Growth Lab Story 003: The Transport Demo


In collaboration with ReadyArt who created the Growth Lab Universe and characters within.  This story covers an event in the upcoming Growth Lab Comic “Flight Plan” that involves a flashback to the early days with Commander Luna Masters‘ first demonstration of using the Growth Energy for Matter Transport, and the resulting malfunction that causes her to experience the effects of the Growth Virus fully for the first time.  Teaming up with her Lieutenant Ultima Montgomery they work to mitigate the crisis!  Of course, growth ensues in various ways!


Ultima Montgomery | Luna Masters | Alexander Dunn | Rebecca Smith | Bill Riggs


Breast Expansion (F), Hourglass Expansion (F), Butt Expansion (F), Giantess (F), Deepthroat (F), Sexual Intercourse (M/F), Muscle Growth (M), Giant (M), Penis Growth (M)


All characters are owned by ReadyArt and used with their permission. ReadyArt can be found at (, DeviantArt, and Patreon.

Intro: Ultima’s Concerns

(Killian Military Base, two weeks after Prom Night Incident)

Luna stood posture erect, eyes scanning the wall of monitors in front of her, watching the energy levels ebb and flow as the energy transportation system hummed away on standby.  Her tense demeanor was a habit formed over ten years of military service climbing the ladder to her current position. “Never let them see you sweat,” she thought to herself with a stern look on her face, arms crossed, foot tapping anxiously on the floor.  A shrill squeak echoed through the room as the door to the lab opened and Luna heard the familiar tone of Ultima’s black pumps hitting the linoleum floor as she rounded the bend.  “How are things looking Montgomery?” Luna turned to eye her assistant, who was dressed in a formal U.N.S.A. uniform in preparation for the presentation, her sailor’s cap resting gently on her neatly pressed blonde hair that flowed freely over her ears behind her shoulders.  Ultima wore a long-sleeve V-neck double-breasted coat with three gold buttons, a pencil skirt, and a red tie to tie the outfit together. 

“Yes Commander, energy levels on both ends are holding steady, all of the top brass has gathered in the demonstration hall,” Ultima stated, although Luna noticed that her voice did not have its normal cheery edge, and her eyes were darting about more than usual, her usual carefree demeanor appeared somewhat restrained, almost self-conscious, which Luna had thought to be an impossible disposition for Ultima. 

“Speak freely lieutenant, is something bothering you?” Luna asked as she shuffled up her notes and walked to a nearby mirror to double-check her outfit. 

“Well ma’am, it’s about the test, I know that we have done all we can to prepare, but there are just so many variables involved with the live test that it has me worried,” Ultima said as she absent-mindedly brushed her blonde hair out of her eyes and tucked it behind her right ear.  “I know we are under a timeline to produce results for continued funding but…” Ultima voice trailed off slowly. 

“Exactly,” Luna retorted flatly as she gingerly placed her sailor’s cap on top of her short black hair, pulling at her bangs to find the right orientation that conveyed “professional badass”.  “Ultima, everyone in this lab is being tasked to do the impossible, today we have the chance to actually achieve it, plenty of parties don’t want us to succeed, but there is no guaranteeing we’ll have another opportunity like this.  Any failures or problems fall on me, so you don’t need to worry.”  Luna smiled at Ultima through the mirror, applying some makeup to cover up the bags under her eyes from the many recent over-nighters and readjusted her belt further up her waist.  Luna’s outfit consisted of a Commander-level U.N.S.A. long sleeve side-button down jacket that extended down to her upper thigh, three buttons pushing out over her perky DDD bust, under which she wore standard navy-blue dress pants.  The popped jacket collar rigidly stood up all the way to her lower cheek bones and was open in the front to reveal her slender neck encircled by the white collar of her button-down dress shirt underneath.  “Besides, you’ve already done all the hard work re-aligning the energy matrix.  That incident at Killian high school actually produced just the breakthrough we needed and now we get to reap the benefits,” said Luna as she turned away from the mirror, notes in one hand and strode proudly past Ultima, placing a reassuring yet firm hand on her shoulder.  “Remember, I’m doing this for all of us, so have a little faith in your commander,” she said cheerfully as she locked eyes with Ultima. 

“Y-Yes ma’am,” Ultima fought back the objections in her mind under the fire of Luna’s steely glare and put on her more normal (albeit forced) smile, body still uncomfortably fidgeting from side to side. 

“And tighten up that posture lieutenant, all eyes are going to be on us for the next twenty minutes, let’s show them what we’re made of!” Luna walked past Ultima to head out the door to the conference hall for the demonstration.

“Yes Ma’am!” Ultima fell in line walking slightly behind and to the left of Luna as the two exited the room.  Unknown to both, a subtle warning appeared on the screen reading, “warning external intruder detected,” on the console but it was dismissed just as quickly as it appeared.

Demo Preparation

The conference hall room was spacious with a twenty-foot-high ceiling, lighting from the crown molding illuminating the few tables placed towards the front of the room where a slightly elevated stage sat, a singular podium atop it.  As Luna walked in followed by Ultima, she quickly eyed the fifteen VIPs consisting mainly of top brass from the various branches of the military as well a few key political donors and scientists.  Senator Richmond’s face had a stern expression on it, being a representative of Arizona, he had a lot of pressure to assure his constituents that the growth research taking place in his state would not cause further outbreaks affecting civilians.  Among the top brass was General Hightower, a big mover in the Army branch that had been working on using the energy for super-soldiers as far back as Luna could remember.  There were also a few professors that had various positions in the energy research programs developing storage crystals and collaborating with Doc Hudson on the initial ingestible super soldier pills.  General Bill Riggs, also from the army stood out to her immediately, who gave the usual professional smile that attempted to gloss over the pair’s past romantic relationship when they were in military school.  Luna averted her eyes and walked to the front of the room to place her notes on the podium and survey the rest of the setup.  Behind and slightly to the right on the podium on a lower level was a table with a large monitor serving as the main control station for the demonstration where Sergeant Alexander Dunn was standing, methodically typing away, a stern expression on his face. “Don’t tell me Ultima’s apprehension has spread to him too, dammit of all the days… I need everyone fully invested in this, or it’s like we’ve already failed.” Luna turned sharply to look down and address Alexander with a booming “Dunn!”

“Yes Ma’…uh Commander!” Alexander stiffened reflexively to address his superior, eyes averting just in time from Luna’s belt-accentuated hourglass figure to maintain propriety.

“How is communication with the Luxembourg?”  Luna put one hand on her hip, glaring downward, eyebrow raised high enough to destroy any suspicion that she was at all in a playful mood today. 

“Crystal clear ma’am, Luxembourg is reporting their energy levels are holding steady, and orbital coordinates are well within tolerance. We should get the go-ahead for frequency synchronization any minute now.” Alexander self-consciously adjusted his blonde locks peeking out from under his cap as he surveyed the multiple superior officers that had gathered in the room while he was indisposed.

“Good, as soon as you get permission, get it started, we don’t want any delays holding us up!” Luna snapped as she did a zero-degree turn on her heels to walk over to the far side of the stage where the matter transporter was set up.  It was a simplistic setup, a C-shaped structure with a circular diameter of about four feet, large umbilical hoses extending out the back column to rooms in the back where most of the heavy-duty machinery was safely shielded away.  Ultima stood next to the transport pad, checking the hose connections, and viewing the diagnostic panel on the back.  “It’s noon, time for us to get started Montgomery” Luna’s voice carried with it a slight sense of urgency, the window for the test was rather forgiving, but the last thing she wanted to worry about was a late start. 

“Yes, ready to go ma’am, are you sure we shouldn’t prep the emergency decom just in case?” Ultima’s voice was soft and quiet, as though she already knew the answer deep down. 

“Absolutely not, it would signal a lack of confidence and potentially destabilize the energy draw from our matter transport systems” Luna curtly replied. “Follow my lead, and relax, today is the beginning of something great, I can feel it,” she said turning to walk back to the podium, Ultima quietly following at an even pace, subconsciously tugging at her jacket, and smoothing out her skirt.

Urghh, my bra still feels tight from the Prom Night incident, we might have to look into long term decom solutions if this keeps up” Ultima grit her teeth feeling her bra underwire dig into her back every time she straightened her posture. “Luna doesn’t seem to mind the side effects at all though,” Ultima pondered watching Luna’s uniform attempt to contain the side bulge of her DDD bust as she took her position to the left of her on the podium as Luna began her introductory proceedings.  “She’s been doing way more testing than me and it shows,” Ultima pondered to herself.

