging, stretching his suspenders taut. 

“I have a…pressing…matter to discuss,” Luna said as she closed the door to the room. 

“I’ve got nothing to say to you, you’re impossible to know,” Benton said glancing away as Luna did her best to squeeze onto the bench next to him, feeling the cold fabric of the chair against her exposed rear and her left boob wedging itself under Benton’s left bicep. 

“Benton, listen.  The super soldier energy isn’t working, growth anomalies are happening on the plane.  Perhaps you could absorb or contain it?  Whatever it takes to put a damper on the effects, right now we just don’t know much about how it works,” Luna explained, her arms resting on the ledge behind the bench as three more buttons from her dress shirt flew off smacking the cabinets opposite her, her boobs now resting on her lap, extending almost all the way out to her knees like two sacks of flour. 

“PSSH!” Benton scoffed as he leaned back, and rested his arms on the ledge, his dress shirt flying open in front while his sleeves ripped along the arms, in the process exposing row after row of sculpted abdominals, his cock surging up and out halted only by his suspenders keeping it at a vertical salute.  “Ha-ha!  All you want is out of your pants and onto my cock.  Looks like you’re already halfway there, so I’ll give you a handicap.  Let’s see who can stay in their clothes the longest.  If you win, I might help,” Benton smirked, his broken bow tie resting in the clavicle of his tree trunk neck. 

“*Hiccup*” Luna’s breath caught in her throat as she felt a surge in Benton’s growth energy overwhelming her.  Her hair lengthened, flowing down over her shoulders and her breasts rose up to meet them growing rounder and more taught, like two bean bag chairs each one as wide as the door she had just came through.  “*Grrrr*…,” Luna clutched her chest as she tried to remain focused…tried to stay in control.  “We don’t have time for stupid games!” Luna grunted as she felt the fabric tearing around the last button in her dress shirt, “people… at risk…” she mumbled.  

“What’s wrong?  Can’t handle it?” Benton boomed from above Luna, his neck muscles quickly outpacing the size of his head, his chest nearly as wide as Luna’s tits. 

Ahhh!” Luna groaned as her legs twitched, her thighs finally busting apart the legs of her pants letting her flesh breath in the open air, the tattered remains slipping to the floor.  Turning his body sideways Benton pivoted toward Luna delicately sliding his four-foot cock in between her two mountainous breasts the tip twitching anxiously in front of her face as Luna wrestled with the remains of her dress shirt which had become like a string leotard for her burgeoning bustline.  “We haven’t got time for this you arrogant man!” She yelled in vain as she felt her body quivering uncontrollably, the desire welling up within in her for some kind of release, overriding any former itinerary. 

“I think we do, don’t you?” Benton cackled as he slipped a large hand behind Luna’s back, clasping it around her slender waist while the other slipped underneath and lifted her gigantic left breast, taking hold of the left side of her waist.

“*Huff*” Luna exhaled as Benton squeezed and gently lifted her up in the air, her legs dangling freely in the air until they seized up, knees pulling inward smooshing up against her chest as she felt an oversized suitor knocking at the front door of her crotch, her vaginal lips parting willingly to accept the rock-hard member. 

“Let’s team up, shall we?” Benton chortled as he released his hands from Luna’s waist to squeeze her quivering breasts, teasing the smooth areolae around her swollen nipples. 

GUNHHH!!!” Luna’s face contorted, eyes closed, teeth grit so hard she could have pierced concrete as gravity took over guiding Benton’s engorged phallus as it went spelunking it’s way foot by foot inside her.  The member was as wide as Luna’s torso and although her hips were a great deal wider, the tight fit sent tremors throughout her body as she felt herself and Benton’s energy intertwine, her toes curling from the waves of pleasure as her plush buttocks *PLAPPED* repeatedly against Benton’s bowling ball-sized balls, dutifully earning her mile-high card.

Private Duel

“So, you’re saying this serum is not the real deal?” Lorraine pouted, her lips puckered in disappointment as she leaned against the wall, arms folded, staring at her partner. 

