Growth Lab Story 002: Moon Base Breakout


Ultima and Benton undertake an experimental decom at Killian Moon Base, but everything does not go as planned!


Ultima Montgomery | Roger Benton


Breast Expansion (F), Hourglass Expansion (F), Butt Expansion (F), Giantess (F), Deepthroat (F), Sexual Intercourse (M/F), Muscle Growth (M), Giant (M), Penis Growth (M)


All characters are owned by ReadyArt and used with their permission. ReadyArt can be found at (, DeviantArt, and Patreon.

Intro: Lunar Far Station

At the Killian moon base, a new room had just been completed to test a new decommissioning process.  The base was positioned in between two well-known craters to make it easy to identify from orbit, and the construction was simplistic, a series of above-ground tunnels connected multiple half-sphere domes of varying size.  The largest of these domes housed the new decommissioning chamber.  The room felt as spacious as an aircraft hangar with the domed ceiling rising eighty-two feet high.  From the center of the room extending up to the apex was a column, the bottom portion of which was transparent with the label “D.C.O.M. Tower One” etched into the side of it.  Electrical power tubes snaked out from the column to large square power transformers on the outer edge of the domed room.  The lights were off, but the Sun had risen over the lunar horizon and lit up the room through the semi-transparent surface of the dome.  Being on the outermost edge of the base there was only one entrance to the room at the time.  A whirring sound buzzed as the pressure in the room equalized with the connecting hallway and the door opened releasing some gas and particles.  A man quietly walked through the door, light glinting off his glasses followed by a woman, whose blonde hair swayed listlessly down to her hips, her boots clicking at an even pace along the metal floor, the sound of fabric rubbing against metal echoing throughout the dome as light glinted off the metal plating on her suit and the metallic fibers in the sleeves and leggings of her suit.  The two figures walked up to the center column where the man stood patiently looking about as the woman fiddles with a console next to a door inside the column.

“This system is larger than the other prototypes I’ve seen,” Benton remarked, adjusting his glasses as he craned his neck to inspect the intricate pieces making up the D.C.O.M. Tower. 

“Well, they never seem to be large enough,” Ultima remarked as she entered in the twelve-digit access code on the panel and with a cheerful trill, the system retracted the bottom half of the column into the floor, revealing two hospital beds inclined almost to standing position with a number of straps and restraints attached throughout.  “This system has routinely done successful decoms on level five generators, today will be a normal stress-test to achieve semi-permanent decom of Subject Twenty-One,” Ultima spoke into her wristband as the rest of the room hummed to life, lights brightening to fill in the remaining dark spaces in the room.  A system of radiators came down to just about twelve feet off the ground in the center column, one set focused on each of the two beds in the center. 

“This should be interesting,” Benton muttered to himself “anything to break up the boredom of being cooped up on this base, the only upside is the view,” he mused eyeing Ultima, whose back was to him.  Her suit was a work of modern engineering, blue boots encircled her muscular calves, metallic like spandex encircled plush thighs which would take more than two hands to completely encircle.  A bikini-shaped metal piece encircled her crotch, ending at the taper in her waist which was almost obscured in the front by her two pendulous orbs of breast flesh, which were slightly more contained at present thanks to the metallic bracing provided by the upper half of the decom suit. Ultima hummed methodically as she slowly moved from panel to panel to set up the decom test.  She moved slowly but gracefully despite her top-heavy form, posture erect, arms extending to manipulate the panels without brushing them with her metal-encased bosom. Looking from behind the two blue orbs encasing her bosom stuck out as least four inches on either side, and she seemed used at this point to the contortion of her arms required to type commands into the system.  Finishing her preparations, she twisted her upper torso around to look back at Benton, brushing her blonde hair back with her left hand and her lips pulling back into a slightly devilish smile.

“Are you ready to get started?” she said, her large eyes batting playfully at him.

“Ready when you are,” Benton replied attempting to sound as nonchalant as possible. 

“Great, first things first let’s get you strapped in, please sit back against this table” Ultima methodically began placing Benton’s appendages so that his arms were by his sides, his legs spread slightly apart.  Once positioned a metal bracer encircled his arms, ankles, wrists, and waist, leaving just enough wiggle room to be comfortable while not giving him enough to escape.  “The test will begin once I’m strapped in,” Ultima began to position herself against the table in the same manner. 

“Why are you strapping in too?” Benton asked inquisitively. 

“Well, your history with growth energy has shown you to be quite … unstable, so as a precaution I will be linked to the Decom storage tanks so in case things get overloaded I can siphon off the excess,” Ultima said nonchalantly raising an eyebrow at Benton with a look that said, “I know you’ve been boning my commander on and off for the last four years.” Benton cast his look aside, if his hands were not tied, he probably would be fidgeting with his glasses or bow tie. 

“That makes sense, you must be able to absorb quite a lot of energy then…” he trailed off glancing aside.