“It’s twelve noon everybody so we are going to get started!” Luna bellowed out over the podium to the mingling attendees who quickly ceased their pleasantries and took their seats behind the tables.  Scanning the audience Luna could see that everyone was a little on edge, the public fallout from the Killian High School Prom incident had attracted many hostile eyes to the energy program with the hopes of shutting it down and shifting funding elsewhere.  “Wait till they see the possibilities,” Luna mused contentedly as she centered herself on the podium. Looking down, she suddenly realized a small problem, being that the podium was so short, only up to her waist, that the projection of her bust obscured the view of her notes. “Well, no one ever said pushing the boundaries of science was easy,” Luna sighed looking up again at the audience to see the host of males feigning disinterest in her well-endowed bust line that stuck out far enough to cast a shadow over the podium in front her.  All the compression bras in the world were still inadequate at containing Luna’s newly grown mounds of chest flesh and everyone knew it.  Feeling heat rush to her face, Luna clenched her fist and then relaxed, “Remember Luna, you got this, you’ve fixed all the issues with growth side effects, now let’s show them what your made of!” and with a deep breath she began her (memorized) speech.

Transport Demo Begins

“Thank you all for coming here today to witness a fantastic breakthrough in the UNSA Energy development program.” “As commander of UNSA Luxembourg and head of the energy research program it has always been my goal to push forward the boundaries of science while ensuring safety remains a top priority.”  Luna gestured to the teleportation pad on her left while sneaking a quick look down at her bust, a habit she had formed recently as she adjusted to her top-heavy form. “The lessons we have learned from the development and testing of particle EPT-D5 have produced a new more stable form of energy.  As you all are aware, less than a month ago in Killian we successfully tested our ability to contain the TK-16 fusion process.  A byproduct of our energy development plans this process is a source of near limitless energy.  This is all thanks to the quick thinking of Lieutenant Ultima Montgomery!” Luna gestured to Ultima standing on her right, smiling timidly to the audience.  “Thanks to her we have a working energy sample that we have been able to harness for the purposes of creating a low orbit energy transit bridge!” The audience burst into polite applause, giving Luna a rush of adrenaline, she loved doling out praise to her subordinates, and the sounds of approval was something she wouldn’t admit to but had anticipated and desired for a long time, (too long).  “You heard correctly, we can now transfer matter, not just a few feet, or a few blocks, but up to hundreds of miles away without loss of integrity,” Luna beamed, her voice gaining strength and confidence.  “As you can imagine the benefits of near instantaneous transfer of personnel and supplies without the expenditure of costly fuel will not only increase efficiency but open up funds for further expansion of our low-orbit and moon base operations. But without further ado, please allow us a short break after which we will do an active transfer to the Luxembourg and back to this room so you can see the process for yourselves.”  The room broke out into a flurry of impressed exclamations, the attendees clearly had not anticipated witnessing such a long-range energy transfer (something Luna had painstakingly taken steps to ensure was secret) and were suddenly less concerned with missing their lunch break now that they had the chance to witness history unfolding in front of them.  “Please make yourselves comfortable, we will alert you when the test is ready to commence.”  Luna’s face shone with pride as she stepped back from the podium, still basking in the glow of the admiration and (jealously?) that emanated from the audience in front of her.  Turning to walk to the back of the stage, she felt Ultima approaching from her side, hands back to furiously inspecting the fit of her uniform now that she was no longer the center of attention on stage.

“Commander?” Ultima’s tone immediately conveyed to Luna that this was going to be a continuation of their earlier talk.  Attempting to hold back any sound of annoyance, Luna quietly leaned in and with a hushed voice to maintain privacy responded.

“Yes Montgomery?”

“Ma’am, I still have reservations about this live test, specifically the energy unlock code, it’s just too easy to activate or tamper with …” Ultima was cut off sharply as Luna interjected.

“Please, Montgomery, we’ve run over twenty simulations and short-range tests with no issues, the parameters for this test are well within tolerances even if the unlock code was for some reason activated.  We’ve taken EVERY precaution possible, including ensuring that none of the attendees are energy generators,” Luna spoke in a calm voice but with a tone that bore down on Ultima like an elephant.

“I-It’s just that ever since the Killian School outbreak… feeling the effects of the energy firsthand it seems like…” Ultima’s voice trailed off as her eyes unintentionally looked at Luna’s chest, making Luna flush with indignation.  The one thing that consistently set Luna off was the feeling of being looked down upon, especially being underestimated.

“Enough!” Luna’s voice raised slightly as she leaned in closer to Ultima, hand on her shoulder, Luna’s boobs pressing ever so gently into Ultima’s slightly smaller but still swollen C-cups, the sensation making Ultima purse her lips to contain the contented “mmmm” that was about to escape them. “We will commence the test in ten minutes, and you will see that there is nothing to worry about, and I shall be the first transport.” 

“But Ma’am!” Ultima said in shocked surprise, but Luna had already turned to walk toward Alexander signaling the conversation was indeed over.  The original plan had been for Ultima to be the transport test subject, given that Luna was still saturated with energy from the most recent dry runs and simulations that had occurred over the last two weeks. 

My body can handle two, no three times the amount of energy that will be absorbed in this test without even the slightest growth effect, not to mention my inherent willpower and focus, putting Ultima through this in her state would only be asking for problems, it’ll have to be me!”  Luna fumed silently as she headed over to Alexander who was busily typing away at the console behind the stage.  Ultima walked off to the other side of the stage where a door leading to the engineering rooms had opened, and Rebecca, one of the assistant technicians stuck her head out indicating she wanted a quick word. 

“Did you tell her?” Rebecca asked inquisitively, eyebrow raised displaying her inherent doubt regarding any success in steering Luna away from her chosen path.

“Yes, but…” Ultima’s voice trailed off refusing to make eye contact with her long-time lab partner.

“But what? It’s not safe, we’ve spent all our time testing the transport mechanisms, but we barely know anything about this loose energy trigger,” Rebecca said with indignation. Ultima let out a forced chuckle.

“She said they tested it, either way she’s going ahead with the test herself.” Ultima felt slightly warm and flush as she felt the breeze from the energy rooms carry with it the slight buzz of energy waves that periodically leaked from the storage tanks. “Am I really absorbing the residual energy at this distance?” Ultima pondered self-consciously feeling her breasts began to ever so slightly pool over the cups of her bra, her skirt beginning to stretch ever so slightly tighter around her hips. “This feeling… I… must …focus…” Ultima snapped out of her daze in time to hear Rebecca rambling sarcastically.

“Well, la-dee dah, with Luna’s luck she’ll probably get atomized.” 

“Rebecca!” Ultima glared sternly but gently at Rebecca, who sighed with resignation as she retreated back into the room to continue her monitoring of the equipment. 

Turning back Rebecca shouted, “Stay safe out there! This room will lock down if anything weird happens so you’re on your own!” and the door closed behind her, leaving Ultima furiously fidgeting with her skirt again, her legs not seeming to have as much space between them as usual. 

The audacity of Montgomery, questioning my decision.  It’s like they forget who started this project! Me!” Luna’s cheeks flushed with frustration, and then self-consciousness as she felt her breasts pushing ever more firmly against the elastic prison her sports bra was desperately providing for them.  “All these young upstarts couldn’t possibly understand how much time and work I’ve put into this!  They will never understand!”  Luna’s nipples began to protrude ever so lightly outward, yearning to be free from their confinement.  “Dunn!” Luna folded her arms instinctively as she addressed Alexander to both display a commanding figure and hide the ever-subtle protrusion of her nipples through the thick fabric of her uniform. 

“Yes Commander,” Alexander stated nonchalantly, used to hearing his name bellowed to the rafters but this time unable to keep his eyes from wandering downward to explore the strained stitching on the sides of Luna’s jacket, almost not registering Luna’s follow-up question.

“Are we ready?” 

“uhh…” Alexander couldn’t tell if Luna’s uniform had shrunk in the last few minutes, but it looked like her jacket was riding higher than usual.

“Yes or no?!?” Luna’s voice shook Dunn from his internal machinations.

“Yes… Ma’am,” Dunn quietly responded, knowing this would all be over soon enough barring any catastrophic malfunctions. 

“Good. Fire it up, we don’t have all day here.”  Luna pivoted again to return to stage, slightly slower this time, feeling her center of gravity slowing shifting upward, the weight on her chest making her bra straps drill into her shoulders ever so slightly, arms brushing past side-boob she was not used to having as she sauntered back to stage, brow furrowed.  Dunn could not resist watching her departure, hips swaying side to side to counterbalance the pendulum of her bust, her dress pants riding up ever so slightly to cup her firm glutes.

“The commander was always a smoke show, but today she’s on another level,” Dunn pondered to himself. 

“We go in one-minute Dunn.  Be ready.”

“Yes ma’am!”  As she walked away Luna’s thoughts were a whirlwind of righteous indignation.  “I’ll show her.  I’ll show all of them, this program is the future and today I get to prove it,” Luna thought as she walked back up to the podium to address the VIP’s. “Ok, everyone, please take your seats, we will be commencing with the test momentarily!”  Luna walked over to the transport pad, standing in the center of the pad as the base began to light up beneath her feet, illuminating her in a soft white light, taking precise measurements of her body utilizing the 3D scanners mounted behind her and a soft hum filled the room as the machinery spun up to full power.  The overhead speakers crackled as Alexander routed communication with the Luxembourg to be broadcast throughout the room.  “System Start!” Luna yelled over the buzz of the equipment, arms down against her sides, body as relaxed as she could manage in this situation, although she felt as though her belt was digging into her abdomen a bit more than usual. 