“Of course not, you should know by now Sigler, Marceau keep a tight watch on the Army’s research methods, believe you me, if the Army stumbles on anything big we’d be the first to hear about it,” Maxine smirked, standing against the wall opposite Lorraine, hand resting on the slope of her cocked hip as she glanced toward the cockpit in the adjacent room. 

“Fair enough, it just got me hopeful that we’d have some new samples to test in addressing my … *ahem* … condition,” Lorraine tilted her head to the side gazing devilishly up at Maxine.  “Oh please, you say it like it’s a burden, I’ve seen plenty of recruits that despise growing, especially after undergoing testing at the coalition …but YOU…you enjoy the heck out of it,” Maxine smiled pointing a finger at Lorraine who threw her hands up in playful “guilty as charged” gesture.

“Honestly, I was hoping they could use it to help me hit a new record, or at least maintain the effects longer…” Lorraine sighed her eyes rolling back, lips parted as she remembered the pressure…the immense size of her body.

“Sigler, please keep it together,” Maxine said playfully, her brow furrowed throwing a relaxed but annoyed look at Lorraine. 

HeHeHe!” Lorraine chuckled, her hand over her mouth to avoid disturbing the pilot in the adjacent room, “Oh Baas, I really enjoy messing with you, it’s almost as if you think you can contain me…fascinating.”  Lorraine’s eyes widened as she took a step off the wall closer to Maxine. 

“No games for now Lorraine, there are a lot of energy moving among the passengers, at this rate we’ll have an outbreak,” Maxine said bringing up her hand to show her watch reading of energy levels spiking. 

“Ten seconds then, a quick match?” Lorraine said taking another step toward Maxine, both hands on her hips, her bangs falling over her eyes as she lowered her head. 

“*Sigh*…aren’t your limiters on anyway?  A quick is fine.  Loser buys drinks?” Maxine smirked looking at Lorraine.  

“Yes, AND they have to lead karaoke night!” Lorraine chirped raising a challenging yet playful eyebrow at Maxine. 

“Well, that’s kind of a win for you either way!” Maxine grimaced straightening her posture and squaring off against Lorraine.  “Alright Sigler, the ten seconds starts…now,” Maxine tapped on her watch to start the countdown.  The two were standing in the middle of the cabin room, about two feet apart, Maxine towering over Sigler’s four-foot-eleven frame.  Lorraine’s face was eerily calm, the stoic poker face of someone who was used to pulling all night security shifts, never letting their guard down.  Maxine felt a slow buildup of energy in her core, nothing out of the ordinary for her though.  Her growth trait allowed her to absorb massive amounts of energy like a battery and then neutralize and transfer it to any nearby human or energy storage within a mile radius.  This ability to both store and offload energy extremely quickly earned her the designation of ‘energy capacitor’. 

Two seconds in and she’s barely filling up my reserves,” Maxine chuckled inwardly trying to get a read on how much Lorraine was really exerting herself.  “Really Sigler?  Is this all you go-…gu…guh…GUH…*Gorble*” Maxine’s eye’s widened as her hand shot up to her mouth, her core contracting as she felt her storage reserves shift from moderately full to drastically overfilled. 

So…MUCH…can’t transfer…fast enough!” Maxine’s body began to shake as energy invaded every available pore of her body.  Slowly Lorraine’s poker face morphed giving way to a devilish smile drilling into Maxine’s core. 

“Your ability is beautifully simple and effective Baas, but this is a bad matchup, all I have to do is overload you and clog your pipes, then you’re just like any other energy absorber,” Lorraine’s voice echoed in Maxine’s head as the pair’s energy frequencies intertwined, Lorrain’s gentle humming glazing over Maxine’s thoughts as she tried to maintain composure, hand over her stomach as her body convulsed with involuntary hiccups.  

“5…,” Lorraine’ s voice interrupted Maxine’s guttural groans as she counted down the remaining seconds.