 “What, based on the size of my tits?” Ultima cut off Benton with another coy look as she swayed her hips from side to side against the table as Benton squirmed uncomfortably against the cool metal bed.

“Well, uh, look I wasn’t… that does not necessarily indicate one’s ability, uh, there are plenty of other factors, eh-ehmm” he cleared his throat and was saved as the system began its process to automatically restrain Ultima.  Curved metal bars came up through the table encircling her wrists, then her torso, thighs, and finally her ankles. 

“Look Benton just relax, and this will be over before you know it, I’m sure we’ve both got places we’d rather be right now, but the commander gave this high priority. Commence with test!” Ultima’s voice echoed against the dome walls and was immediately drowned out as the towers inner mechanism fully powered up. 

Decom Sequence Start

Decom sequence initiating…. Storage tanks online… Radiators fully charged… Beginning Decom Step-up in three…two…one…” An artificial feminine voice droned from overhead speakers.  Benton instinctively tensed up, contracting his stomach muscles, which already seemed more defined then normal through his thin cotton dress shirt. He noticed that he no longer had the wiggle room he once remembered in his wrist cuffs.

“Am I growing already?” he mused.

“I said to RELAX, Benton, it hasn’t even started yet!” Ultima barked while glancing downward instinctively to her decom suit.  Nothing seemed out of the ordinary on her end, but one could never be too sure.  Benton’s face slowly softened as he blew out a deep breath, his suspenders relaxing against his pectorals, there was a reason why he hated decoms. 

Decom Level Ten starting” the system droned and the radiators above Benton lit up, firing growth energy down at him.  The principle of the decom process was to open up the pores of the human body by saturating it with growth energy, once the pores are open the system can properly absorb the latent energy in the cells, starting slowly to siphon off energy, as the levels increase more energy is required to work deep enough into the tissue to fully siphon off energy. 

“Come on Benton take it like a man, I routinely have to undergo decoms up to Level two-hundred you know” Ultima eyes narrowed as she fixed on Benton, as if daring him to say something smart back. Being no stranger to decoms, Level ten was barely anything to Benton as well, it felt like being out in the sun getting a tan, if only his shirt wasn’t so tight. “Stop it, Benton!” Ultima snapped as she saw the top button on Benton’s shirt straining against his neck muscles, his carotid artery bulging obscenely against the fabric.  Benton’s wrist cuffs were no longer at his wrists, but had ridden up his forearms slightly, his beige pants showed signs of tightening as well in the thighs and calves as the seams began to show through the thin fabric. Benton gritted his teeth, which also felt larger, his lips pulled back to reveal larger than usual pearly whites, now more prominent, his bone structure adjusting to an onslaught of growth energy from within. 

“Please Ma’am…urgghh. this is not something you can simply, urg STOP,” with every breath Benton took his pectoral muscles carved a more defined outline in his shirt, his flesh beginning to show through the gaps in his buttonholes which were getting thinner with each passing second.

Emergency… generator detected… Decom level fifty initiated,” the system droned. “Storage tanks at fifty percent, would you like to enlist auxiliary storage?” 

“Yes!” Ultima stated calmly, attempting to mask her surprise at the events unfolding in front of her.  “He’s at the base for the past week with no incident, and now during the decom he decides to throw a fit?  Whatever, I can just absorb it all, after all I can absorb much more than Luna, and I won’t even lose control.”  “Benton if you keep fighting this it’s just going to hurt more!” Ultima occupied herself with talking as the radiators above her turned on, blasting her with the excess energy being radiated off as Benton.  “You see Benton… mmmf, it’s much easier” Ultima felt the waves increase in frequency, causing her body to shudder, the feeling beating down on her like she was drowning in an avalanche of small furry puppies, “if you just let it, ummmm, happennnn.”  Thus far everything was happening according to plan, Ultima felt the warmth spread over her entire body, then center in her chest, her heart rate picking up pace to match the energy penetrating her bosom, she felt her nipples begin to harden against the plush fabric coating the inside of her armor.  Puffs of air escaped from the suit as her body pushed the air out of the way in its quest to contain the energy at the expense of any breathing room in her suit.  She instinctively breathed in to give herself as much space as possible as her breasts began to pulsate, no vibrate, with energy filling them up.  Ultima closed her eyes and gritted her teeth attempting to concentrate on the energy pooling inside her NN-size knockers.  Her restraints gave her just enough movement room to sway her hips unconsciously and rub her thighs together in a physical expression of her desire to contain the energy, the pleasure bubbling up within, beginning to intoxicate her mind.  Realizing she had been holding her breath for far too long she slowly pouted her lips to exhale before a premature “HICCUP” escaped her mouth, “Oh crap” she thought to herself, “I can’t be filling up already?” This thought was put aside by the system droning on.

Commencing decom level eighty, Storage Tanks eighty-five percent full, rerouting main flow to auxiliary.” 