Luxembourg Start!  Set on our mark…” the voice of the Luxembourg technician carried out robotically over the speakers.  Everyone in the audience had their eyes steadily fixed on Luna, some with arms folded, other with hands clasped in anticipation.  “Ready!  three…two…one…”  The final countdown made the hairs on the back of Luna’s neck stand at attention.

It’s finally happening” she thought.  “Engage signal boosts!  Now!” Luna bellowed out her last command as the circular pad above her lit up to engage the transport process.

Growth Lab Science Aside: Low Orbit Teleportation

(Side note on the low orbit energy transit bridge and how it works)

The Low Orbit Energy Transit Bridge was a system designed by Luna to demonstrate the use of the TK-16 Energy form captured on Prom Night to teleport matter instantaneously from one point to another.  The principle is simple, the item being transported is bathed in energy from the transmitter, which resonates on a particular frequency with the receiver which also bathes the receiving pad in energy.  Once the energy particles match frequency the transmitter boosts the signal and the matter transports instantaneously and is reconstructed atom by atom in the new location.  The process will leave the subject saturated with latent energy for an hour or so after the fact, and multiple transports per day are not recommended unless personnel undergo a mandatory decom to ensure their bodies are not over-saturated with energy.  Batteries have been found to be the best transport subjects as they can stand being saturated with a lot of energy and undergo several transfers a day without requiring a full decom.

Transport Demo Continues

Luna took a deep breath as she felt the pad over her head beam down wave after wave of energy, soaking and saturating her body and clothes on a cellular level.  She clenched her fists as a tingling sensation spread from the tips of her toes and permeated its way through to the hair on her scalp.  Her concept of time was severely warped in transport, it felt like at least a minute to Luna but to the room the transfer was almost instantaneous, a bright light flashed, and Luna’s vision became very blurry, the tingling sensation assaulting her body blocking out all other sensory perception, until she heard a small beeping sound, and another bright flash of light as she began to regain her senses.  Blinking her eyes to adjust to the brightly lit transfer deck on the Luxembourg, Luna peered out to see a group of three scientists in decom suits monitoring the console in the room.  Two of the scientists walked up to her quickly to take her vital signs to verify her body had not been scrambled in the transfer.

“Looking great Commander! Everything checks out, but I would recommend heading straight to decom after your return trip, your energy levels are approaching,” the technician stated before being cut off by Luna. 

“Eighty percent saturation, yes I know, but hardly an issue given that scanner was made for Normal energy absorbers,” Luna said matter-of-factly.  “We will need to recalibrate the recommendations for level ten batteries such as myself, in simulations I found I could do ten such transfers without breaking a sweat.” Luna smiled smugly at the scientist manning the comms who breathlessly announced over his headset.

“Lab One! This is Luxembourg Actual…  We Got Her!”  Luna could hear the crackle of static on the overhead speakers as the VIPs clapped and cheered uproariously back on Earth. 

“Better get me back planet-side in time for lunch lieutenant!” Luna yelled, beaming from ear to ear as she stepped back onto the transport pad in anticipation of the return trip. 

“On your mark Agent Dunn,” the comms lead announced over the headset as they pulled a small lever to spin up the generators for the return trip.  As she waited Luna looked blissfully outside the port window of the transport room to catch a glimpse of the west coast of the United States, momentarily eyeing the desert mountains of Arizona then slowly drifting toward the sandy planes of her hometown in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

“Oh Mom, I wish you could have tuned into this one, security protocols be damned,” Luna took a deep breath to prepare for the next transfer, but also to hold back the slight wetness in her eyelids.  The transporter pad spun up quickly and bathed her again in a fuzzy blanket of energy for the return trip, a small *burp* escaping Luna’s lips as her body went translucent and the energy whisked her away back to the Killian Base transporter room. 

“Lieutenant!” one of the scientists rushed into the room as the transporter pad began its cooldown phase, humming methodically.  “Those energy readings on the commander were corrupted, our best guess is she was already pushing overload levels before the return transfer!” the scientist clutched her tablet frantically displaying the actual vital levels for Luna.  “Notify Killian to prep the emergency decom immediately, let’s just hope she doesn’t do anything crazy!” the lieutenant stared anxiously at his console as he attempted to radio Alexander for confirmation.

“Returning in three…two…one…” Alexander stared intently at the spiking levels on his screen as the room was once again illuminated and as the shadows returned, the bodacious figure of Luna Master stood proudly in the center of the transport pad, a relieved smile on her face, not a single hair out of place. 

“Hurray!  Yay! Yay!” the crowd of VIPs leapt to their feet to offer laudatory praise for the ground-breaking display of technical ingenuity.  Ultima stood to the side of the stage, tugging on the sleeves of her jacket which didn’t seem to reach as far down her arms as they should.  As soon as Luna took one step outside the field of the transport pad, Ultima felt her internal temperature skyrocket, beads of sweat dotting her forehead, staggering backward slightly, Ultima’s thoughts raced as to the cause for the feeling. 

Is Luna carrying that much energy, the transfer shouldn’t have filled her up that much… unless something went wrong with the dampers?” Ultima did her best to keep up appearances clapping along with the rest of the attendees, her breathing becoming slightly more labored as Luna walked to the center of the stage, her uniform visibly tightening at the shoulders as her bust lobbied for more and more volume inside her jacket.  “Please make the victory lap short Luna, *urghh*… isn’t Dunn seeing the readings?  They must be off the charts!” Ultima glanced over at Alexander; whose face showed no sign of registering anything out of the ordinary on his console. “Oh wait, he’s not even looking at the console, he’s looking at *sigh*… Luna.” Ultima put a hand to her stomach as gaseous vapors escaped her esophagus, “*Hooof* I must be absorbing the excess, which is fine as long as Luna doesn’t say…” Ultima barely finished her thought before hearing Luna utter the fateful words.

“Rocket Science.” the words snapped Ultima out of her panicked machinations as Luna committed the unthinkable on stage.


(Flashback to Luna just coming off the transport)

“Thank you! We all did this today!” Luna strode proudly across the stage to address the VIPs who were sitting back down, some still clapping, others beginning to furiously jot down notes on what had just transpired.  Luna’s mind was racing “Well, well… looks like I was right… Again.” Luna’s mind was drunk on the high of scientific achievement already planning two, three, four steps ahead as to how to capitalize on this fantastic achievement. 

“We’ll have a Q and A after I get checked out.  Cleanup won’t take long.” Luna raised a hand to get the attention of the crowd who had already begun to excitedly chat amongst themselves, feeling the slight tug as her uniform had slightly less shoulder room then she remembered. 

Ultima should know better than to shortchange my energy capacity like that, I know what will put her mind at ease,” Luna raised a single finger to punctuate her parting words.

“After all… it’s not… rocket science.”  A deathly silence filled the room, all that could be heard was a few audible moans and groans from the VIPs, Luna brought her finger down in confusion, her eyes glowing a deep golden yellow and rumbling *BRUMMMMBR* echoing from her chest as she felt the latent energy inside her start to unsettle as if she had eaten a three-day-old Burrito.  “What?” Luna’s mind began to race as a chorus of *Ohhhs* and *guhhs* began to erupt from the VIPs in front of her.  Every VIP’s head was on the swivel to see if the person next to them was feeling the same thing, an unfamiliar sensation of energy permeating their body. 

Growth Outbreak

Turning around Luna looked at Alexander who had recoiled back from the monitor, body spastically shaking, almost vibrating, eyes shut tight, and teeth grit harder than an alligator as he animalistically muttered “GRRRRROOOOH-GUH!”

“What is…Dunn? What’s happening to him?”  Luna’s thoughts were a mile a minute, trying desperately to process the events taking place in front of her as the previously docile VIP audience slowly began to degenerate as the energy flux took hold of their bodies, which shook uncontrollably as though a six-point-zero magnitude earthquake was emanating from their core.  The only sounds that could be heard over the *groans* in the room was the shaking of the feeble chair legs and tables. 

Energy surge detected, initiating lock down of Lab One” the overhead speaker system confirmed what Luna had feared, and a rhythmic *CLACK* *CLICK* circled the room as the doors to the room locked automatically.

*BAM! *…*BAM! **BAM! *BAM! * Luna’s eyes darted franticly to General Hightower who was rigidly upright in his seat, hand grasping at an obscene bulge in his crotch in a futile effort to delay the inevitable, fist slamming the table angrily at how quickly his willpower was losing the battle for control.  Luna could faintly make out the bulging veins forming on his neck, forehead, and hands and the subtle *cracks* as his skeletal frame foreshadowed the impending, inevitable expansion of his six-foot frame.