“T-…To…TooMUuuch…*Blarglr*” Maxine’s head tilted back, and her mouth gaped open as a viscous lime green gas poured out of her flowing up into the airplane’s ventilation system.  A deep rumbling emanated throughout Maxine’s body, like a volcano that was about to erupt, her eye’s glowing the same green color as the gas leaking from her orifices.  A sharp *snap* echoed as the band holding her ponytail sprung off as her hazelnut hair burst out behind her flowing all the down to her now bulbous butt that jutted out from her arched back like a readymade shelf so far that her military tunic could no longer cover the quivering cheeks.

“…4…I SEE you trying to hide your growth back there, hehe!” Lorraine tittered leaning forward around Maxine, giving her rotund backside a smack, sending an earthquake of jiggles throughout the rest of her body. 

MMmnhahnnn…*HiiSSS*,” Maxine closed her eyes, teeth grit, gas still leaking from her mouth, arms rigid against side as her hands tensed into claw form, every neuron in her body overloaded, telling her to just give in but her mind serving as the last bastion of resistance. 

“…3… I still have some extra energy; would you mind holding it for me?” Lorraine asked sarcastically as Maxine’s knees buckled forward as she felt her center of gravity shifting, her body mass increasing three-fold. 

“Hehe, it’s fun messing with scale, but if you want to compete with a Colossus-type, you need to understand MASS…2…” Lorraine snickered as Maxine sunk down to the floor, facing the ceiling, resting on her two-foot-wide ass cheeks. 

GRRRrrrhhh” Maxine hands clutched at the folds in her tunic, her knees forming dents in the cabin floor as her mass continued to increase causing the airplane to dip slightly. 

t-t-ten sec-nnnnds?  “Maxine’s mind could still partially comprehend that time was not flowing as fast it should

“Welllll, more like twenty seconds at this point, would have stopped at ten but you just seemed to be having so much FUN!” Lorraine whispered leaning forward as Maxine felt her core bloat outward, straining against the belt securing her tunic.  “You know Baas, you did quite well, even battery-types could have exploded under these conditions but you’re living up to your reputation for durability!” 

Raagggh” Maxine ripped her tunic apart exposing a pair of floppy GG cups spilling over on either side resting on her absurdly round ass cheeks. 

Alright boss, how about we finish with some good ol’ energy feedback?  It’s coming on the count of…1…*SLuruuuooorrppp*” Lorraine pursed her lips and sucked in deeply inhaling the surrounding gas being emitted by Maxine, the stitches on her military jacket creaking under the pressure as her compression bra worked to contain her slowly expanding FF cups.  Once her mouth, lungs, and stomach were full to the brim, Lorraine closed her mouth and swallowed the vapor internalizing and amplifying it.  “*ooof*…*Huff*…*huff*,” Lorraine for the first time showed discomfort as she doubled over, breathing heavily, but as she lifted her head her eyes were wide and practically glowing with energy.  “Take iiiittt…Take it ALLLL” she whisper-shouted at Maxine, whose face for a split second, wore an expression she didn’t often show, of true fear.

“W-wai…” was all Maxine could manage before the last torrent of growth energy from Lorraine flowed into her.  With a dull *BWOMPF*, Maxine’s tits exploded outward and upward, inflating massively to become as taught and round as her buttocks, but still pliable enough rest on the floor to either side of her, stretching out nearly five feet to the left and right of her and being nearly 6 feet high at the apex of their crest, the nipples leaking viscous fluid onto the cabin floor, gas burbling out of the porous areolae.  Lorrain could barely see Maxine’s face between the two quivering mounds of boobage, her washboard abs contracting spastically as her stomach rumbled trying to process the excess energy. 

“Well, I’ll let you decide who won that round.  Why don’t you sit tight here while I go check on the captain?” Lorraine chided smugly toward Maxine who could do nothing but sit there and groan as Lorraine adjusted the belt around her waist and sauntered sheepishly into the cockpit.