“Crap! No! Stop it Benton, this is mmmm, silly” Ultima mustered all her strength to not let the torrent of pressure in the suit constricting her breathing reveal itself in her voice.  “I’ve contained larger messes than YOU before, I just need more… more… SPACE” her eyes shot wide open, a deranged smile forming on her lips that even gave Benton pause for a moment. 

“Am I shrinking?” Benton wondered as he felt the stressed seams on his shirt start to relax, his cleft chin receding back, and his wrists no longer white from the lack of blood circulation flowing through past the tight metal restraints.  His pants hems were destroyed, and three of his toes had freed themselves from his left shoe.  “She is quite tenacious but given how often she decoms it gives one the sense that there is an instability lurking behind her absurd levels of energy capacity, I just need to find her limit” Benton mused, eyeing his glasses which had fallen to the floor earlier in the procedure.

“Decom Level one hundred commencing, Storage Tanks Full, Rerouting all flows to auxiliary.” Feeling the final decom wave hitting him Benton eyed Ultima, who was quickly beginning to occupy more space between them.  Her boots split first at the heel then slowly split along the sole as her feet thrashed about still held at bay by the ankle cuffs. 

“Looks like your armor has sprung a leak” Benton remarked but Ultima appeared off in another world, staring excitedly down at the bodice of her armor which appeared to be almost vibrating rhythmically as the flesh within it searched for weak point to exploit.

“Yes, very good Benton, you see this suit is designed to keep me uh contained under normal decom conditions, hehe, well these conditions are clearly not normal” the windows on the nipple on her suit began to crack, “I thought only the Furihara’ s could overload this technology, you might have more in common with them then we thought” groaning metal led to a loud TWANG as first one than the other of Ultima’s ankle bracelets burst as her legs lengthened a foot, her now bare feet reaching the floor.  “But Benton, this is where your fun ends,” obscene bulges began to appear in Ultima’s suit in every area that wasn’t rigid metal, her torso, her arms, and especially her thighs, began to bulge out, the synthetic metal fabric first thinning, then forming runs like pantyhose as her flesh poked out bit by bit before shredding completely.  “I’m not just your average battery, and any energy you plan on putting out here I’ll be MORE than happy to take” Ultima’s legs began to bend at the knee as her height steadily increased another foot and half, seemingly still focused on her meaty legs.  Her lower half of the suit had been reduced to tattered remains of her legs still clinging around her thighs, her stomach formed a generous muffin top spilling over the top of her rigid metal bikini bottom of her suit while her bountiful glutes began to ooze out the bottom trying desperately to keep up with her thighs. “People always focused on my…hmmmm…TITs, but damned if they noticed that I never skipped LEG DAY!” Ultima cackled and with a BOOM she extended her legs as far as her restraints would allow, causing the bed to rotate backward so that she was now fully parallel with the floor, tits facing the ceiling, legs growing another foot so that her feet stayed firmly on the floor dangling over the edge of the bed. “Release my restraints!” Ultima roared.

“Warning, restraints cannot be released until the room has been cleared of energy…” the system droned on before being cut off abruptly by Ultima.

“SHUT UP! I’ll do it myself!” Ultima bellowed.  Benton could no longer see Ultima’s face behind the two armor plated boobs pulsating in front of him but by the sound of her voice he could tell that she was slowly losing it. 

“Hmmm, I could help with that” Benton stated smoothly as the metal restraints groaned to contain his rapid hulking transformation unimpeded now by the decom process.  His belt buckle snapped in two as a full twelve pack of abs burst through the lower buttons on his shirt followed close behind by his pecs.  The laces on his dress shoes dug into the leather before splitting in half as Benton’s ankles gained inches and inches of circumference with each passing minute, bending the metal restraints with ease as his body was fast leaving the ‘absurd bodybuilder’ and fast approaching ‘Hulk’ status.  Only three restraints remained, the ones on his ‘now three times wider than normal’ wrists and the one over his still growing fifty-inch muscular torso. “Stupid restraints need to go” Benton grunted to no one in particular. 