Shittttttt! Shitmrmrmrmrm!” the general’s head writhed from side to side as his clavicle bulged out in between the raised collar of his uniform, his shoulders beginning the join the party, widening inch by inch as the buttons on the front of his uniform clung desperately to the fabric that began to tear. 

No-rmrmmr such powerRRRR!” a scientist grunted frantically scribbling on his notepad, trying desperately to document the feeling for future studies, before an unbridled growth spasm travelled down his arm making him crush his pen unintentionally, black ink soaking his sleeve as first his hand grew, his fingers contorting into talons as the spasm travelled slowly up his arm, holes forming in the taught sleeves of his lab coat as it passed,  ending at his shoulder which inflated like a balloon as muscle fibers clamored for space in his frail frame, his eyes wide open as he began to laugh maniacally trying to hold back his muscular arm with his remaining normal one, muttering “HE HE *Hiccup* HAHACRAPP!” 

Unggghhh, so… much fucking pressure!” the words attracted Luna’s eyes next to Andrew Dyson, President and CEO of Dyson Industries, a major competitor in the field of energy research.  His simple white dress shirt had been unceremoniously untucked from his pants as his spinal cord reared upward like a hiccupping giraffe, his body contorting, head leaning forward into the table, one hand kneading his normally well permed hair, legs spread apart with the crotch seams already split down the middle, the other hand holding a state of the art phone trying desperately to push the buttons with his now larger than normal fingers, placing it to his ear trying desperately to reach someone, anyone, that could alleviate his current condition. “Martha!!!urmamm Get me my sedatives-GRAAA!” Dyson’s thought was cut off as his hand spasmed crushing the phone into minuscule shards, lifting his head from the table he leaned backward and began laughing hysterically, his arms and torso growing severely out of proportion to his lower half, the chair releasing squeals of frustration at the increasing load.  The rest of the front row was devolving into similar levels of pandemonium, as shirts and pants began to tighten, each attendee beginning to shake uncontrollably, and normal patterned speech gave way to primal grunts and groans. 

What’s happening… unf…my pants, so tight!

Yeah me… urghh. too

Energy… neeed. Unhfff… decom… help” all the attendees words blended together as Luna’s breathing quickened realizing that literally everyone in the room was approaching overload at a quickening pace. 

“Dunn!!! I need a status update ASAP!”  Luna turned quickly to her fellow private only to see him reeled over at his console, already having destroyed his keyboard, head tipping over the monitor which fell to the floor, on the cracked screen Luna was just barely able to make out a screen that read

Warning, Abnormal Energy Accepted on Transferrrr…” the rest obscured by splintered cracks on the screen. 

Dammit, how could I have brought enough energy back with me to cause this kind of growth without any generators?  It makes no sense!!” Luna’s mind frantically searched her steps in the process, knowing for sure now she had missed something, but unable to tell where.  A subtle gasp escaped Luna’s lips as she turned back, realizing that the recorded footage she had watched of previous outbreaks had done little to prepare her for the shock of witnessing it firsthand, as the VIPs steadily progressed into the next stage of growth, only a few had not increased in height or width yet, one of them being General Bill Rigs, who had his hands clasped, white-knuckled to the table in front of him, a hissing sound as he breathed heavily through his grit teeth, before another spasm caused him to reel backward in his chair, exposing a quite prominent tent pole in the crotch of his pants, jolting outward inch by inch, too fast for the pants to even hope to adjust too in time.  “Oh, my goodness his penis!? This kind of reaction on a group level is crazy!  Are there possibly unknown generators among the VIPs!?  It’s impossible to tell!” Luna nervously glanced from one attendee to another trying to see if anyone was acting weirder than usual, which was like looking for a needle in a haystack of needles. 

Commander! ETA on emergency decom is ten minutes!  Make sure nobody leaves that room…*hiccup* ohhh crappppp!” Rebecca’s voice trailed off over the intercom leaving only static to keep Luna company. 

Masters, H-H-H-H-HELP US” “Masters, where’s that decom?!?” 

M-M-M-Masters whats-URghgh happening to m-m-me?!”  All of the changing males’ voices rose up in an asynchronous chorus of raging adrenaline that made Luna shrink back, for the first time in a long time, until she remembered that she was not alone.  There should be one other person in the room still able to assist. 

Turning around, Luna saw Ultima, who was attempting (unsuccessfully) to comfort Alexander, who had fallen to his knees on the floor uttering guttural nonsense.  Ultima knelt to one knee, hand on Alexander’s already more-burly-than-usual shoulder, the other one undoing the buttons on her outer jacket as her breasts swelled from her natural C-cups to perky DD’s, pooling softly over and around the sides of the cups of her bra which could be seen outlined clearly under her button-down shirt, her tie hanging loosely over her right breast barely even able to circumvent her billowing bosom.

“I think Dunn took on most of the energy, *UnnFF* I can barely hold the excess!” Ultima took her hand off Dunn to attempt to remove her outer jacket as her breasts began to strain the top buttons on her shirt which rode up to reveal her supple midriff. 

“Ultima, form up on me!” Luna snapped desperately watching as some of the VIPs had grown out their chairs and were now beginning to make their way up front, legs wobbling as they took on more and more mass, getting calves the size of watermelons.

Unload…. Need… to…Unload!” the slowly advancing hulked out males resembled a very well-dressed zombie invasion until the final growth phase hit them and their bodies surged in height, reaching first ten then fifteen tall, their shirts ripping at the back, then at the shoulders and finally shredding into rings clinging to the thirty-inch biceps and seventy-inch torsos of the attendees.  Some grew wide, with barrel chests extending out at least a foot in front making their head look tiny by comparison, with legs like tree trunks supporting their rotund frame.  Others took on a lankier demeaner, hair standing straight up like they had been shocked by electricity, with their dress shirts quickly becoming mere tank tops for their upper half exposing shredded abs extending to their long legs clothed by dress shorts that had previously been dress pants.  Every attendee had a penis at least three feet long, most had a diameter of a foot while other were even larger with veins that pulsed like a clogged water hose.  Senator Richmond, who had been sitting off to the left side, reeled backward as his muscular form finally reached his penis, which sprang up violently karate-chopping the table in front of him in half with a sickening *CRRACKK* sending the pieces flying to opposite sides of the room.

Uraaaahhh…too much…can’t hold ittt!” Richmond’s cries reinforced what Luna already knew, they were running out time.

Personal Decoms

“Commander what’s the eta on the decom?” Ultima asked gesturing to the shut door where Rebecca was (supposedly) prepping the crystal storage tanks to drain the energy. 

“At best it’ll take ten minutes, assuming Rebecca is not indisposed as well,” Luna muttered, putting a hand on Ultima’s shoulder to drain her excess energy as best she could, slowly deflating Ultima’s rotund mammaries to a perky D-cup, allowing Ultima to refasten the bottom two buttons on her jacket. 

“But with fifteen VIPs growing at this rate, we can’t waste another minute, they cannot leave this room or unload the energy to the rest of the base *Hiccup*!”  Luna put her hand to her mouth, grasping just how much energy Ultima had been trying to drain from the room, the buttons on Luna’s jacket began to strain more and more as her own bust took on an additional three inches of breast flesh.

“Hehe … are you… uh …suggesting we take a more direct approach?” Ultima’s voice carried with it an almost jovial playfulness as her eyes twinkled at Luna whose face scrunched up as she registered Ultima’s intention. 

“Please tell me you are not referring to “personal decoms” lieutenant?” Luna muttered dryly, making air quotes with her hands.  Ultima seemed not even to register Luna’s audible apprehension. 

“Haha, oh ma’am! It’s the fastest way to absorb their energy!  Not only that but if our data from Prom Night is accurate, most of them will remember nothing after recovering from climax, which will take at least an hour or two!” Ultima’s voice carried with it an unbridled excitement that made Luna sweat at how unfazed Ultima was. 

I guess she has grown before, damn, I can’t have my underling taking me to school like this,” Luna swallowed sheepishly attempting to regain her composure. 

“I have been very careful not to fraternize with anyone… and this is an emergency… but this will stay between you and me understand!?!”  Luna felt beads of sweat forming on her head, and deep down she knew she was sweating not with dread, but with anticipation

“Yes of course, pinky promise!” Ultima quickly grabbed Luna’s pinky with her own before prancing off happily to one of the grown attendees that had wandered toward the stage. 

“*Sigh* Ultima’s always up for a party,” Luna mused as she watched her lieutenant run off.

As Ultima jumped off the side of the stage to enter the fray of hulking man-flesh, Luna timidly strode across the stage to the closest attendee to her, Senator Richmond, who had fallen to his knees right in front of the stage moaning incessantly.  Luna marveled at the size and girth that had transformed the formerly quite un-athletic Senator, his head towered at least four feet above Luna even while he was kneeling, with a chest that was nearly as wide as Luna was tall, and not an ounce of fat could be found on any square inch of his body, only turgid skin wrapped around muscles fibers thick as rope.  Luna’s surveyal ended of course with his erect cock which extended six feet upward from his pelvis so that the tip reached just barley to Luna’s chin, twitching rhythmically with the Senator’s heavy breathing.  Luna could almost feel the heat radiating off of the blood-engorged member as she approached it, setting her senses on fire, as she remembered just how long it had been since she had last engaged in relations

“So… a… blow job works?” Luna turned to Ultima for confirmation, who had already begun servicing her first member, whose cock was equal in size to Ultima herself. 