Cozy Cockpit

“I’m back!” Lorraine shouted over the drone of the plane engines and air whizzing by outside as she shut and then locked the door to the cockpit.  Immediately she could tell something was off.  The captain was seated in his chair like normal but was at least a foot taller than she remembered seeing him earlier, and his body had nearly quadrupled its muscle mass, his torso at least three feet wide even at its thinnest point his arms bulging nearly a foot in diameter of pure muscle. 

“Heh, *grumph*…” the captain shook his head as if to clear a fog, the veins in his neck tensing as more and more muscle piled on. 

“Uh, feeling ok captain?” Lorraine calmly asked as she quietly slid into the seat next to the captain, eyeing him intently.  For his part, the captain stayed intensely focused on the task at hand, that being keeping the Boeing 747 stable and in route to Washington D.C., although that task was becoming increasingly difficult as his size went beyond the expected parameters for the airplane controls.  Things may have been manageable even at his current size if only his hands and feet had stayed normal, but now the grips of the flight stick he would normally grasp with two hands would not even allow one of his firehose-sized fingers to wrap around.  His rippling thighs obscured half of the control panels aligned down the middle of the cockpit and his oversized legs pushed his knees upward making it even more difficult to monitor the yaw and pitch of the plane.  Lorraine’s look mild concern to growing anticipation as the hulking form of the captain slowly closed the distance between them. 

“Need some help?” Lorraine asked peeking over the rigid bicep of the captain. 

“I think so…,” he replied, gritting his teeth as he felt his legs pushing into the metal floor of the cockpit searching for more room.  “Why are the controls so damn small?” the captain grunted, his chin jutting outward a few inches as his captain’s jacket stretched around the circumference of his arms and shoulders like taffy, the popping of stitches echoing throughout the cockpit.  “Just…grab the flight stick!” the pilot shouted desperately turning to Lorraine who simply looked back at him…rather up at him…her eyes blinking innocently.  Milking the moment for all it was worth and mimicking a state of oblivious innocence, Lorraine pointed a finger timidly at the flight stick in front of her. 

“This, r-r-right here?” She stammered, her body quivering and shuddering like a rabbit out in the cold, her bust protruding outward as her military jacket stretched to contain what looked like soft bowling ball-sized breasts snuggled within. 

“Yes!  Quickly!” the pilot yelled but before he could even shift to giving his next flight instruction, the sound of violently ripped fabric and a dull *THUD* *WOOMP* echoed through the cabin as bits of clothing ricocheted off the cockpit window, a gold button rolling down the control panel, half of a purple bra marked 32F resting on one of the massive pairs of breasts that belonged to Lorraine, her neck bent forward as the back of her head pushed against the ceiling of the cockpit, her breasts surging forward with such force that they crushed the control panel in front of her and the seat was ripped from its moorings sliding backwards to the cockpit door.  Lorraine smiled brushing her hair from out of her eyes as she looked sideways, and downward at the captain who stared wide-eyed in surprise. 

This quick enough?” she said with an intensely excited grin.  “What now?” she said as the captain let out a guttural moan, his cock forming a tentpole to breach the fabric prison of his pants, his cap falling to the side as his jaw muscles widened, his hair being reduced to a small tuft growing out of his enlarged cranium. 

NowNow, you say.  Isn’t it obvious?” the pilot chuckled showing his teeth each one the size of an apple.  “HAHAHA!  We BLOW!!!” the pilot roared as his torso thrust forward, his penis surging outward form him as if fired from a cannon, obliterating the console, metal crunching metal, the glass of the cockpit shattering as his penis extended forward first five, then ten, then twenty feet like a battering ram until it finally pushed through to the outside of the plane extending a few feet out of the whole of warped metal, spurting excess energy fluid from the tip that quickly flowed back past the airplane. 

“How are we looking Sigler?” the captain bellowed jovially feeling her soft flesh press against his arm and leg as her eyes proudly beheld the site of his new ‘instrument’ probe proudly pointing the way in the sky. 