“Yes, Yes YESSS” Ultima’s voice surprised Benton “I have to absorb MORE, I have to be FREEEEE” Benton watched as Ultima’s toes curled and her whole body began to gyrate not unlike a mother in the throes of childbirth.  On Ultima’s side her head began to tilt back as her torso finally began to get in on the growth game and her head was pushed beyond the edge of the bed.  Then she stopped, her hands attempting to get pulled out of the restraints by her torso growth but being stopped because of COURSE her hands were twice the normal size now.  “OWWW” Ultima felt her arms getting stretched as they tried to keep up with her torso fighting a game that could not be won against the metal.  Not only this but her breast flesh had found its escape from the rigid bodice of her armor, spilling out the top and, following gravity, began to creep closer to her face.  “RRGHHH” Ultima began gyrating again, rocking the table as her head thrashed up and down bouncing off the pillow of cleavage in front of her.  Out of options, Ultima pushed against the floor with all her might with her legs whose thighs now approached the circumference of tree trunks, the sound of groaning metal filled the room as the braces securing the bed to the floor deformed and snapped.  Ultima arched her back as much as she could, head touching the floor cushioned by piles of her newly grown golden hair which she reached back and caressed with her arms finally being freed as the wrist restraints gave way with the rest of the floor support for the bed.  What was left of the bed was only long enough to support her torso, the end of the table now sitting right where her butt began, with ass cheeks each about two feet in diameter, and extending only up to the base of her armor bust bodice.  The remaining torso restraint encircling her abdomen began to resemble a corset, constricting and accentuating her continually exaggerated hourglass figure.  Her waist was being contained at a measly two-foot diameter while her hips splayed out an aggressive seven feet wide and her chest, constricted only by the steadily failing armor piece, was still ONLY three and half feet wide. “FINE Benton” Ultima used her now free hands to push herself up to a sitting position on her knees, leaning back and sitting on her calves “We could have done this the easy way, now we’re going to do it the FUN way!”

Decom Continues

“Finally,” Benton smoothly replied, punctuating his sentence with the shredding of the crotch of his pants as his member rose to attention almost as a salute to Ultima, although it still looked relatively small, only four feet long on his twenty-one-foot frame.  Meanwhile Ultima, who was still on her knees, matched Benton in height.  Ultima raised an eyebrow eyeing Benton’s member dismissively while both her hands grasped at the remaining piece of her suit clinging to her burgeoning bust.

“Please Benton, I’ll give you props for overloading the decom, but as you can see MY TANKS” with a catastrophic groan she rose off her calves and tore her suit’s chest piece in half, flinging the pieces off to opposite sides of the dome, “Are barely full!”  She grinned devilishly, folding her hands in front of her and leaning forward pushing her bosom straight into Benton’s face in her own form of a reply salute.  Each tit was almost four feet in diameter by now, and heavy sloshing sound could be heard from deep within Ultima’s chest. 

She’s not bluffing” Benton thought as he freed his hands from the wrist restraints and pushed himself off his bed, shattering the final waist restraint that held him in place. “If I had to guess, she purposefully diverted growth to her lower body to survive the first waves, that’s why her breasts don’t look even close to blowing” Benton mused as he folded his arms introspectively.

“Well clearly, I’ve barely gotten started either, since I still am able to elucidate my thoughts, I think it would be in your interest not to continue this further-oof!” Benton was caught off as Ultima brought one of her leg swiftly around sweeping his feet out from under him and kicking his bed to the far side of the room.  Falling backwards Benton instinctively put his hands out to catch his fall, but Ultima reached out and (purposefully?) grabbed ahold of Benton’s cock to keep him from hitting the floor. “AHHHH, what are you” Benton could barely finish his sentence before getting lambasted by warm titflesh as Ultima leaned forward on her knees top of him, hands on his shoulders, her meaty legs keeping Benton’s closed she pinned him down. 

“Like I said we are going to do this the FUN way, you think you can just break our machine and have your way? Ha!  Luna must have known this would happen, she is trying to TEST me, show that I’m just as weak her, well FUCK THAT, I’ll just MANUALLY decom you Benton, get ready you asked for this!” without so much as a pause for breath Ultima brought her legs around again, this time putting Benton in some weird variation of a scissor hold, sitting on his crotch, legs crossed in front of his head keeping him pinned to the floor so she could focus on serving his rigid member which had now crossed the seven foot long mark and was rapidly thickening to match the circumference of her thighs. 

“Urgghh, don’t bite off more than you can chew” Benton gurgled from down between her ankles as Ultima pouted her now full lips to kiss the tip of Benton’s cock, her hair falling across her bosom as she leaned over and firmly slinked both hands across the shaft that was so big even both hands could not fully encircle it as this point.  Not stopping her kiss, Ultima’s lips parted partially, then fully, Benton could swear he heard as crack as her jaw unhinged to fully encase his head, her warm breath on his tip setting Benton’s senses on fire.  The view of his shaft was obscured by Ultima’s boobs, and somehow this made the experience even more gratifying as he could only feel her oral pleasures unable to anticipate what would come next.  With a loud pop, Ultima freed her oral cavity of Benton’s member temporarily, tongue licking her lips as she brushed her hair back in preparation for another deep dive.  “Are you gonna give it to me or what baby?” Ultima cooed nuzzling her cheek teasingly against Benton’s cock, feeling the veins pulse against her skin.

“OOOooorghh, cum, CUMMING!”  Benton’s legs gyrated behind Ultima, and she closed her eyes and used both hands to plunge his member down the back of her throat so that the tip could be seen bulging out around her clavicle.  The decom machine droned on as the two subjects writhed in sultry passion below.