“*Mmf* Penetration is Better,” Ultima replied as she wrapped her arms and legs around the cock in a full-bodied bear hug, just barely able to reach around it, nuzzling her cheek against the tip which made its owner shudder uncontrollably. 

Please Lieutenant!  I am not fucking any of them.  Most are my superior.” Luna’s indignation was palpable as Senator Richmond cock twitched its way forward to smash into Luna’s chest eliciting a surprised *oof* from her as she took hold of the sizable member, surprised at how smooth the skin felt despite all the stretching it had just recently done. 

Hehehe, fine well as long as you get them to climax and then absorb the energy release.  Then we can decom later,” Ultima replied, having clearly switched into “horn-dog” mode, massaging her partner’s member starting at the base, and laying moist open-mouthed kisses along the shaft leaving indiscriminate hickeys with a loud *POP!* as she slowly navigated up to the head of the member spiraling around it like a stripper on a stripper pole, her hair clinging to the sweaty shaft as she circled it and put her back against it, grinding her butt slowly while reaching both hands behind and around it she squeezing firmly, causing a little bit of energy juice to spurt out of the cock, falling on her head, running down her cheeks and soaking into her button down shirt making it see-through.  “SLURpps… heheh…Come on Commander! *GLOMPFF*” Ultima completed her routine by smushing her face deep onto the head of the cock as the attendee’s groan reached a fever pitch, his legs spastically shaking and with a *RAAAAAA* ejaculating a potent energy load into Ultima’s waiting mouth, her cheeks ballooning outwards from the force of it, her eyes closed, hands untying the silk tie around her neck as her throat undulated like a worm on crack as deep *GULPS* drowned out the rumbling from her core as the energy pooled and dispersed inside her.  With her necktie undone, Ultima moved her hands from her partners cock down to hold her stomach which had bulged out obscenely from her energy binge, undoing the lower button on her jacket and pulling down her skirt to allow for breathing room, as she continued to slurp up the excess energy dribbling out of the rapidly shrinking penis. Pulling off she swallowed hard on the excess remaining in her mouth and throat and turned to Luna stifling a cute burp, “*Urp* Come on Luna! It’s not going to bite!” Ultima stood up on wobbly legs tossing her head to get her hair back in a semi-presentable state as the energy quickly relocated from her stomach to her hips and breasts.  Staring downward she cupped her firm perky D-cup breasts as they swelled outward an additional two cup sizes, spilling out over, around, and below her now terribly inadequate C-cup bra, the shoulder straps digging into her skin, a devilish smile beginning to stretch across her face.  Her outer jacket only had the middle button still clinging together as below it her hips had gained at least five inches of circumference and were giving her pants a run for their money and on top her breasts bulged out through the jacket collar her bra forcing most of the growth upward, with breast flesh peeking through the gaps in her button-down shirt.  “*Hooof* I’m about to start another!” Ultima chirped as Luna continued to stand pensively sizing up the cock in front of her. 

Not Helping!” Luna cast a fiery glare at Ultima who had already pranced off to alleviate another attendee of their energy burden, her hips swaying seductively as her butt crack began to show above her stretched pants as they rode further down her bulbous backside. “Ok let’s just do this…How about a kiss…” Luna licked her plump lips and pursed them together, her dimples caving in as she steadied the twitching cock with both hands and leaned forward to place her lips over the two inch wide opening of the urethra in a dainty kiss, her mouth making a soft *Peck* as she covered it, hovering there for a moment, feeling the organ convulse in response, sending a small dash of pre-cum burbling up the urethra pushing against her lips.  The feeling was odd, almost like soda bubbles tickling her lips, yet warm like a morning coffee.  “Hmmmmm” Luna parted her lips to suck some of the pre-cum into her mouth, feeling the fluid shower her tongue in a thousand tiny pricks, her mind almost going cloudy from the overpowering sensation of it.  Before her mind could even comprehend Luna had instinctively swallowed, feeling it slowly coat her with fire, then disappear instantaneously as it melded with her body, leaving her dazed, blowing gaseous steam from her mouth as her internal temperature began to rise. “*WHooff-hisss*… that was…delicious!” Luna felt an unadulterated smile like Ultima’s form on her face, doe eyes blinking at the hulking Senator who was reaching toward her slowly. “Man, this stuff might be addicting” Luna mused calmly leaning in again this time parting her lips and shoving her tongue into the urethra, cleaning the walls of all the energy remnants, a loud *squelch! * sounding off as she undocked, and Senator Richmond let out a load *MOAN* as his balls twitched impatiently. 

“Commander, we’ll be here forever at your pace!” Ultima shouted while addressing her second attendee, this one a lanky twelve-foot-tall professor whose disproportionately large arms hung all the way down to his ankles with hands as large as beach balls.  “You gotta get’em *MMmff* *Popp! * … Revved up!” Ultima instructed while demonstrating on the six-foot-long member, running one hand up and down the relatively thin but veiny shaft while devouring the head at an angle so that it bulged out one of her cheeks before releasing it with a grandiose *Pop! * making the professor gyrate and *Grunt* uncontrollably.  “Strokes and sucking!  Then the Power bomb!” Ultima’s words were less intelligible as she started dragging her long tongue against the bottom of the head, gingerly pinching the urethra shut as the poor professor writhed above looking fit to burst. 

Mmmm-Stop Teasing!!!” the hulked out professor roared, reaching forward with his eleven foot long arms, grabbing Ultima’s head and pulling her forward, inch by inch, the shaft disappearing down her throat in jerky increments as her esophageal sphincter instinctively fought against the foreign intrusion, wet *GLks* were all that Luna could hear from Ultima until she was three feet down and the cock finally hit the wall of her stomach, bulging out from inside her abdomen, popping the last button of her jacket in the process.  For her part Ultima kept her feet planted on the ground, torso bent forward, arms locked holding with the lanky arms of her partner while her pants slid further down her butt which served only to excite the surrounding figures.  “AAaaaaAAHhhhhaaaaa!” the professor jerked as he released his orgasm directly into Ultima, her arms going limp as she felt her core get pummeled with waves of energy, spreading to her ass and legs as her dress pants began to form rips around the knees and ankles as her legs grew longer and meatier, pushing her butt up even higher.  As Ultima’s legs grew first one, then two feet, the ejaculating professor also began to shrink quickly back to normal size, his penis retracting its way back through Ultima’s gullet who continued to bend over to finish sucking away every last drop of energy until the penis finally dislodged itself from her mouth and the spent Professor fell backwards in dazed satisfaction.  

“See? He’s out like a light!  Commander! Are you still milking that senator?” Ultima turned to face Luna, her breasts now reaching F-cup status, her bra strap having broken some point during the last “milking” and the only thing supporting her massive mammaries being her cum-soaked button-down shirt, which had ridden up to cradle her pendulous breasts exposing her flat midriff which dovetailed into a preposterously rotund backside which her pants could only barely cover half of, ending in robust thirty-inch thighs.  Luna barely heard Ultima as she was now fully focused on the task at hand, feeling the rumble as the Senators urethra expanded again and began to spasm.

Ohhh crap, he’s cumming, ohhhh geez here we go” Luna reflexively clenched her core, feeling for the first time in a long while completely out of her depth, until she felt the liquid energy fill her mouth at a steady pace, but not so fast that she couldn’t swallow it down in measured gulps.  Like a well-aged scotch, the energy cocktail left a sharp aftertaste in her mouth but went down easy. “This is pretty good” Luna thought, her cheeks flush thinking briefly about how her day had taken such a crazy turn.  Her thoughts were shoved aside by a deep groan in her body manifesting in a strong hunger that shook her to her core. “Let’s have a little more then,” Luna thought to herself, grabbing the head with both hands and pressing her lips gently on the surface to get a tight seal.  The senator spasmed again, but now Luna was sucking more and more forcefully on the cock, her ravenous vacuum outpacing the rapidly shrinking Senator’s output.  Luna could barely register how much she had swallowed in terms of volume, all she could tell was that her body was processing it at a remarkable rate, before her stomach could swell outward enough to strain her belt the energy was redirected to her breasts, which vibrated and tingled, heating up like a car engine on a cold winter morning, putting a slight euphoric haze over Luna as she once again detached from the Senator’s now only two-foot-long cock.  “Come on Senator, you holding out on me?” a seductive smile stretched across Luna’s face as she stared up at the Senator, feeling the unfamiliar energy already warping her internal structure into something new…biggerbetter.  “I have to be better, this little accident can’t take me down, it’ll be just like the prom Night, I can use this to my advantage!” Luna’s confidence surged alongside her chest which billowed outward slowly pulling her outer jacket upward and tightening the seams at the shoulders.  Grabbing the senator’s still erect penis with one hand, she cupped his grapefruit size balls in the other with a firm squeeze. “Come-oonnn Senator, don’t worry I can take it all.”  The senator let out one final hurrah and with a *groan* released his pressure-cooked load into Luna’s waiting lips, spasming, one… two… three more times before falling backwards in exhaustion as Luna stood up to readjust her tightening uniform, noticing how her sleeves and pants were a little shorter than she remembered. “*Hic* You’re right Montgomery! This is easy!  How many you got?” Luna looked over to where she saw Ultima last, hand on her hip with the taste of victory (and something else) on her lips. 