“Looking good!” Lorraine smiled placing a reassuring hand on his rippling back while the other pressed against the window as her butt squished against the cold cockpit door pushing her forward into the airplane window.  “The others should be joining the fun, if they haven’t already,” she snickered with glee reaching over and wrapping her fingers firmly around the captain’s pulsing member.

Ultima’s Discovery

Ultima’s hands tightened their grip on her seat’s armrests as the airplane lurched in multiple directions at once, a cacophony of *BUMP*s and *THUMP*s echoing throughout the cabin.  It had been several minutes since Luna had stopped by and ‘collected’ Benton for who-knows-what and the more time that passed the less comfortable Ultima felt as she sat there, pensively biting her lip, hands smoothing her hair nervously, as her breasts gyrating in constant motion within her custom bra as they processed the aftershocks of each jolt in the plane.  Sighing impatiently, Ultima thought back to her early days joining the Killian Lab Team working under Luna.  Naturally, Luna was a demanding boss, but it made sense given how many projects and personnel she handled, and the groundbreaking work she was partaking in could be considered a reward in itself.  Not to mention both of them shared a competitive nature that seemed to pay off often in breakthroughs out of their research lab, despite being often accompanied by massive structural damage from growth outbreaks.  But paradise was short-lived, and their definitely an unspoken tension between her and Luna at this point, a tension that she had become quite familiar with in college, but not yet encountered in the workplace.  Plenty of cold looks had been thrown her way from school friends whose significant others slowly gravitated toward her for various reasons.  However, this was different since Luna was her boss.  Ultima could feel an unseen leash tightening on her every time she got even somewhat friendly with someone whom Luna knew.  “She couldn’t still be mad about that incident?  It was two years ago now!  She’s not even remotely interested in Benton!  Would she really do this just to spite me?  *Urghh* stop worrying so much Ultima, let’s just go check on them.” Ultima took a deep breath to calm her maelstrom of disparate assumptions and stepped out into the aisle to approach the room where Luna and Benton had gone to.  Grasping the airplane seats, she took one careful step at a time as the plane continued to buck back and forth like a mad bull.  She could feel waves of heat hitting her face as she made her way towards the room in the back of the cabin, feeling like small pin pricks on her skin.  Excess energy was definitely leaking from the room.  Looking towards the back of the plane, she saw the window to the next cabin was fogged over as if the room was a sauna.  Curious, she walked toward it, pressing her chest up against the door as she gingerly opened it.  As soon the door cracked open a rush of steam blew past her, and her body suddenly felt tingly all over.  The air pressure in the adjacent cabin pushed the door further open and she could see inside a sea of muscled hunks and bodacious babes in various stages of growth ecstasy, some still in denial while others were trying to get bigger.  The biggest was Hannah Stromberg, who was laying on her elbows and knees facing Ultima, her rear end smushed against the top of the cabin from her arched back, her breasts having expanded to each side of the cabin blocking any easy access to rows behind.  In one hand Hannah had grasped a soldier’s rigid member, nearly three feet wide and the length was a mystery because at least three quarters of it was sliding down Hannah’s throat, her eyes lighting up as she noticed Ultima at the front of the cabin.  From behind Ultima could not see the action but heard the rhythmic *Schlorp* *PLAP* sounds indicating Hannah’s rear entrance was similarly occupied. 

Mmmmm…Glorp…Montgomery!” Hannah shouted excitedly as she dislodged the member from her throat with a wet *POP*.  “Welcome to the party!  You should join in!  I can’t decom all these hunks by myself!” Hannah leaned forward her face nearly filling the doorway Ultima was standing in.  Staggering backward Ultima suddenly realized why Luna had been in such a rush to ‘talk’ to Benton.  Although she would normally be keen to join in on the fun at a time like this, something held her back, and she felt her cheeks flush red in embarrassment, and she turned back to throw open the door to the room where Benton and Luna had disappeared. 