 “Warning, Storage Tanks full, Energy Still Detected, commencing room lockdown procedures,” The radiators retracted up into the column and the single exit to the room was blocked off by another hatch closing in front of it.  Ultima and Benton were oblivious to this of course, Benton was spastically releasing his pent-up energy into Ultima who for her part was gobbling it up with glee, her gulps forming a synchronized call and response pattern to Benton’s pleasured moans. Slowly though the tune changed, as Ultima’s swallows moved from low deep tones to more high-pitched tones.  She moved her hands from Benton’s shaft behind her back to massage his balls below milking out the energy as if he was a cow.  Her tits were now at least six feet in diameter and were growing less and less malleable by the second, as the skin began to tighten.  The wall of tit flesh now fully covered Benton’s torso and although the thought of getting smothered by breasts did not alarm him, he found an inner determination to change the tide of domination that was being wrought upon him at the moment.

“He-he, are you having FUN YET?” Benton cackled maniacally as he watched Ultima’s nipples finally begin to extend from her ballooning tits like groundhog’s looking to catch their shadow.  Ultima’s gulps were broken by a long painful moan deep emanating deep within her chest, her eyes opened wide as she could no longer swallow willingly, and instead just felt energy continue to flood her open gullet and permeate every cell of her body.  Realizing she may be in over her head, Ultima tried to pull her head back, pulling her hands back up to push Benton’s head out of her throat.  “PLEASE, its rude not to finish your plate!” Benton bellowed from below, and Ultima felt the head convulse within her and begin to elongate, reaching, twelve, now fifteen feet, her hips slid onto the cool metal floor as she was pushed back, her legs releasing Benton from the scissor hold.  The growth pace of Benton’s penis increased rapidly, giving Ultima no time to regain her footing, until finally with a load smack her ass cushioned her impact on the far side of the dome, and her head was kept pinned against the wall by Benton’s cock.  Benton, glad to be free, stood up and inspected his member which now stretched a good forty feet across half the dome, longer than he was tall, now at thirty-five feet.  Ultima’s tits occupied at least twenty-five feet of the space between them, almost perfectly spherical at this point, no longer sloshing but pulsing with a high frequency.  Benton could barely make out Ultima’s face smushed in between her teats, cheeks bulging, eyes watering from the onslaught of energy, hands desperately splayed against the dome wall trying to find a way out of her current predicament.  “Now THAT’S what I call a decom” Benton proudly roared as he used one meaty hand to violently tug his cock, which popped out of Ultima’s mouth and limply fell like a hose at Benton’s feet.  “What do you think?” Benton addressed Ultima as he took a knee in the center of the floor to reel up his forty-foot cock like a garden hose. 

“GUrrrglghghgl” Ultima’s guttural sounds emitting through the tit flesh gave Benton pause.  “GUrgllmff… *urp* mmmooree” Ultima’s voice had lost all sense of rationality.  “Hm, her tits are definitely full, but she’s not blowing, just incubating it, no signs of overload yet, and she’s asking for more, how curious” Benton mused, shrinking back down to a measly fourteen feet, and crossing his legs as he pondered.  “That can only mean one thing, her limit has not yet been reached, there is no way this system can decom her now, so I guess I’ll have to finish what I started, but how?” Benton pondered looking up at the radiator system cooling down above him. 

“Ohhh Beentooonnn” Ultima cooed snapping him to attention.  “You know those two giant craters outside the base? You know why they are called the Montgomery craters right?”

“Oh, so of course you’re unstable” said Benton as he stood up to get a closer inspection of Ultima whose pulsing twenty-five-foot diameter orbs of tit flesh cast a shadow over his fourteen-foot frame as he walked closer.  Her skin appeared to glow and looked almost transparent, spider-like veins showing through underneath.  “So much for your, mmm, control of the situation” Benton grunted, he could still feel himself generating growth energy but something, or someone was still sucking it away. “She can absorb energy like this even at a distance?” Benton pondered. 

“Oh Benton, if you could be a dear, I seem to be a little *HICCUP* congested at the moment” Ultima’s hands pressed against the pliant wall of dome to give herself leverage to get her bulbous ten-foot-long legs underneath her.  Daintily she pushed herself up along the outer wall of the dome and then pushing off with her feet, rolling forward on her spherical boobs so that she could use them as a makeshift pillow, lying horizontal to the floor (albeit twenty-five feet high) so she could finally make eye contact with Benton below, a painfully wide smile stretching across her face, her mouth visibly watering from the energy liquifying inside her, a line of drool falling down her chin, mixing with her long blonde hair and falling down and disappearing between her two pulsing chest spheres.  “Pleeaaase *BrAAPp* Bentoonnn, only YOU can DECOM all of this” Ultima’s lavish pleadings were interrupted only be her explosions of indigestion as she splayed her hands as far as she could stretch across her pillow bosom and assaulted Benton with her best “F*ck me” eyes she could muster in her current condition.