“Three!” Ultima sang from her spot across the room which was a sight to behold.  Using the gigantic cock of General Hightower as a horse saddle, grinding her crotch against it hungrily, Ultima was simultaneously giving hand jobs to two other hulk-scientists while providing fellatio to none other than Andrew Dyson, whose penis was thicker than a refrigerator, bulging viscously at a mere three feet long.

“Ha! I don’t think you’ll keep that lead!” Luna replied playfully.

“Oh?” Ultima raised an eyebrow at Luna while massaging Dyson’s cock.

“I’m a quick study” Luna winked slyly at Ultima. “This is child’s play,” Luna smirked to herself.  If there was one thing, she knew about Ultima it was that she’s always up for a competition.  “I’d better start pulling my weight, there’s no telling which one of us will reach our limit first,” Luna pondered as she hopped off the stage landing next to a comatose Senator Richmond and slinked her way over to General Bill Riggs who already looked fit to blow grunting feverishly.

“*Grooaann* Got to releasse!!” Bill fell to his knees and just in time Luna swooped in, hopping up and grabbing his cock with both legs and arms, hanging underneath it like a sloth, and extending her head up to the tip to accept the impending load.  *GGUUuUSHhH* the force of the flow knocked the wind out of Luna and replaced that wind with gallons upon gallons of ripe energy fluid, her mind going cloudy again as the residual feelings from her previous binge returned, ever more intense to the point of her almost blacking out, the only thing her mind could comprehend was not spilling a drop of energy.  As the flow subsided, Luna’s sweaty palms began to slip off of the general’s cock, until she realized she was being pushed away by her gradually enlarging spheres of breast flesh, which began to pull the buttons on her outer jacket apart, her belt starting to dig painfully into her waist as her jacket was pulled from under her belt to now serve as merely a tank top for her breasts which stuck out at least a foot at this point, quivering rhythmically with energy.  With a soft *Thud* Luna landed on the floor, thankful that her butt had also gained some additional mass to cushion the fall.  “Oh Bill, even as a Hulk you’re as blunt as ever,” Luna was surprised at how certain traits still came through even in one’s growth form.  Covering her mouth to stifle a delicate *urp* she slowly got to her feet to eye her next target, hearing the hysterical cry of another orgasm presumably flooding Ultima with more energy. 

This particular attendee was difficult to recognize for Luna, due both to the fact that all of his identifying clothes had shredded off and the fact that his face was now remarkably angular with a chin the size of a steel girder.  “Our intel has to be corrupted; one or more attendees must be generators given how severe the growth effects are,” Luna pondered craning her neck to survey her latest customer, whose back was turned to her, watching Ultima’s primal gyrations on the other side of the room. “I always suspected that the top brass may be hiding that fact so that they would have to endure less surveillance, but geez *hiccup**Hooooof*,” Luna placed a hand to her mouth as more gaseous steam billowed from her insides, eyes crossing at the wonderful sensation of pressure relieving her, only to be quickly replaced by more pressure as the energy ransacked every cell in her being.  Having never taken on so much energy in such short time, Luna was surprised at the lack of side effects, besides a slightly faster heart rate, and being slightly more suggestible she found that the pluses and minuses were more balanced than she had envisioned.  Her body even felt stronger somehow, more durable, which was quickly put to the test as the fifteen-foot-tall figure turned around quickly at the sound of her approaching, and not being accustomed to his seven-foot-long rock-hard member, caught Luna with a right-penis-hook that would have made Mike Tyson retire in round one.  Her navy hat flew off into oblivion and Luna landed boobs-first on the linoleum floor, sliding a couple more feet before stopping, dazed, and confused.

Ohhh…Ss-sorryyy” the monstrous man of muscle cooed timidly as he reached out a microwave sized hand to help Luna off the ground, who slowly came too as another growth spurt racked her frame. 

Hehehe, well I’m sorry for st-startling you *NGHHHH*” Luna arched her back, elbows on the floor, as she felt her lower legs grow at least another foot, bone, and flesh congealing with a gurgling roar as her toes split through the front of her military boots peeling back layer by layer of leather like an onion.  Rising again to her feet, Luna wobbled slightly on her disproportionately longer legs, her bosom finally wrestling free two of the buttons on her outer jacket, allowing her left breast to spill out as far as her dress shirt would allow it, the rest of the jacket splitting at the shoulders as she reached up to cradle the chin of the attendee whom she now recognized as a long-time assistant to Doc Hudson.  “I know just how you can make it up to me though,” Luna whispered, raising one leg up to step over the cock, trapping it beneath her thighs, squeezing them together making the man wince in ecstasy.

Mmmm… no time… gonna blow,” the man pleaded with Luna as his balls began to contract against her legs. 

Uh-Uh-UH, like I said, you’re going to make it up to me!” Luna said as she firmly guided him to lean back on a nearby table, crushing the monitors on top of it, and proceeded to sit cross-legged on his stomach, legs wrapped around his cock, clamping down on the urethra to prevent any further outflow of energy.  “Mmm,” Luna took her time excavating the exterior of the throbbing shaft with her tongue, relishing how all her senses, but especially her sense of taste, seemed to have been amplified ten times over. 

Waaiiitt, can’t, hold, *NGGGHGHGH*” the panicked warnings from her partner were to no avail, until suddenly the meaty hands reappeared and grabbed Luna around her torso, flipping her upside down, legs in the air bracing against the ceiling rafters and pressing her glistening lips against the head of his cock as he emptied his balls with unrivaled fervor.

“*BLOROGGHGHGH*” Luna’s eye’s glazed over from the torrential onslaught on her internal organs, her belt bursting off with a loud *SNAP* *Twinnnggg* flinging the buckle across the room like a bullet as her cheeks ballooned outward, suddenly regretting the inherent pressurized flow her teasing had caused.  The large hands holding Luna upside down also squeezed her innards making the energy pool outwards to further amplify her already uncanny hourglass figure, her last jacket button giving way as her breasts billowed outward sloshing heavily with thick nipples protruding through her stretched dress shirt. Unable to sustain the onslaught, energy began to leak from her nostrils, until finally the flow began to ebb, and the hands released her allowing her to flip and land butt-first on her now-normal-sized suitor, her ten-foot-tall body smothering the majority of his sleeping form on the table soaked in energy remnants.  Rolling over to get her feet Luna couldn’t help but laugh to herself, “heheh..that was a big one… *Belch*”  she attempted to grasp one of nipples which had begun to swell, feeling like an overstuffed water balloon, the tight clothes not helping to relieve the internal pressure she felt, but also heightening her pleasure at the same time, sweat glistening on her exposed flesh, her hair now a manic series of wet locks, some clinging to her cheeks, her pupil’s dilated as though she had just chugged six cups of coffee.

“Got another big one commander!” Ultima cried from across the room, on her knees as she finished giving an award-winning titty fuck to General Hightower, who grabbed her shirt encased bosom as his cock disappeared underneath her shirt, through her cleavage, and re-surfacing from the pillowy bosom to meet her puckered lips, wet with anticipation.  Ultima’s arms folded behind her as she let her tits do the talking, and her lips received General Hightower’s rebuttal with full aplomb, nursing the phallus with a ravenous demeanor that had only gotten more forceful since the start of the session, her eyes turned upward to the general as her body absorbed the energy, her breasts swallowing up more of the space between them, her pants starting to split along her bulging thighs, her black heels splitting at the sole as her feet slid backward along the floor as she gained another foot in height, slurping enthusiastically.  With a wet *Squelch* General Hightower’s withered member slid from Ultima’s under-cleavage as he fell backward in exhaustion.  Luna sized up Ultima as she sauntered past, noticing that Ultima still had yet to catch to her in the chest-size and height department. 

“Come on Montgomery, you know what they say, quality over quantity,” Luna teased, resting her breasts playfully on top of Montgomery’s to accentuate their size and height difference. 

“Oh, you know I’ll catch up fast… *hiccup*…how’re you holding up?” Montgomery purred. 

“Just getting started. Ready for round two?” Luna stated gesturing to the remaining five attendees which were moaning close by. 