“Hey…Roger?… Mister Benton?  You back here?” Ultima tried to sound calm as she opened the door meeting some resistance as something was pressing against the door.  Peeking her head and wedging her bust as much as she could through the opening, she looked around the door and unleashed a *GASP* as her breath caught in her throat.

“Oh, Hi Ultima!” Luna’s voice sang as though she no longer a care in the world, which she didn’t at the moment as the only thing she could focus on was her body being groped and ravished mercilessly by Benton.  The two had grown to fill the majority of the space in the room, Benton’s head brushing against the ceiling, his head turned to the side so that Luna could lay back in the cradle of his two pecs, her legs straddling his on either side and her butt tensed up and pressed against his bulging abs as his seven-foot-long spear slid inside her, the fit so tight that barely any energy could escape except in hot wet high pressure spurts.  Luna’s hair flowed down over her shoulders as she steadied herself grabbing Benton’s shoulder with her right arm, the other encircled around his left bicep for support.  Her breasts sloped off to either side one resting on her thigh with excess energy fluid bursting from the engorged nipple, the other one being squeezed and kneaded like dough mercilessly by Benton’s tire-sized hand encircling the areolae and squeezing hard enough to periodically stop the flow energy to the nipple making the breast appear taught and engorged and setting Luna’s senses on fire from the pressure. 

“Luna?  What the hell…?” Ultima stepped back from the door, her eye’s wide and lifeless as her brain processed the scene in front of her, some stray energy spurting on her jacket as she stood there dumbstruck.  “Really?  Of course, she chose Benton, she knew I was into him, she’s doing this to punish me, and why?  Because she can….” Ultima felt her vision go blurry as her eye’s watered up.  “No!!! I can’t…won’t let her win.” Ultima closed her eyes, seeing red as her body burned hot with a desire…for revenge

“No, not this!” Ultima’s voice was raspy as she violently slammed her palm against the wall of the cabin, denting the exterior.  “You and your stupid power plays!  You think you’re above EVERYONE!”  Ultima’s knuckles turned white as she squeezed her hands, her breasts getting in the way of her arms as she doubled over, dropping to her knees on the floor, body convulsing violently as she put every inch of her willpower into absorbing energy.  She could feel it building, the pressure, she was amassing a stockpile of energy so fast her body could barely keep up, she felt bloated, positively turgid, and it felt great.  “You won’t be having fun with any more energy Luna, it’s all MINE!” Ultima chuckled to herself as felt the growth energy rumbling inside her pooling into her breasts and surging into her thighs and butt.  Crawling forward Ultima approached Benton and Luna as the wall separating their room from the cabin bowed forward and broke opening them up to the rest of the cabin section. 

“Heh…heh,” a devilish smile formed on Ultima’s face as she felt her bra straps dig into her shoulders as her massive breasts succumbed to gravity sinking ever closer to the floor, the flesh spilling over the cups and pressing against the thin fabric of her turquoise dress shirt, side-boob pooling out as her military jacket’s buttons popped off scattering to the floor.  She arched her back feeling her butt stretching the thin fabric of her panties, her dress pants riding up her ankles and growing taught around her bulging thighs as her hips fought against her belt, the leather buckle slowly tearing apart as her midriff sized up to match her now eight-foot-tall frame. 

“You think you’re the only big shot Luna?” Ultima smiled looking up at Luna and Benton as she crawled toward them, the buttons on her dress shirt popping off to reveal her cavernous cleavage of flesh surging forward, her breasts now at least two-and-a-half feet wide sliding against the floor like wrecking balls supported only by the haggard red bra straps hanging around her neck.  “You think you’re the only one who can get big?  Really?”  Ultima’s eyes burned as she looked at Luna, the two face to face as Ultima’s body had grown another two feet taller, her legs stretching almost to the far side of the cabin, her arms now able to lift her up to eye level with Luna, who sat there in awe, looking at Ultima with a look of both caution and nervousness.