“Well… *MUrghh*… since you asked nicely!” Benton’s posture stood erect as his back muscles bulged out forming striations of muscle fibers pulsing up to his shoulders bulging like bowling balls and to his neck which thickened from a standard nineteen inches all the way to forty inches, wider now than his head and at least two feet long, combining with his elongated torso to bring him up face to face with Ultima.  His dick was beginning to re-harden down below, unfurling itself on the floor like an inflatable toy, but Ultima, feeling (Very!) impatient reached out her arms to bring Benton’s head forward into a passionate kiss, mouth agape to the point that even a French prostitute would have said “Sacre Bleu” at her impassioned impetus.  Benton, for his part, matched her pace and vigor, his veiny arms reaching behind Ultima to get two handfuls of her plump ass, spreading them to reveal her twitching hole, inserting a finger (or two!) to explore her depths from behind as his tongue explored her depths in front. The two figures moaned in their mutual embrace, a synchronous bond that served to amplify the energy and they grew in tandem, reaching thirty feet, now forty feet high as the sounds of their kiss “SCHLORP…Mulpp… SCHLORP” echoed through the room.

Ultima’s breast spheres were now occupying almost a full half of the decom room dome, her breasts congealing around Benton’s muscular form so that she could still reach him.  The two were now tall enough that Benton’s bulbous back was pressing against the decom tower where the radiators had retracted.  Benton’s eyes, for his part, were closed, enjoying the building passion of foreplay that would eventually lead to an even more passionate pounding soon.  Meanwhile Ultima had set her sights on a larger prize, one of her doe-like eyes opened while still locked in embrace Benton, and she moved one of her hands down his neck sensually before extending it outward behind Benton to grasp at a lever on the decom tower.  This particular lever was not intended to be easily accessible, being fifty feet off the ground, nearly halfway up the decom tower, and was marked with yellow and black stripes and a warning sign reading “DANGER, Emergency Valve release for Decom Storage Tanks.”  The energy that had been successfully drained during their earlier encounter was being held just behind this panel, under a layer of shields that kept Ultima from remotely absorbing it in her current condition.

“If that panel opens the shields should deactivate automatically, then ALL the energy will be mine,” Ultima thought to herself, her mind set on the one-way track of acquiring more energy at any costs.  “My job reading says lab technician, but so often it feels like I’m the test subject, marked as unstable, having to wear a crazy suit twenty-four-seven. I just want to be free, well I’m in control of this session, so let’s go all out and see what I can do!” Ultima thoughts spun as she slowly pulled away from her French kiss with Benton. 

“Ready to get this party started?” Ultima said with a wink, her hand grasping the lever behind Benton who had yet to realize what was happening. 

“I see you already have the balloons and have the PRESENT,” Benton smiled as his erect cock finally pushed its way through Ultima’s cleavage to occupy the space between them, as thick as Ultima’s head and leaking pre-cum ferociously. 

“OHH, *smooch* is all that for me?” Ultima’s perfected blonde bimbo routine was on full display as she gave a light peck to Benton’s member, sucking some of the pre-cum down her throat.  “Just give me one second baby, before the main course I need to finish my appetizer” and with that Ultima pulled the lever behind Benton.

Ultima may have been riding a “growth high” as it were, or maybe it was just her standard trait of overconfidence coming through, but she assumed the lever would simply open the panel like any normal door.  She was wrong. Pulling the handle caused a cylindrical device that fastened along the side of the cylinder to detach, the system droned out “Gravity enhancers offline for Stored energy transfer.”  The cylindrical hose began to move about easily in the low-gravity environment aided by actuators along the length of it giving it the agility and mannerisms of a snake. 

The system then beeped again, “Transfer Unit Detected” and the hose made a beeline for Ultima, plunging down her throat in one stroke, elastic band with magnetic ends extended from the side of the hose and around Ultima’s head.  Ultima’s eyes opened wide in surprise; Benton gave a slight tug on the hose to see that it was indeed not going anywhere soon.

“Hrrmph you’re just insatiable aren’t ya!” Benton pushed off the floor with his size twenty feet and the two began floating upward toward the top of the dome, the hose retracting off the column to follow Ultima. 