“Ready and willing!” Ultima sang as she daintily cat-walked to her next target with remarkable grace despite her engorged from, the sound of tearing seams echoing with each step she took, her shirt beginning to give way at the underarms, side-boob spilling out with each pendulum swing of her bust as she walked.  Luna turned to a splayed-out giant a few feet to her right with a striped necktie being the only remaining piece of clothing still clinging around his tree-trunk size neck which he was desperately clawing at with his fingers which were now too large to get a proper grip. 

URRNNGHH stupid tie… always choking me,” the frustrated mass of a man grunted in frustration. 

“Allow me,” Luna said as she walked over to the base of his head, and then got on her knees, her watermelon size breasts enveloping his face as she fiddles with his tie, feeling her gloves began to give way as residual growth surges pulsated outward to her extremities.  “There we go, you’re a free man now, and I know just how you can repay me!”  Luna said as she crawled across the twenty-five-foot-tall body, her nipples lighting on fire as her breasts dragged along the veiny mountains of muscle, until she reached the erect spire of penis that stretched at least five feet long against the prone man’s torso.  “Hey Ultima, let me show you how it’s really done!” Luna said as her jaw opened wide to accept the girthy phallus, almost enveloping the entire head in single throaty *GLOMPF* her cheeks bulging out as her jaw unhinged to slowly pull more and more cock within her, her tongue peeking out over her lower jaw, teasing the engorged veins playfully.  Luna shuddered as she felt her body convulse as the member tensed, spring up and away from the torso, dragging her along with it, her arms clutching around it like a life raft as the giant sent a powerful load shooting down her throat, her body growing in response, her jacket splitting at the back as her shoulders and arms grew, her tattered pants barely holding on around her juicy chocolate thighs, her panties digging a two-foot-long wedgie into her butt.  Pulling off of the satisfied member, Luna looked over to see Ultima lying down on the floor guiding the phallus of another grown attendee to her lips like a spaceship trying to dock.  Her breasts had now surged in growth to rival Luna’s in size, her nipples shredding through her overstrained top that had already lost all its buttons acting more similar to overalls for her breasts now then an actual shirt.  “Seriously Montgomery!?” Luna chuckled at the sight of her lieutenant, acknowledging that she probably also looked just as ridiculous. 

“Hey! I’m running out of space over here! Gotta get innovative…hehe!” Ultima cackled alongside Luna as she completed her rendezvous with the inbound flesh apparatus and proceeded to take inventory of its copious payload, her legs kicking furiously as he breasts surged upward another foot, spilling over her sides.  Luna made her way over to Ultima as she finished swallowing the last remnants and extended a hand to help her get up. 

“You know, intel says the growth side effect is supposed to alter your perceptions, but I don’t feel it,” Luna mumbled as her gloves finally began to shred as she gained another six inches in height. 

“Me neither!” Ultima said, arms clutching her left boob to free her nipple from her tattered shirt as cleavage spilled out underneath, and on top of the shirt.  “I guess it depends on your resistance and willpower. Batteries like us seem to naturally have a lot of both,” Ultima pondered slinking up to the second to last attendee.  

“Yes, that must be it, and oral decoms allow us to absorb energy without being stimulated to the point of unloading,” Luna said as she rubbed her hands vigorously up and down the last attendee who shuddered his last before giving up the ghost.  Feeling the energy meld with her body Luna paused for a second marveling at just how much energy she and Ultima had consumed thus far, with minimal “side effects”.   Her face shone with pride and anticipation as she returned back to the front of the room where Ultima was standing at the base of the podium which had crumbled to debris beneath the multi-ton pound of muscle that was now Alexander, his torso as wide as a car and standing at approximately twenty feet tall, his blonde hair brushing against the ceiling when he stood up at full height.  Each of Alexander’s biceps was as big around as Ultima’s breasts which were now only partially suspended by the tattered remains of her dress shirt, her pants and underwear having finally been lost, her modesty only maintained by the fact that her boobs hung down to her knees with enough volume to fill up a small hot tub to the brim. 

Alexander’s Decom

“Just got one left commander!  Dunn.  The biggest and most bloated too!” Ultima said as she turned to Luna, gesturing to Alexander behind her who was grunting and moving rather slowly as he seemingly adjusted to his massive form, still dazed, and confused from the sudden growth.  “I’ll start him, and we can get to the decom ward sooner,” Ultima had barely finished her suggestion before getting cut off from a dramatic

“No!” from Luna as she approached the pair.

“Hmm?” Ultima eyes blinked wide in surprise at the sudden outburst from her commander, whom she noticed was starting to have another growth spurt as she walked purposefully up to the stage.

“This is a solo operation Montgomery.  I can handle Dunn myself… Dunn!” with a booming voice Luna addressed her sergeant in her usual forceful tone and almost as if on autopilot Dunn uttered a terse “*Grunt*” in reply.  “Lay down now!” Luna relayed her commands from afar as she approached Dunn, waving an arm to signal Ultima to step aside, which she did timidly.

“But… ma’am he’s so big and we’re so full.  It will take both of us,” Ultima’s voice tinged with a familiar tone that triggered something in Luna, almost like a firecracker going off in her mind.  “Both!?! BOTH!?!” Luna’s voice echoed off the walls of the room, her feet hit the floor with a thunderous boom as her shoes began to shed right off her enlarged feet.  “Oh Ultima, of course you want to share the load now, but you wouldn’t share my boyfriend that you snagged out from under me!  What is this, pity?  She’s decomed nearly twice as many and she’s talking about ‘we’re so full’! Please! I could take a platoon of these ruffians, heck I could decom a whole city with the proper training!  Time to put her back in her place, time to show everyone!” Luna’s thoughts were a maelstrom as she set her sights on Alexander, buttons and remnants of clothing falling to the floor in her wake as she approached him.  “Think I can’t handle this Montgomery?!  That Dunn is my better!?” Luna yelled as her mind raced, her day had spiraled out of control, but for some reason the only thing that mattered to her now was decoming Dunn, but on her terms.  “Ever since I started in the military, people like Dunn have put me in a box, the hot chick who slept her way to the top, they think my looks got me my promotions… please!”  “Can you get four PhD’s, achieve fluency in ten languages, climb the ladder to commander in record time, oversee the largest manned orbital research facility on just good looks?!?!  Not to say that I’m a bad catch anyway, you don’t know how many proposals I’ve turned down, so many who wanted me all to themselves, but no, I set my sights on something bigger!”  Luna punctuated her speech with a bang as she clutched a breast in each hand and stretched them out as wide as her arms could go, exposing her bronze flat tummy glistening with sweat, shredding the remains of her tattered dress shirt, her jacket collar hanging askew on one shoulder, one finger playfully kneading at the rumbling soft tissue of her areola.  “I would have been too much for them anyway,” Luna said as her own self-fondling sent pleasure waves rushing to cloud her mind, her eyes glazing over in ecstasy with satisfaction. 

“Commander!?!” Ultima’s voice was almost pleading, for something, any kind of reasoning from her superior officer. 

Quiet Montgomery!  No more interruptions!  I’m going to wrap this up so we can decom,” Luna’s voice hit Ultima like a truck, who took a couple of steps to the side of the podium, noticing that the door to the equipment room was starting to bulge outward slightly, and Ultima thought she heard a familiar voice moaning on the other side before her attention returned to Luna stepping across Alexander’s tree trunk legs toward his erect five-foot-long penis twitching with vigor.  Standing at eleven feet tall Luna sized up Alexander’s cock, which barely reached her navel, bringing her arms up from underneath to shift her breasts to uncover her pelvis. “Tsk-Tsk.  Well… you’re kind of small Dunn,” Luna said as she poked playfully at the head of the cock with an exaggerated look of disappointment on her face.  Standing on top of Alexander’s legs, Luna could feel his muscles tense underneath her toes and his grunts sent vibrations tingling up her spine, feeling an old yet familiar sensation of her crotch moistening in anticipation. “Ohhh, fuck, I can’t let on how excited I am, keep it together Luna,” ran through her mind as she gently pressed her vaginal lips against the head, feeling it slowly began to split her open, her inner walls squeezing instinctively against the foreign intrusion.  “*URg**Squelch* No matter.  Let’s get this over with,” Luna muttered, shifting her arms back over the top of her breasts which she spread out to rest on her knees as she continued her journey downward, feet sliding forward up Dunn’s torso as she allowed her full weight to rest on the phallus, the energy and pre-cum lubing up her inner canals nicely as foot after foot of penis *ScHrLORpped* it’s way past her clenched thighs and into her stretched entryway.  As she passed the four-foot mark Luna’s feet lost traction and slipped forward on Dunn’s washboard abs, causing her to fall the last foot and a half down on his cock, her butt cheeks slapping Dunn’s taut ball sack with a loud *PLAP*, Luna grunting at the sudden mass displacement taking place in her body, going briefly cross-eyed as she felt Alexander’s body spasms render her insides into Jell-o, her brain barely having enough resources left over to form sentences. “*Grunt* Suh-See… Ah—All… in-mmm!” Luna excitedly announced her accomplishment as she readjusted her footing, knees bent, breast spilling out to either side of Dunn’s torso as they both made eye contact. 