“Uhhh…U-Ultima?”  Luna stammered timidly.

“Shut it!” Ultima bellowed as her bra strap finally snapped in half, letting the full weight of her chest fall to the floor, the shock sending quivers back through her body, the fabric of her dress shirt flattened beneath the titanic tanks of flesh.  “Let me show you something…something MASSIVE,” Ultima’s wide eyes went blank as her size started to increase at an exponential rate, her skin-tight clothes falling apart around her growing form like a cocoon being shed from a butterfly, her hair flowing into the crevice of her two breasts as she turned her head to survey her progress. 

“HA!  Stupid Outfit!  Always getting in my way!” Ultima cackled as she arched her back, her pants splitting completely in half, her butt nearly three feet wide end to end, her butt cheeks wobbling back and forth as Ultima shuddered in pure ecstasy at the amount of energy flowing through her.  Her belt dropped with a *thunk* to the floor, and as if to answer that her breasts ballooned rapidly with a loud *SHOOOOMM* going up one, two, then three times their original size, so quickly outpacing the rest of Ultima’s body that she rose upward supported only by her two gelatinous jugs that were so big and wide her arms couldn’t have reached the floor if she wanted to, each breast now ten feet wide and nearly fifteen feet tall, pushing the rows of airplane seats forward piling them towards the front of the cabin as Ultima commandeered all available remaining space, her butt shoving a surprised Benton and Luna further back toward the door leading to Hannah’s “occupied” cabin. 

“Not enough room in this cabin!  Not for what’s coming!” Ultima yelled, her elbows digging into the roof of the cabin as her hands sank into her mountainous breasts as she tried to steady herself on top of the shaking and quivering mountains of flesh, her torso and legs trying desperately to grow to avoid being buried by her gargantuan bust.  “Heh…Oh well…,” Ultima’s eyes crossed feeling almost drunk on all the energy she had absorbed, a haze forming over her thoughts that pushed away all intentions except one… “grow bigger.”  “Here goes nothing!” Ultima drooled before sucking in one of the deepest breaths she had ever taken, her body rumbling with each cubic foot of air she sucked into her massive form.  “HAAAAAA-PFFFFFF!!!” closing her mouth Ultima’s cheeks bulged outward in two large cartoonish spheres and her chin receded into her engorged throat from the sheer pressure contained inside her, her brow furrowed in concentration, blonde hair levitating in the air as she felt everything go fuzzy for a second as her body began to respond to the sudden massive influx, a massive rumbling, an earthquake extending out from the tips of her curled toes, signaling the start of something…BIG

Ultima Unleashed

Outside the 747 airliner a low dull groan could be heard echoing within the plane as it surfed through the air on its way to Washington D.C.  Slowly the groan grew louder, becoming more violent, with multiple dull *THUD*s and *BANG*s echoing about in the underbelly of the plane.  Suddenly, the panels that housed the plane’s landing gear bowed outward and then burst off flying away as the wheels and landing gear jutted out of the bottom of the plane, getting pushed further and further out from within the plane.  Through the searing drone of bending metal and popping of rivets one could make out inside the plane a shrill voice dripping with ecstasy shouting out in tempo with each crack in the internal structure.

“M-M-MMORE!” as the underbelly of the airplane began to bulge outward under the pressure within, the landing gear finally tearing from its mooring under the intense wind pressure and strain from within the plane, dropping off to the earth below.  Immediately following the landing gear emerging from the bottom of the plane were two dark colored nipples surrounded by peachy white flesh belonging to none other than Ultima Montgomery, the boobs imprinted with pressure lines from the steel skeleton that had tried to contain them within the plane’s belly. 

“YES!  MORE!” Ultima cackled as she felt the brisk wind streaming past her engorged nipples sensing she was almost free of the shackles of the plane.  Her breasts continued their march forward pushing out the bottom of the airplane, the wings of the plane bowing upward as the bottom opened up, both breasts rending metal to the side as more and more panels broke off the bottom as the structural supports failed to contain the two massive chest orbs of Ultima that by now had become significantly wider than the width of the cabin but were squeezing their way out the bottom in the way that only boobs can. 