Energy Transfer

“Energy Transfer Initiated” droned through the speakers and a vat of liquified, concentrated energy began to be pumped through the hose into Ultima, who moaned in a mixture of surprise and pleasure.  Before reaching the apex of the hop Benton pushed Ultima away to free his torso from the death grip of her cleavage, and bracing Ultima against the ceiling of the dome maneuvered his way among the circumference of her pendulous boobage which was quickly becoming less spherical as they began to slosh with the liquid being forced into Ultima from above.  As he rounded the bend, he found the handholds he needed, as Ultima’s nipples had twitched and elongated to around four feet long and two feet in diameter, with areolas that would cover half a tennis court.  Grabbing hold Benton swung his torso, and his penis, which now was equal in size to his legs, about twenty feet long and four feet thick, around to enter Ultima’s vagina from the other end, in a fantastic acrobatic display of sexual prowess.  He gently poked his cock through Ultima’s still moist lips, then plunged ferociously into her deep depth until he could plunge no more, bottoming out and three quarters of the way in, watching the outline of his cock bulge through Ultima’s abdomen almost all the way up to her sternum.  Her body had not grown much since her oral attack on Benton earlier, her body now about fifty feet tall overall, with only twenty-foot worth of torso to try and sheath Benton’s cock with.  Above him he heard Ultima’s involuntary groans and gurgles in response to the double-sided slaying of her innards with energy and cock.  For her part Ultima was in ecstasy, unable to do much but beyond comprehending the slow pressure building in her core, getting stirred up by Benton’s raging hard-on and fed by the energy flowing down her throat.  Her body was on fire, nipples getting pleasurably twisted by Benton, any space that was left in her abdomen outside of Benton cock was flooded by energy pumping from the holding tanks in the tower opposite her which was rapidly getting closer to her face as her butt pressed against the upper part of the dome, Benton supporting her below but her eighty feet long tits no longer left any space between them and the floor.  Ultima closed her eyes in bliss, but then they shot wide open again as she felt a balance shift within her.  The pressure was building at a faster clip inside her core, possibly an unforeseen effect of her ingesting the energy from the storage tanks and Benton’s energetic pre-cum soaking into her body.  Ultima’s eyes watered as her mind struggled to comprehend the sensations flowing to her, but one thought rang clear in her mind, “I’ve gone too far”.  The sound of fracturing and splintering metal registered in her ears as her still-growing breasts finally rested the decom tower from its moorings at the top of the dome, bending to the side as the rivets holding it to the top of the dome popped off succinctly, until the tower completely detached and slowly fell in the one-sixth gravity to nestle itself in Ultima’s cavernous cleavage.  The hose pumping Ultima with energy became lifeless as the detached tower had no power source and slipped loosely with a wet *Pop* from Ultima’s mouth.

“Uuunnngghhhh, SO much pressure” Ultima’s arms stretched out, slightly entangled in her twenty-foot length blonde locks to grab handfuls of her breasts, squeezing them in tune with Benton’s massaging below to heighten her pleasure even more.  A low rumble began to emit from within Ultima’s bloated abdomen, signaling the beginning of the end for her recent unbridled energy binge.  “Ohhh Bentonnnnnnnnn” Ultima’s breathing rasped faster and faster, as Benton picked up the pace below, his five-foot diameter balls *PLAP*ing against Ultima’s rear end and scraping against the domes outer wall as their two bodies vibrated orgasmically.   “Ohhh, it’s happening Benton!! I can’t hold it anymore, I’m gonna BLOW” Ultima’s words were barely intelligible between her raspy moans, mouth open trying desperately to relieve the pressure building in her as her body began massively multiplying the energy stored within her, growing denser, so that even in the one-sixth gravity her body began to press harder against the floor, smooshing Benton beneath eighty feet of tit.  Benton for his part did not let up his assault, understanding Ultima’s warning, and recognizing that the nipples he had been holding shut would be best be released to avoid making Ultima overload. 

If she overloads here, we could lose half the base” Benton thought to himself.  As he released the nipples, both began to bulge outward, flesh mushrooming on top of flesh, Ultima’s “mmmm’s” up above slowly turning into manic “OHHHH” as the nipples resembles rocket engines, vaporized energy leaking from the cavernous two feet diameter gaping holes while more and more energy built at the exit point.  “Good thing she’s facing down” Benton thought as the feeling Ultima’s legs brush his balls penis as her body thrashed about wildly to ride the explosion attempting to find its way out of her. 


“AHHHH CUMMMINNNGNGNG” Ultima roared as simultaneously both nipples tore open like paper, revealing new flesh beneath it as the energy both rapidly healed and tore apart Ultima’s body at the point of exit.  Unable to resist his curiosity, Benton peaked inside her right nipple to witness a spectacular “Russian Nesting Doll” effect of nipple flesh opening up inside, pulsing hot with energy, a bright light deep inside getting larger and larger, then blasting out, hitting Benton face first, burying him into the metal floor beneath, which began to melt under the intense onslaught.  Both nipples fired down into the floor like rocket engines, concussive ripples reverberating through the skin back up to Ultima’s shoulders, who was spread eagled, hands pushing herself up like a mermaid on the beach, back arched viciously, shining eyes rolling back into her head as her body quivered through the first wave of the most intense orgasm she’s ever experienced, oblivious to the cracks forming in the dome where her butt and head were pressing into it.  The elastomeric surface slowly lost its transparency as the structural integrity failed, oxygen spurting out through the cracks.