*GRLLLARLRLLL* Dunn released a sudden jolt of energy into Luna, who clenched her teeth at the feeling searing her insides as though hot lava was boiling up within her, a premature pent-up energy ejaculation bubbling forth as Alexander’s hands stayed clenched at his sides, his mind losing its last bastions of propriety as he felt his seed flow into his commander.  The two sat there for what felt like ten seconds, barely breathing the only sound being the crackling of the podium floor boards as Alexander’s legs kicked spastically and Luna’s breasts gurgling as they took on more energy.  As she regained her bearings Luna placed her hands behind her to get back on her haunches, her butt cheeks cushioning her from falling backwards.  “Ultima was right, this decom method is much faster, but he hasn’t shrunk yet, might take another round or two, no matter,” Luna released a breath as she looked at Dunn who was still wrapped in the throes of pleasure, “what a weakling, I’ll have to coax it out of him then,” she pondered.  “Already finished Dunn?!? HAAHAAHAAHAHAHAH,” Luna’s gleeful chuckle got Alexander’s attention, “How does it feel?  You’re the quickest one in the room.” 

“*Muhhh*,” Dunn raised his head slightly as he began to understand his current situation.

“Huh? What was that Dunn?” Luna said as she cocked her head to the side, hands on her thighs, raising an eyebrow in mocking disappointment and skepticism.  “If that’s all you got then I’m pulling out.”  Suddenly Luna felt two large meaty hands cup the pillowy bean bags of her ass cheeks, squeezing firmly and pulling her upward and forward, her hands splaying out against Dunn’s pecks as her breasts were smooshed against his torso.  “What? You’re grabbing ME?” Luna said excitedly as she felt her control on the situation slipping away with each inch, she slid closer to Alexander’s face.

Not quite done,” Alexander calmly replied, Luna now close enough to feel his breath, feeling his heartbeat pulsing against her right nipple. 

“What?” Luna answered in surprise, as she felt Alexander began to re-sheath his cock, which had grown in the meantime back into her welcoming love canal.  “*Gasp… GUhh*,” Luna’s words dripped with wanton desire, her ten years in the military and fifteen years of schooling failed her as she succumbed to the wonderful feeling of being wanted, held, and tightly reamed.  Ever since she joined the military Luna had been especially picky and distant despite her many male pursuers, maybe it was an unintentional response to her Dad never being around, but it had resulted in a deep longing for close companionship that she had yet to experience, until today that is, and although she would never willingly reveal this information, it was the first time Luna had actually had vaginal intercourse, and she found that she liked it, a lot.  *GUhh* Luna’s hand clenched handholds in Alexander’s pectorals as his penis reamed her out from behind, her body processing the energy at an accelerated rate, her butt cheeks billowing out around Alexander’s tightly clenched fingers like rising loughs of bread. 

“Nice ass commander, still think you got this?” Alexander remarked playfully, watching Luna’s head thrash about wildly, eyes closed, her mind drowning in sensory overload.  Suddenly Luna’s body began to shudder violently, her ass cheeks quivering uncontrollably, as Alexander felt her muscular walls clench down like a vice on his turgid member, milking him for all he was worth. 

*MUHoooh-Cuh…CUmMiNNGI* Luna’s voice had lost all formal pretense, the sounds dribbling forth like warm honey as she felt the world slipping away and all she could feel was the warmth and firmness of Dunn’s embrace. 

“That’s it.  You’re blowing,” Dunn felt his arm muscles tense up in response to Luna’s gyrations as his body began to bulk up even more, his hands expanding to keep pace with Luna’s backside, which had now doubled in size, her back arched violently to the point that her head could almost rest on the pillow of her own backside.

“*OHH…GuG…GUhH…Hurp*” Luna was snatched out of her throes of passion as she felt a strange shift occur inside her, as her body continued to take on energy, but her rate of expansion rapidly decreased, and an obscene pressure began to build at her nipples as she felt her areolas begin to grow taut. “Crap, I lost control… Ultima was right… that orgasm dramatically decreased my resistance and now I’m hitting my limit,” Luna’s breathing turned frantic, and her eyes bugged out as she continued to be speared by Dunn, the sound of his balls clapping against her butt only drowned out by the monstrous *burble* sounds emitting from her nipples on either side of him.  “Dunn… DUNN… I … uh…*heh* I’m going to unload,” Luna drooled, her eyes pleading for relief from her spastic reaming, having run out of options for containing the energy stuffing her insides.  Dunn looked at her and a devilish smile stretched across his exceedingly wide face. 

“Yah… I want you to,” he said simply and punctuated the sentence by increasing his pounding frequency, Luna’s mouth hanging wide, tongue splayed out as she felt energy began to beeline for all exit points in her body, lest she explode. 

“Commander!” Ultima bolted across the room from where she had been “tending” to the other sleeping attendees, realizing now that the situation was about to become way worse unless she could offload some of the energy from Luna.  However, as she strode past the equipment room door on her way to the podium, the door hinges suddenly buckled and then gave way completely, impacting hard enough into Ultima’s right breast to knock her off her feet, face smushing into her right breast as she fell to the ground.  The door was followed promptly by a clenched fist that rivaled Alexander’s in size.  Dazed, Ultima looked up at the huge hand clutching the door lying next to her the floor and noticed the familiar watch-band shaped tan on the wrist.  “Rebecca!?!” Ultima shouted as she realized that Rebecca had possibly sustained as large an energy surge as Alexander due to her proximity to the storage tanks. 

RGHGH… no… space!” Rebecca’s voice could be heard through the ventilation ducts in the room as her body had undoubtedly pushed through the walls of the neighboring infrastructure.  “Who…the…$*%#…said…rocket scienc-oh shit,” In her impassioned cries of frustration, Rebecca unintentionally repeated the trigger word.

He…hehe…HAHAHAA,” Luna’s laughter snapped Ultima back to reality, and she looked to see energy viscously bubbling from Luna’s nipples onto the floor behind her, mixing and congealing with the surrounding atmosphere and getting breathed back in by the attendees, who once again began to stir, like hungover zombies, bodies contorting and shifting as the energy sought to reclaim what ground it had recently lost. 

HGNNhhh…My…*urg* bad,” Rebecca’s voice echoed through the ventilation. 

“Commander!  Bad News!  They’re all waking up and uh… growing,” Ultima said as she got to her feet, trying to see which attendee she would have to deal with first…again

“Come on ladies!” Luna bellowed from the podium as she triumphantly stood over the finally decomed Alexander.  “That energy isn’t going to contain itself!  Rebecca!! Get in here and give us a hand, not like ya got anything better to do!  Let’s see if you can beat Montgomery’s record!” Luna cackled with renewed fervor, jumping off the platform and landing on her pillowy bottom as she made her way back into the fray.  “Urgghhh… *Hic*… So much for lunch break, but this stuff does beat the cafeteria food… hehe” Ultima shrugged with a smile as she looked down at her ankle getting tugged on by a nearby attendee eying her hungrily. 

Epilogue: Transport Demo

Thirty minutes later, the conference room was a mess, tables and chairs were strewn about, remnants of clothing littered the floor, and all of the attendees were soundly sleeping, propped up against the wall on the far side of the room, clothing remains lain over them to maintain modesty.  In the middle of the room Ultima and Luna lay on the floor with breasts that easily reached all the way to the top of the twenty-foot-high ceiling, their eleven-foot-tall bodies dwarfed underneath.  At the other side of the room lay Rebecca, her upper body extending out into the conference room resting on “modest” ten-foot breasts through a destroyed wall and with the other half still ensconced in the neighboring equipment room.  “You should be glad I was here to help you all decom them once you became too big to move,” Rebecca said nonchalantly, trying to sift through the debris to find her precious glasses.  “Thank you, Rebecca, Montgomery!” Luna reached out toward Ultima who was laying on the floor beside her, lips twitching feverishly as she focused on containing the copious pool of energy inside her body. “We did it!  Decom’d all of them… again!”  Luna’s sexual fervor had apparently been converted back into scientific vigor.  “This is groundbreaking!  Imagine the possibilities, handling so many decoms at once and I didn’t blow!  We stored all of the energy.  Fascinating!  Rebecca, help us get to the decom chamber please!” Luna sang to a beleaguered Rebecca who was still trying to dislodge herself from the rubble of the collapsed wall.

Epilogue: Colette

Off on the other side of the building, Colette watched intently on one of her three monitors at the situation unfolding in the conference room, fingers flying across her keyboard as she documented the various events that had taken place. 

“Fascinating indeed, Mrs. Masters your propensity for audacious displays always surprises me,” she muttered to herself, pressing her glasses against the nose and smoothing out her skirt.  “Now that you’ve dealt with the energy firsthand, your life will never be the same, hehe” she chuckled to herself as she got up to go to another meeting, her screen reading “transport initiated” as she disappeared from the room, her chuckles being all that remained, echoing about the small space.