GUHHHH!”  with a triumphant groan Ultima’s breasts burst out completely from the bottom of the plane accompanied by a cloud of debris of dislodged airline seats, twisted metal, and boxes and crates of supplies that had been stored in the plane’s belly, her nipples squirting gallons upon gallons of fluid into the atmosphere as the plane continued to dip in the air under the new weight and wind resistance of her boobs flapping underneath.  Ultima’s giant knockers were at least three times the height of the plane, the tear-drop shaped pillows of flesh hanging down an additional one-hundred and twenty feet from the belly of the plane, as if the plane had grown the tits itself.  Each breast could cover half a football field in length and stretch across the entire width.  The plane began to tilt downward as the wings began to lose fuel and Ultima’s breasts made the plane significantly less aerodynamic.  Of course, Ultima was not finished, on the top side of the plane another bulge could be seen bowing out as she strained, arching her back pushing her ballooning buttocks further up into the ceiling, her face buried in her own cleavage as she strained.  “More space!  Need out!” she groaned as the ceiling of the cabin buckled and with a *BOOM*, panels peeled up and were torn off as the cabin depressurized leaving her butt exposed through a new makeshift sunroof in the top of the plane.  “MMMUUUHHH!” planting her hands deep in her bosom for support, Ultima pushed up, her torso and legs now playing catch up to her boobs allowing her to push herself up, her head appearing as the top support structure separated from the sides of the plane like an eye opening, her blonde hair streaming in the wind. 

RAHHAH!  Yes!  Yes!  YES!” Ultima cackled finally bursting through the top half of the airplane, her breasts still stuck coming out the bottom, but her rear end beginning to provide respectable competition to her bust size, her butt now over one hundred and sixty feet wide and each cheek large enough to serve as a private bounce house for a group of twenty, the two glistening orbs shuddering and wobbling in the wind as Ultima looked back with admiration on her audacious hourglass figure.  Out of the front of the airplane Lorraine burst from the cockpit, the pilot’s cock still spurting energy from the front of the plane that flew back and evaporated off the hot flesh of the two growing ladies. 

Epilogue: Free Fall

“Nice one Ultima!” Lorraine shouted looking back as her own breasts overtook the entire the front half of the plane, although her bust was barely equal to just one of Ultima’s butt cheeks at that point.  Before the two could continue their celebration, the airplane pitched further downward as the left engine failed, the air pressure tearing off one of the wings.  As the plane began to spiral it split in half, the passenger sections bursting into various pieces as the whole crew was unleashed from the airplane, hurtling on individual trajectories toward the ground, although at thirty thousand feet they still had a long way to go before getting earth side. 

“Falling to earth?  Was this part of your plan?”  Lorraine shouted over to Ultima as the two streaked through the air upside down through the atmosphere, breasts wobbling franticly in the wind around them. 

“Who cares?  We can’t be hurt in our growth forms!  Let’s just make a splash!” Ultima cackled, her gigantic tits casting a shadow over Lorraine who just looked on at Ultima’s gigantic form speechlessly.

Heh…she’s got a point.  And Maxine thinks I’M the unstable one,” Lorraine chuckled to herself as she looked sheepishly at the rest of the crew and plane debris falling toward Earth.  “Fair enough!  Hey captain, this’ll make for a great story at happy hour!  Remember it’s your treat!” Lorraine shouted to Maxine who was falling slightly behind and to the right of Lorraine and Ultima. 

“Oh great!” Maxine flashed an exasperated grin back at Lorraine, her arms folded haughtily.  “Next time Stromberg, just do a video call!” Maxine shouted above her to Hannah who shrugged her shoulders with a playful smile. 

“Just enjoy the view Baas, live a little!” Hannah cackled as the group streaked toward earth.