Warning, depressurazaaatiiooonn, dettecccted” the system droned its final commands out as the locked down room began to vacate oxygen to prevent catastrophic depressurization as the dome wall began to lose shape around the two inhabitants.  Ultima’s body, racked by the-minute-long orgasm went limp, arms and legs resting on the pillowy bosom that was still shaking from the eruption happening on the other end of her.  Slowly Ultima began to rise off the floor, the pressure of energy erupting from her nipples propelling her upward, the energy stored in her now self-sustaining, the dome above her shattering into millions of pieces as she slowly accelerated upward into the vacuum of the moon’s atmosphere.  Benton was pulled along for the ride into space, his head bursting from the molten ground, both hands still grasping the open maw of Ultima’s right nipple, and penis still buried halfway into her body, the hair on his hulk-head singed to a crisp, but otherwise unharmed.  The pair slowly climbed higher, first five hundred feet, than one thousand feet, a dust cloud billowing from where the decom tower room once was, sunlight glinting off the surviving metal floor, with two deep burn craters and little specks of the dome wall that littered the surrounding lunar dust.  The low gravity enabled fast acceleration of the two masses, and Benton could feel Ultima slowly shrinking as the two passed two miles, then three miles in altitude, her body now a more manageable twenty feet high and her rocket-like breasts only forty feet wide.  Two minutes into their flight Ultima finally came to, head raising from her cleavage to look out and see the moon base rapidly shrinking out of sight below her, the maze of tunnels looking like spaghetti dotting the lunar landscape. 

“O-h-h-h-h-h, c-r-aa-p-pp th-i-s c-a-n-’t be g-g-go-od-d-d” Ultima’s voice vibrated in tune with the rumbling of her rocketing nipples.  Ultima’s slowly returning rationality helped her assess the situation “We’re up this high just from the force of me…”

CUMMMING!” Benton roared from beneath Ultima both surprising her and sending another wave of pressure ramming her core, stirring up the fuel tanks in her breasts for one more ride.  Benton tensed up as he orgasmed, slamming the right nipple closed as he thrashed about flooding Ultima’s stomach with energy, which bloated out to almost half the distance of her breasts before the energy got combined with a second orgasm hitting Ultima and riding out through her left nipple. 

“AHHHHHH BENTONNN, let me RELEASE” Ultima begged and pleaded as her right breast swelled obscenely and began to turn read, veins pulsing with energy forming striations spiraling out from her clamped up nipple. 

“UUMMMFFF, NEED TO TURN AROUND” Benton grunted as his body pulsed the last few jolts of energy cum into Ultima.  Slowly Ultima’s erupting left nipple, quickly pivoted the pair around in space so that now Ultima’s back was to the moon with Benton on top.  “You see that?” Benton pointed a sausage sized finger above him, to a faint glow in the void of space above them. 

“Must be a decom satellite trying to end our mile-high party” Ultima said with a smirk.  The light got brighter and brighter as a beam of energy-soaking decom energy bore down on the couple.  Releasing Ultima’s right nipple Benton smirked.

“Well let’s give’em a run for their money” and stuck his fingers into Ultima’s pussy to punctuate the statement. 

“MMmmmmm,” Ultima’s body twitched with the third and final orgasm, both breasts releasing a wide energy blast out to meet the decom energy wave.  The two beams met sending concussive blasts out as the wave fought for dominance, but as Ultima’s orgasm resided the decom beam pushed through, bathing the pair in a bright light that even overcame the sun shining across the horizon.

As the light dissipated the pair could be seen falling back to the moon’s surface, landing fittingly in one of the Montgomery Craters neighboring the base.  The decom satellite refocused and fired again to slowly shrink the two bodies back down to a size small enough for the Lunar UNSF Rovers to carry both subjects back to the Moon Growth Lab for quarantine.


An hour later, Benton was back in his holding cell, sleeping soundly.  Ultima was in the main lab hub getting refitted with a new decom suit.  As she stood on a platform as a machine re-verified her (now slightly larger) measurements, a panel behind her flashed on revealing the face of her commander, Luna Masters. 

“Looks like you had your hands full up there” Luna’s condescension carried clearly through the static of the connection. 

“Please, I just followed your lead boss” Ultima turned her head to give Luna the side-eye as robotic hands attempted to slip new leggings up and around her plump round thighs. 

“Well at least we were successful in isolating a new variant of the growth matrix you created, next time try not to destroy a million dollars’ worth of equipment, I’ll be coming up to test Benton myself” Luna said nonchalantly. 

“You know Luna, Benton said I was his biggest yet” Ultima purred mischievously as she hoisted both breasts in hand as the system continued to try to clothe her. 

“Hmph… doubtful, Luna out” Luna cut off the transmission abruptly leaving Ultima alone with her robotic tailors. 

“Sigh, so much for a normal Monday” Ultima mused as a new chest piece was brought down smushing her breasts painfully together. “Arrgghhh, I can’t have outgrown ANOTHER one!!!” Ultima’s exasperated outburst could be heard across the moon base.  It was going to be a long week.
